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Mar 12, 2025
Just to check - could the setting for the print cell (within the page setup) be at fault here? There is a checkbox option to set or disable 'Autorotate' for how an image inserts itself into a given cell. You then may see an option for Zoom to Fill instead of Zoom to Fit depending on the template used, but that happens subsequent to the Autorotate option.
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‎Mar 12, 2025
12:28 AM
For future syncing, you can set (and change) the storage location in LR Classic Preferences, Lightroom Sync tab, Location section (in my own case, D is a second drive within the computer):
So far as the images already synced, I have no practical experience with changing storage locations of those myself. Lightroom and LR Classic are not the same in a number of ways, and spreading the same images across both systems seems to me like a bad idea or at least some cause for frustration. For example in LR Classic one may have used folders to some extent in one's organisation, and that will not apply in Lightroom. Worse, one may apply keywording in one or the other context - and that does not then seamlessly transfer between. Things should of course be seamless between the desktop app of Lightroom, and the web app of Lightroom, which are two faces of the same system.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 25, 2025
06:10 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 25, 2025
06:10 AM
1 Upvote
The editing History of the image begins with the first image state seen after import completes. By default, Before view will show you this as-imported image state (though Before can be set to show you some different image state instead). Anything applied during import (however that is done) was self-evidently not applied after import. Only edit steps carried out after import show as successive (recallable) image states, and the Catalog can do this only because those edits happened 'on its watch'.
All that said, one can see just the current default processing for a given image (the same as if a particular preset had not been chosen to additionally apply during import) by using Reset. The image remembers its edited state and provided this is your next action you can return straight to that using the History panel.
Alternatively you can make a Virtual Copy of the edited image, Reset all processing on the Virtual Copy, then compare and contrast these two versions side by side.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
06:07 AM
I have for years retained my photos in full colour mode, even when receiving a B&W treatment. I just desaturate all the photo's hues (HSL) with a preset. HSL luminance sliders now serve the same purpose as the B&W mode's 'mixer', but I also still have all the other hue related controls to call on.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
05:36 AM
Most advice you will see concerning ensuring camera profile is the same (as well as that all the adjustment sliders etc are the same) presumes that this is a Raw conversion profile specific to the camera involved.
AFAIK it is not a thing to use such a profile - a camera calibration one - at partial percentage.
But another kind of choice would be an "effect" profile which modifies RGB starting data towards a certain different look. That profile may often be LUT based. In such a case a variable strength will be logical, say right down to 0% strength - which would mean superimposing no such RGB modification at all - or conversely increasing that even past 100%.
That does presume a valid RGB input for the modification though. And if your starting point is sensor Raw, not converted RGB then some sort of (default profiled?) Raw conversion must have also happened along the way. And perhaps this aspect is what is varying behind the scenes? (because of... reasons).
If so that must give varying results - even when post-applied modifications are themselves identical.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
12:01 AM
yes, Sync only appears when you have more than one image selected - because otherwise it will have nothing to do. Sync is a close equivalent for Copy and Paste and uses the exact same working sequence. Sync is a verb.
AutoSync is only available to turn on when more than one image is selected - but is a completely different method than Sync and uses a different working sequence. It then stays active - regardless whether one image or many images are selected - until turned off. When only one image is selected it does nothing; but the moment more images are selected, each new edit that you carry out automatically applies in BULK onto all of those immediately. AutoSync being on, or off, are two different working modes.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 22, 2025
03:53 PM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 22, 2025
03:53 PM
1 Upvote
There is another option. A particular edit action can be directly batch applied onto multiple chosen images, all in one go. This includes when an edit is localised - it should apply 'in the same place' on all the photos, though funny things may happen if some images are portrait and others landscape.
It is (1) a good idea to get familiar with this feature on just a couple of sample images first, also (2) to be very conscious it would be easy to apply lots of unintended edits onto other images that were also highlighted, if one forgot - therefore, it's a good idea to promptly switch this off when not particularly needed.
At bottom of the Develop right side panels are Sync and Reset. There's a little switch next to Sync. Clicking that puts the Develop module into AutoSync mode. This uses a completely different working order and logic than Copy - Paste; or, than Sync (which amounts to the same thing as Copy - Paste IMO).
AutoSync sequence is: activate the mode before making a particular change to active image; this plus all other images currently highlighted receive that specific change (only) instantly,;make your next change; same thing happens instantly, and so on for as long as AutoSync stays active. The only change received by other highlighted images will have been the particular action(s) you did with AutoSync active - all the rest of their processing is left alone.
Copy-Paste (or, very similar, Sync) sequence is: after making desired changes to one image, replicate some or all of its latest processing onto other images as well.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
06:40 AM
It is certain that the virtual copy concerned, and the master copy concerned, are both referring to the exact same file? If so, it should be possible to exchange which one has master version status, and which one has VC status (set copy as master). This switch over should make no difference whatever.
Besides checking that the usual Basic Panel adjustments and underlying profile are the same, also that local corrections are not in place, it may also be worth checking for the same Process Version; also checking if anything's active in the less commonly used adjustment panels such as Grading and Tone Curve.
Can you explain what you meant by "42", for the profile you are having trouble with?
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 20, 2025
01:24 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 20, 2025
01:24 AM
1 Upvote
Just to offer my own experience:
there are many different profiles available (for example, some that mimic various image modes available in a particular camera's menu, primarily to change what the camera JPG looks like). But when you are varying the profile used for processing a Raw, or if this profile is varying what it does, it will take longer and be more complicated to learn what all the Develop adjustments do - to develop your own editing strategies, and understanding. The same is true for relying on Develop presets to achieve different looks: your attention will then be on learning those, but what they are actually doing is maybe mysterious.
What worked for me while learning LrC was to stick with a quite "flat" camera profile - also some fairly neutral and conservative default settings for sharpening and such - and then to explore the myriad pictorial looks possible from there. One then actively makes happen whatever 'enhancement' one wants, rather than reacting passively to different pre-made options. A rapid way to learn. Incidentally one is less likely to fall into formulaic 'recipes': which is more rewarding IMO.
It may seem like more work to carry out, but not really - noting that there is no right or wrong about any of this. If an adaptive profile together with pre-made presets can largely achieve the job at hand, there may be less urgency to learn all the manual adjustments deeply.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
03:17 AM
important to note that this is not really "splitting" the current Catalog, unless / until you've also removed the relevant images from that.
Exporting as Catalog has copied those, not moved those, in other words.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 18, 2025
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 18, 2025
10:28 AM
1 Upvote
open the Basic panel, you should see this menu at its top left - in this example photo it is currently processed using a legacy profile but could be changed to one of the Adaptive options instead. Because choice of underlying profile is fundamental, changing between profiles can mean needing to re-consider any and all adjustments done, in the light of the different picture appearance which these will now be resulting in.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
10:18 AM
You can make a new Catalog that contains only those selected photos. This new Catalog can live wherever you want. The photos will still be seen in the current Catalog too - unless you remove them from that.
The underlying source files (camera Raw, camera JPG, Photoshop edited files etc) that are referenced by this new Catalog can either be the same ones in the same locations that the current Catalog is referencing - so that both would share in using these - or else you can instruct copies of just the relevant files to be made alongside this new Catalog, and those would be the ones it would then reference. Again, whether you instruct this or not, the starting files and folders would all still remain in place regardless - unless and until you deleted those from disk.
In other words you can either selectively and partially copy your Catalog to another disk, or else you can do that and at the same time copy all the relevant source files for the photos involved.
This function is called "Export as Catalog".
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 16, 2025
08:35 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 16, 2025
08:35 AM
1 Upvote
When you "Export as Catalog" you choose a location and name for this new Catalog. Whether relevant files are to be copied here too, or not, is controlled by a checkmark option "Export negative files".
IF checked, a set of subfolders is created alongside the new Catalog, corresponding to the relative arrangement of subfolders seen in the current catalog - and populated with copies of the image files concerned. The new Catalog references these copy files and copy folders. The current Catalog continues to reference all the originals as before.
So the files have been duplicated - with the copies separated out systematically, but the originals still intermixed. Thus, cleaning these images out from the current Catalog - using the same highlighted set that you used for the Export - can include a deletion from disk as well as a removal from the Catalog, and then there is no more duplication.
OR if not checked, the new catalog references (the same) files in the same current folders where the current catalog continues to see them - in other words, both the catalogs share these same files and folders. So in this case one's deletion of the relevant images from the current catalog needs to use the Remove from Catalog option only. For, I hope, obvious reasons.
[FYI: when exporting (say) contents of a single Collection, all of which have been highlighted, the first checkbox may not appear. But when it does, if this is left unchecked, all of the images in the catalog will get included regardless of highlighting or not. So these options are important to verify.]
Also - whenever considering removing images from any Catalog, I would advise ensuring an up to date Catalog backup first. The Export as Catalog process is itself non-destructive so far as the current Catalog and the current locations of all the image files - whether copying files or not - but the cleanup of the current Catalog afterwards does need to involve a lot more care.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 15, 2025
03:55 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 15, 2025
03:55 AM
1 Upvote
Sometimes the adjustment / tool you have active is itself using the arrow keys.
Crop is one example. Whenever the crop boundary has got room to move, you can scroll the image in various directions "underneath" this boundary.
The Ctrl key informs LrC when you want to switch to another image, and not move the current image's crop.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎Feb 14, 2025
07:11 AM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 14, 2025
07:11 AM
1 Upvote
A Lightroom truly 'Pro' offering would IMO allow multi-user use at extra cost - not trim anything off (which costs no more to include, but may cost more overall to leave out). Multi user is nontrivial (understatement) to implement when it comes to a local Catalog. That is AFAIK built off a database engine (SQLite) which is not capable of concurrent changes.
So I would agree: the opportunity for offering different product levels and pricepoints may be there for Lightroom (cloud centric), but not for Lightroom Classic (local centric).
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‎Feb 14, 2025
03:11 AM
Maybe try avoiding this character (#) and see if that makes a difference? It does sit within that grey area between universally OK, and problematic. I would not say the same thing about the accented characters themselves: these are normal and well tested AFAIK.
[Uninformed speculation]: if that (#) character had raised some error while interpreting these image paths, perhaps LrC could be reverting to just a basic character set for safety - and that tighter interpretation might reject any expanded Unicode characters found.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:51 AM
There is a moderation process needed I believe, before an issue will appear formally as a Bug - including checks on reproducibility, and on whether enough technical info has been given. So you may get some follow-up questions first.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
03:02 AM
I guess Adobe is not itself responsible for mapping information, so we must rely on other suppliers for that.
I feel this gets less contentious by remembering that "America" is the name of a continent - within which Mexico, the USA as well as other countries exist - and not itself a nation (grin).
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‎Feb 11, 2025
11:57 PM
What I am seeing is: whenever crop shape retains the same aspect as the original starting image this is reported as "Original" - for example if the camera captured 16:9, then I narrow down on part of the image keeping the shape the same, aspect does not say 16:9 it says Original. If I now choose (say) 3:2 it adjusts the crop shape but still generally narrowed down on the same part of the image. So if I now click Original for aspect it goes back to the entire captured image. But if I click on 16:9 it reverts to how it was just before I clicked on 3:2.
IOW reporting "(same shape as) Original" and asking for "(return to) Original" seem to have different meanings.
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‎Feb 08, 2025
01:36 AM
There is no option provided in the import dialog to use a text file to select images. I think the error text file is purely informational. This might be your only record of having individually checked and unchecked a lot of images to include / omit for import, in which case the only way it could be practically useful AFAIK might be to programmatically find those images and separate them to a dedicated storage location - by writing a script or some such to carry this out (externally to LrC). Then import whatever's in that new location. Or you can refer to the text file to carry out the same separation manually.
I don't fully understand what may have caused the import error - but if some images were successfully imported at an undesired location, while other images failed to come in, the successful imports could need attention also. These would not have been reported as errors.
If the entire import failed then you can simply repeat it with the desired settings.
Perhaps if you can be specific setting out what you wanted to happen - and what did happen - you can get some more specific advice back.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
01:41 AM
Reorganising physical storage from inside the Catalog is all well and good but much more laborious behind the scenes AFAIK. Fine for one or two randomly selected items, since then there is no readdressing to be done for each. But for changing the location of a larger systematic chunk of data, especially when this is manageable via a containing folder: the pragmatic position IMO says: do this outside LR as a copy, readdress in Catalog, tidy up later. Copy is inherently simpler and safer than Move as well as quicker in practice. Delete the unwanted stuff only after the copy is verified complete and data OK.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
11:18 AM
One little wrinkle here: switching to "print" to JPG pauses your ability to access the print driver itself, for freely changing page setup.
As an example: say you want a "borderless" layout output to JPG - but the remembered page layout from when you were set to output to device, involves hardware print limits. You would in that case need to switch temporarily back to outputting to device, select a 'borderless' page option in its print driver, and then switch back to outputting to JPG. But now with expandable margins, so images can go right to the edge.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
12:12 AM
Thanks for update - I do agree camera embedded corrections should be possible to negate (and then substitute) but perhaps Adobe does not have a completely free hand contractually?
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‎Feb 01, 2025
03:50 AM
Two settings apply for user-customised lens profile detection:
On a sample image, you need to select that different lens profile and then save this as 'New (user) Default Profile'
But also: when lens profile selection shows "Auto", images will ignore that. They need to show 'Default' instead.
All that said, some images report no - or at least, non-unique - lens information thus neither Auto nor Default can ever give appropriately varying result per lens. As an example: many older manual lenses report just their 'general class of lens' to Lightroom. My Pentax camera prompts me to manually enter a focal length when mounting a non-recognised lens (for purposes of in-body shake reduction) and this focal length info makes it into the image metadata. So that taken together with the 'general class of lens' info, helps me batch-apply a Develop preset which imposes the appropriate profile as a Manual selection.
The same issue arises when different lens models electronically report the identical lens ID code to the camera. When both are by the same maker this will never happen AFAIK, but it can do otherwise.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
01:32 AM
Your screenshot shows a 'dot' below the Masking button which tells me that you have at least one Mask present on this image. This 'dot' is highlighted in red which shows that some auto-detected Masking needs update.
A Mask is applied which uses (say) a 'Background' auto-selection. This selection is made by looking at the picture content. Then the resulting 'background' area receives your adjustment - let's say, darkening.
Now you do some cloning which modifies what the picture content looks like. The mask you currently have is based on an analysis of the image as it looked before the cloning happened, so there is a potential mismatch between the remembered mask, and the image content as it now looks. This usually looks like a sort of shadowing or patchiness.
There is nothing wrong with the cloning itself: you just need to tell LrC to re-do its AI detection of Background, or Sky, or Subject - in respect of this different looking picture content.
IOW we must choose a working sequence: either [clone] > [mask], or else [mask] > [clone] > [update mask as needed]
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‎Jan 27, 2025
03:49 PM
The interface for this takes some getting used to, being quite unusual. The Save button does not do what one might first suppose: it in effect means "Save As a New Preset" - thus it will not accept any preset name which already exists, since that would not be a new name. Rather a strained logic maybe but that's how it is.
In the example below, " I am editing "new preset" and clicking Save, LrC defaults to trying to create its default name for fresh new presets "Untitled Preset" but a different preset called that is already in place (from a previous occasion), so that particular name is refused for saving. The same would happen if I re-typed "new preset" into the box instead, because that also already exists.
The way to apply changes to a pre-existing preset, while retaining its same name is: not Save, but Update.
[edit: I see you've had this advice already; it should work but if still problematic, I suggest switch to a text based watermark, update preset, switch back to image based watermark and re-browse to the image concerned, then update preset again]
Here I made a change to a different watermark preset called "agency", and then chose the menu option highlighted in this second screenshot, which drops down from the selector titled "agency (edited)".
A similar approach shows up elsewhere in LrC, of updating previously-made presets of other kinds.
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‎Jan 27, 2025
10:37 AM
a similar request has gathered a fair few!
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‎Jan 26, 2025
01:38 AM
"I would actually prefer Adobe deleted this functionality altogether" - pausing Sync, and leaving it paused, seems to be equivalent: if you do not want any local interchanges with cloud going on, you can prevent those and just ignore any Sync status warnings. Remove the Sync arrow against any Collections. One consequence is finding some other way to get new images captured by cloud connected devices (such as cellphones) to become local files, so that they can be imported. If one's new images are all arriving from local card reader (or tethering) anyway that won't be a consideration.
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‎Jan 26, 2025
12:56 AM
A 'Smart Collection' isn't considered a valid source.
One way to think about this is that a Collection is a "thing" - a noun (a defined set of photos), while a Smart Collection is more like a verb: (apply some selection rules and keep doing that from moment to moment).
If you want a Smart Collection which adds a further selection rule to modify those results: Duplicate the first Smart Collection and then add this extra rule to that.
Noting, if your first Smart Collection has "Any of the rules" logic [where each new rule widens the set], and your extra condition needs "All of the rules" logic [where each new rule narrows the set] - you may need to redesign those first rules accordingly within this duplicate.
For example: if current SC's rules are Any of [keywords include "france"] OR [keywords include "italy"] and what you now want is to add the requirement to be 3 stars or over, you might need to set the rules of this new SC as All of [keywords must include "france italy"] AND [stars must be 3 or more] .
The space between those keywords is in effect 'smuggling' some OR behaviour inside the AND requirement.
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‎Jan 25, 2025
04:54 AM
Perhaps use a Color Range selection in a mask and then apply a colour temperature adjustment - add a brushed selection to this mask set to Subtract, and paint out any areas you notice which accidentally include in this Color Range selection, but where you do not want the adjustment.
I like Color Balance as a generally mild and 'believable' tweak, because it applies so progressively and subtly onto varying colours without tending to obscure relative hue distinctions within those.
[Adobe even when localising for the UK where I am from, still uses the US "Color" spelling for its interface, so I do reflect that when discussing the software features - capitalised - but I still maintain the right to spell this word 'colour' otherwise!]
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