Jan 17, 2025
11:25 AM
Two standard answeres 1) reset your preferences 2) reinstall LrC
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Jan 17, 2025
11:23 AM
Before you do anything else, go back to the catalog which the upgrade saved for you (i.e. where those folders are present). And try updating it again. If the same problem occurs DO NOT RE-IMPORT THE PHOTOS as in doing so you will lose work you've done on those photos. If the 2nd attempt did not resolve the problem, come back here for turther advice.
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Dec 25, 2024
10:36 PM
Thanks for letting me know. Did you do the plain export/import or the export/import catalog? I'm trying to keep track of what has worked for various folks. Dan
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Dec 25, 2024
08:36 AM
ADDENDUM, If you want to keep Collection Participaion and edit history, in the above steps "Export As Catalog" (without negative files) and then "Import from another catalog" instead of just a plain Export and Import
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Dec 24, 2024
10:54 PM
This problem is usually caused when one changes the sync catalog, such as going to a backup catalog, and has become more and more common since v13.3 when they changed the sync architecture. I call these "Orphan" images. An ‘orphan’ image is where the image is in LrC and may have the icon showing that it is a synced image, and may appear in the “All Synced Photographs” special collection as well as one or more other synced collections but is not in Lr/Cloud. If you un-sync and then re-sync such an image, the sync status shows that it is syncing but as soon as it is done it is immediatly un-synced, renmoved from the All Synced Photographs special collect and from all other synced collections. One cause of this is when a synced image is present and synced at the time a catalog BU is taken but was subsequently removed from LrC or Lr before the BU was restored. The image then come back into LrC with the restored catalog but it's mate in Lr/Cloud is not there since it had been deleted after the BU was created. This also results in the counts of synced images to be different between LrC and Lr/Cloud. One solution that sometimes works is to - save metadata to disk with LrC - Remove the image from LrC - Re-import the image - Re-sync the image Note: you will lose edit history, you will lose participation in all collecitons, you will lose participation of image in Publish Services. Editing the image, un-syncing and re-syncing do not work with these orphan images.
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Dec 16, 2024
06:24 PM
Long standing problem that has yet to be resolved. It seems to have several presentations but I suspect they all stem from the same root cause. In my case, some percentage of my images can never get to a matched metadata state. If I Read metadata from disk the mismatch icon goes off for a few seconds then comes right back on;. If I Save metadata to disk the same thing happens. Due to this I cannot use the Automatically save metadata to disk option as it will never finish for as soon as it writes the metadata to disk, it detects a mismatach and the same image goes right back into the queue to process.
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Dec 16, 2024
03:24 PM
You may find that your original Collections are no longer synced and the new one's in the "From Lightroom" collection set are the ones that are synced. You may also find that the synced ones under "From Lightroom" contain SP's (Smart Previews) for the images that had been imported into LrC and synced to the cloud. These SP's should be up to date except for Keywords and they will be missing all the LrC edit history. The images in your original collections will have all their edit history but, as I said are probably no longer synced. Where the new duplicates are SP's from the cloud, they will be in a folder (I think it's called something like 'previews-from-lightroom') which is a subfolder under whatever folder you have set in preferences as the desitination for images downloaded form Lr/Cloud. These SP's will not have physical image files on disk, but that subfolder will be created on disk. In the case where Lr./Cloud had full size original images, you now have two copies of those images in LrC and on Disk. The new ones from Lr/Cloud will be in the folder specified in preferences for Lightroom downloads. If all of the above is the case, AND you don't mind having SP's (Smart Previews) in the cloud in place of any full size originals you may have had there before, then here's how I'd get back to normal. If you want to keep full size originals in the cloud it's more complicated so don't follow these steps if that's the case. Verify that all the new collections have original collections with the same images (the original collections will point to images in their correct folder locations, the new duplicates will point to images in the designated Lighroom download folder) Un-sync ALL those new collections under "From Lightroom" - DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP For each now unsynced duplicate collection select all the images, right click on one and click on "go to collection". Assure that they are not in any of your original collections. With them still selected go to the "All Synced Photographs" special collecton and remove them. Go back to the un-synced duplicate collection and "remove" all the ones that are SP's and delete the ones that are full size originals after assuring that you have the same images in one of your regular folders as well. Now re-sync your original collection. That should get you back where you were. However, also be aware that changes you made in either Lr or LrC after you had created the backup you restored may have special issues - especially if you had deleted or removed images from either Lr or LrC afte the backup was created that now came back to LrC with the restore. Some of these will never-ever synce again. These will casue mismathes where the image is now present in LrC but is not in the cloud and can't be synced with the cloud. It's way too complicated for a forum post (I'm working on a blog article on this very topic but still have some work to do on it). When done it will be posted in under the "Artcles and Blogs" menu.
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Oct 14, 2024
06:34 PM
1 Upvote
I wholehartedly agree but would like one additional checkbox in your proposal: "rename folder to match catalog name". I would also go one step further and have a suggested new catalog name preloaded in the new name text box that strips off all old version numbers (and -2-2-2's) from current catalog name and appends "v-14.0" (or whatever the current release number is) but allows you to over type it if desired. When I first read about the forced backup and it's location I was immediatly in your camp about not liking being forced to do it and where it is placed. But as I thought about it more and have played with it, I now actually think it is a good design. I'm OK with a foreced backup but If it is an option it should be the default. I'm also OK having it placed as it does. The reason is this. This is not a regular back up that should shoe horn in with the set of normal BU's you may or may not take when exiting LrC. You would probably already have taken one of those before you upgraded anyway. This is more of a "quick fallback" (if needed) idea. Having it right next to the updated version makes it easy to find if needed and and makes it pretty obvious that it was the one that was updated without having to scrollthrough a long list of regular backups trying to figure out which was the last one before you upgraded.
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Oct 13, 2024
04:53 PM
You have "Auto Sync" turned on in the Develop module. Look at the bottom of the right panel group and you'll see that the left button is labeled "Auto Sync" and the button has a light background rather than the normal darker gray background. That's your warning. click that button to toggle the mode back to applying edits to just the selected image. It took us several years of complaining to Adobe to at least get this much 'warning' which is light years better than what we had before which was nothing to alert you. I would have preferred a flashing red button but it seems that a fair number of users who voiced an opinion keep that mode turned on all the time and are just careful with their image selection in the film strip and didn't want an annoying button constantly flashing at them. BTW the Library module has similar "apply to all or just one" features which are a bit different but you asked about the develop module.
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Oct 12, 2024
11:46 AM
@JohanElzenga siad > You can obviously not remove a photo from the cloud, but not from a synced collection! Synced = Cloud. If you mean that you want to remove them from the cloud but keep them in a particular (currently synced) collection, then what you must do is unsync that collection in Lightroom Classic. And when Lightroom Classic asks you if you also want to remove them from 'All Synced Photographs', then answer positively. To Delete an image from Lr/Cloud you must remove it from the "All Photos" list (not just from albums). Removing an image from the “All Photos” list will also remove it from all Lr/Cloud albums it is in. It will remove it from the LrC “All Synced Photographs” Special collection as well as all synced collections in LrC. However, in LrC it will remain in its folder, on disk and in any non synced collections it had been in. It will also be removed from any Public/shared web pages it was on. It will not affect the image in Portfolio. If the OP is asking to remove an image from the cloud but leave it in "All synced photos" and any synced albums it may be in, that is a terrible idea. It's like saying that when I look at my checking account activity on my phone I want it to show me different transactions than if I look at the same thing on my tablet. The "All Synced Photos" is by definition a list of what is in the cloud (albeit bugs and swapping the sync catalog easily screw this up). An image is either syncing or it is not. If you want to keep track of what has been syncing but is not now syncing, create a new un-synced collection which is a copy of the "All Synced photos" at a point in time or make an un-synced copy of a synced collection before you unsync it. But going back to the original post in this thread, if you convert Lr/Cloud original images into Smart Previews they no longer count against your paid storage but will still be synced and show up in the "All synced photos" and synced albums. There is a process you can go through to achieve this which is described in this article
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Sep 30, 2024
05:58 PM
Historically, the "add" mode was not available when the source was a memory card as Adobe considered it as a "too volitile" place for LrC to consider a good storage location for images. However, recently I've seen cases where "add" was not greyed out when the user selected a memory card. In most cases the OS or the use of some card readers, fool the OS into treating the SD card as if it were an external disk drive and thereby also fooling LrC into keeping the "add" mode button active. Of course this could also be a case where something changed in the import dialog code that we didn't notice. If the OS is presenting the card to LrC as if it were a disk drive, I'm not sure what adobe can do about that but even if they could detect when this was occuring, the better choice (IMHO) would be to disable the "add" mode when the source is an SD card either masquerading as a disk drive or known as a SD card
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Sep 30, 2024
05:46 PM
Hard to tell. I've seen this when the user first copied the images from the memory card to the SSD and then Imported them from the memeory card using the move or copy options.l I've seen this when the user imported the images using LrC. Then went to a backup catalog and did it again. I've seen this when the user dragged images into the folder using Finder or File Explorer Take a few more shots on an empty memory card and try it again to see if you get the same results. If you don't than I'd chalk it up to some "oops" thing you did. If it is repeatable, then send excact and specific steps you used.
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Aug 12, 2024
12:44 PM
@JohanElzenga Said, "I think Adobe has decided not to do this, because no matter how you try to implement it, it won't work with hierarchical keywords on one end (Lightroom Classic) and flat keywords (Lightroom) on the other end. Using hierarchical keywords means you can have the same keyword in different hierarchies. Flat keywords means you cannot have two identical keywords, so synching these will create problems one way or another. Yes, this has been requested for many years, but the problem remains the same after all those years. This has nothing to do with being unwilling to give long-term, loyal, paying subscribers what they asked for" I agree that Adobe has decided not to do this, but I don't think it is correct that it can't be done. I've posted variations of one idea on how to do this several times, but here it is again for new readers...... PROPOSED WAY TO SYNC KEYWORDS BETWEEN LR/CLASSIC AND LR/CLOUD Even keeping the constraint that LR Classic uses hierarchical KW's and LR Cloud uses a linear (flat) KW structure, this problem can be solved. There are, of course, some technical aspects but the main rationale I've heard so far for not doing this is the logical problem of how to map a hierarchical structure to a linear structure. One solution is to convert LR Cloud to a hierarchical structure but putting that aside, here is one possible solution to that problem: 1) In LR Classic, Adobe can add check boxes in the create/edit keyword dialog for "Sync this KW with LR Cloud" "Sync Containing KW's with LR Cloud" "Sync Synonyms with LR Cloud (would become regular KW's in LR Cloud)” 2) . In LR Classic, whenever you mark a Keyword to Sync (as suggested above), it checks to assure that another keyword with the same name but under a different parent – or no parent - is not also marked to Sync. If it finds one it would deny the request with a message. For example if I am trying to sync KW “Red” under KW “Flowers” and it finds that I already synced KW “Red” under “Cars” the request would be rejected. In our example, if one wanted both occurrences of "red" to sync, the user would need to rename one or both of them (e.g. Red-Flower and Red-Car). 3) In addition, Parent keywords in LR/Classic can also sync into the flat LR/Cloud structure where using “Sync Containing Keywords” option uses the same logic that is used today with export. Of course those synced parent keywords would no longer be parents in LR/.Cloud but would also be in the flat structure. 4) If an image in LR Classic loses a keyword or these tick's get changed, the changes on effected images can sync to LR Cloud. This may include adding or removing KW’s in LR Cloud or attaching/detaching keywords from images in LR Cloud 5) If a user defined KW is added to an image in LR Cloud it could map to either no KW in LR Classic or at most one "ticked" KW in LR Classic. In the former case, LR Classic would create the new KW at the root level of the Hierarchy with "Sync this KW with LR Cloud" ticked. In the later case there could be only 1 ticked LR Classic Keyword (or synonym) with that name that would be affected. Of course there are plenty of corner cases and details that would need to be addressed, but I worked for Adobe for several years and have a very high regard for the quality of the engineers there to solve this problem if management would just ask them to do it. THIS CAN BE DONE if there is a will to do so and the more people who "vote" for having KW's sync between the ecosystems, the more it will push Adobe to re-consider this. .
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Aug 09, 2024
08:06 PM
There are tools that can find visually similar images. One such plugin is Excire but your email seems to be more focused on metadata which takes us back to @richardplondon 'a comment. Some tools can be used to find "similar" for example, if you have an image you can use a date metadata filter and just choose x days before or after the target date. You than then narrow it down by adding other filters such as camer make, model or serial number. Similarly you can use a aperture filter and select a range of apertures. So, it really comes back to what exactly you are trying to do.
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Aug 04, 2024
10:40 PM
There are other reports similar to yours but with differences. The common thread in my opinion is not that the images swapped collections but rather the collection names got swapped. In order to allow simple renaming of collections/albums, the primary key in the database is not the collection/album name but rather in internal ID (usually just number). These internal ID's (which we never see) are what the SW uses to identify the colleciton or album. There is then usually a different table in the database that for each internal ID has the current name of that Collection/Album among other things. I believe that in your case and others I've seen either then names or the ID's got swapped.
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Aug 04, 2024
11:12 AM
Have a bunch of Synced collections. When I unsync one, not only does it stop syncing that collection it adds a duplicagte with a "-2" on the collection name but containing no images. Starting conditions 1) in LR/Cloud (and LrC) have albums in Folders as well as not in folders 2) In this case in LR there is an album "LRM: USA-CA-Southern" in a folder which contains only SP's (Smart Previews). In addition there is an album, not in a folder with the same name also containing SP's. It go this way when the system decided that my synced catalog was a different one than it thought it was and re-downloaded EVERYTHING from LR/Cloud (basically SP's) to LrC and replicated the same Folder names as new collections in LrC. So, in LrC the Collections containing my original LrC images were still showing in thier respective Collection Sets but were all now unsynced and new redundant collecfitons containing SP's only (missing image file) from LR/Cloud were not in collection sets. I then synced the one in the Colleciton set (the one contianing the master images). Steps 1) Unsync the collection outside of the collection set. This is the collection that was downloaded from LR when it lost track of the sync catalog and has ONLY SP's (no oiriginal files) 2) Clicked the "synced" icon and accepted the "do you want to unsync this collection" pop up dialog 3) I now right clicked on the collection and selected "Delete". At this point, a new collection appeared with the same name but with a "-2" appended to the end. Before I could take a screen shot, the original one which I had deleted dissappeard (as it should) leaving only the empty 2nd one I have had to do this process for (so far) a couple of dozen collections and this happens in about half the cases.
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Aug 03, 2024
05:19 PM
Yep - Me too. Due to temporarily switching to a different Adobe ID to do some testing, when I was done and switched back the sync process decided that my production catalog had never been synced before and brought everything down to LrC from LR creating duplicate entries in the LrC catalog and duplicate collections from the Albums and added tons of very old and abandoned KW's I used a long time ago (probably when the images were first synced as Smart Previews to LR. In order to untangle the mess (still a work in process) I had to re-sync my previously synced collections and unsync/delete the ones containing only the Smart Previews from LR. In the process the album/collection names got hooked to different albums/collections. For example the Scotland images were in a collections for Spain and the Spain images were in album/colleciton named Ireland and the Ireland photos were in the Scotland album/colleciton. The image counts were correct for each of these but the name was wrong. Looks like the internal ID numbers got attached to wrong collections/albums. Along the way, many times I wound up with collections/albums with "-2" appended to the incorrect names which may be a clue to Adobe as to what went wrong. Fortunatly I had a keyword Hierarchy mimicing my collection structure so I could verify what should be where.
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Aug 03, 2024
12:53 PM
Please see my feature request and upvote it if you agree. Also adding a comment to the request helps raise its profile at Adobe.
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Jul 31, 2024
11:44 AM
Another easier trick is to create a regular collection with nothing in it. Then with whatever folder or folders you have selected <ctrl>+click (win) or <Cmd>+click (mac) this empty collection so that it is also selected. This will then ignore stacking for images in the grid and filmstrip so your filter will then find those images buried in stacks. De-select the empty collection to go back to what you had before (images buried in collapsed stack are not shown). You can see a full write up of this as here (solution #3).
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Jul 24, 2024
12:12 PM
The behavior of "Sync another catalog" has dramatically changed recently (not sure when, but perhaps when the new sync architecture was introduced) and the new bavior has 4 major problems - I hope these are not "as designed" features. My observations and testing of this was done on July 22 and July 23, 2024 using Window/10 with LrC 13.3.1 and LR 7.4.1 This information is related to syncing a new catalog. It does not apply to changing the sync catalog to one that is a copy, backup or an upgrade of the currently synced catalog. Rather it applies to changing the sync catalog to a catalog, or copies of a catalog, that did not get its start from the currently synced catalog and this includes the scenario of creating a new catalog and then importing to it from the currently synced catalog. 1) All images from LR/Cloud are added to the LrC catalog and are placed in the Xfer Folder in the LrC Folders Panel (this the folder designated in the "Lightroom Sync" tab of the "Preferences" dialog) whether or not the image was already in the LrC catalog 2) All images in LR/Cloud that were only Smart Previews are down loaded to LrC as Smart Previews. As such they are shown in LrC with a status of "Smart Preview where the image file is missing" as there was no actaul image to be placed in the Xfer folder. This is the case even if the Xfer folder had an original full size copy of the image known to LrC prior to the sync process. In other words, the reset of the sync catlog process caused the full size physical image file on disk to be physically deleted. So, where the LrC catalog had a perfectly fine, non missing original file in the same folder where new LR/Cloud image will go which had previously been synced with LR/Cloud (placing a Smart Preview in LR/Cloud), L:rC now has only a Smart Preview with a missing image file listed in LrC and the phisical image file on disk was secretly deleted bythe process. If you have a copy of that deleted physical file saved someplace (like in a backup) and re-place it in the Xfer folder, then LrC will see it and it will no longer be considered missing. 3) Where there had been edits done in both LR and LRC, the ones from LR supersede and negate those done in LrC. The history steps for the LrC edits remain in the History Panel but nothing below the “imported from LR Mobil” entry added by syncing the new catalog is applied to the image. In other words ONLY the edits done in LR/Cloud are on the image and none of the edits done in LrC are applied to the image. In the past, a VC was created for the images from LR. 4) Where LrC already had the original image in the catalog but not in the Xfer Folder, the sync process ignores the previous image and adds a duplicate image to the catalog and to disk. So, now you have the one originally known to LrC with LrC edits in one folder and a second version from LR/Cloud with the LR/Cloud edits in another folder. These two images are not connected in LrC in any way. . PDF containing full description of testing and results can be found here
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Jul 18, 2024
09:10 AM
Can you provide a screen shot that clearly shows the "!" icon as there are several different ones, with different meanings that may contain an "!" and it will help us address your concerns if we know specifically which one you are referring to. Also if you clcik on it you should get a pop up dialog which has additional information about the meaning of that particular icon, Include a screen shot of that as well.
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Jul 15, 2024
08:46 AM
Very Odd. Two things come to mind. 1) Once we enter the realm of "Well, that's really weird", the 'go to' suggestion is to reset your preferences file. Also see: To do so, hold down Alt and Shift (Windows) / Opt and Shift (Mac) while opening Lightroom and it’ll ask whether to reset the preferences. The timing is crucial—hold them down while clicking/double-clicking on the app/shortcut. Note - this will put all your preferences back to the Adobe Defualt settings so you'll have to reset them to your desired values afterward, The preferences file includes last used settings, view options, FTP settings for uploading web galleries, some plug-in settings, etc. In case it doesn't fix your problem, you may want to make a copy of your preferences file first, so you can put it back and not have to re enter your desired changes. Alternatively, you can reset the preferences manually. Moving or renaming the preferences file, rather than deleting it, means that you can put it back if it doesn’t solve the problem, to save you manually recreating your preferences again. See link provided above 2) You may have a stuck key on your keyboard. Make sure that all the key are not stuck in their pressed postion or try a different keyboard if you have one. You can also go into a text editor and verify that all the keys are working properly although verifying the Alt, Cmd, and Ctrl keys may be tricky.
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Jul 13, 2024
11:06 AM
Seeing as how you do not automatically save XMP to disk files, it is expected that the metadata in the catalog will diverge from that stored in/with the images on disk. This usually manifests itself with a slightly different icon which indicates that there is a mismatch but which gives you the same two options. In your case though the warning message indicates the some metadata was changed in the LrC catalog and some was changed on/in the disk files by something else. This is based on date/time stamps rather than an actual analysis of data values and those values indicated something like, a) the DTS (date time stamp) of the metadata last gotten from the disk file into LrC is earlier than the current DTS on disk meaning something changed the DTS on the disk file since it was last brought into LrC. b) Some metadata was also changed by LrC in the catalog. So, LrC has no idea of what specific information was changed in each place - only that somethjing was changed in both. As you indicate that you don't use any outside programs and that you are not trying to keep the data current on disk, my reccomendation is to just ignore the warning Icon and get on with your business. In other words, trust that the LrC Catalog has the most accurate metadata and don't worry about what's in the metadata on disk.
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Jul 13, 2024
09:00 AM
Frist let's get the obvious out of the way. Do you use any image management or image processing tools other than LrC such as Topaz, Photoshop, Photo Mechanic or any others? Do you sync any images with the Adobe Cloud and if so do you ever do anything in Adobe Cloud on those images? Do you have the your catalog settings set to automatically write XMP to disk files?
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Jul 10, 2024
02:01 PM
If you have a misisng folder in LrC and you relink it, it will relink that folder AS WELL AS all the subfolders and images nested under that common parent. This is contrary to your post so there must be something else at play that has yet to be divulged. A second point is to figure out why folders are going missing in the first place. LrC does not "forget" where they were. Rather in alomost every case something outside of LrC changed resulting in the pointers inside of LrC to no longer valid. So, in addition to GoudldinD's quesitons, are you on Windows or a Mac?
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Jul 05, 2024
03:56 PM
@ja6121503said - Current LRC functionality uses XMPs to capture RAW edit-settings that can be used later to reappy edits to a RAW original. That same functionality is needed for any file format LRC supports. I''m not clear on how your proposal is any different than "save metadata to files" which functions on all supported file types. The only difference is that the XMP data is saved inside non proprietry RAW files rather than being saved in a seperate XMP file. Are you wanting to create a "Point in time" file with the XMP data that would not be overwritten later on if more edits were made?
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Jul 02, 2024
01:46 PM
1 Upvote
Don't waste time on cosmetics that are not needed. The UI is just fine and seems quite adaptable to incorporating new functions and features. I would be very unhappy with a "slimmed down" "clean" UI as that usually makes it harder to find and use features and functions requiring more navigation and many more clicks to get something down. We don't need a race to to lowest common denominator.
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Jun 29, 2024
11:28 AM
Whoa! Your characterazion of "aspect ratio" is faulty. Aspect ratio's have nothing to do with measurements like inches or centimeters. It's a "ratio", not a "Measurement". I hsve no idea why you feel the need to go to photo shop to get your desired croppiong. I assume you goal is to crop so that a an image could be cropped to allow it to exactly fit on a, say, 15" x 20" piece of paper when printed. Just use the 3x4 crop ratio. But let's say you want 7.5" x 13". Juct make a crop ratio that is 75 x 130. Eventual printed inches don't matter when cropping as that is determined when exporting or printing. If you want the exact number of pixels needed to fill a print of, say 15" x 20" (the the print driver doesn't have to figure it out), once it is cropped to that aspect ratio, in the export dialog you can specify the inches along with a PPI (say 300 for a printer that prints 300 DPI) and LrC will figure out the number of pixels in each direction needed for that paper size and printer. Here's an article on this topic that I posted to my website earler this month that you may find useful.
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Jun 29, 2024
09:14 AM
A long time feature request that is still waiting. It has been suggested that a preference be added to automatically autosync metadata changes to images in collapsed stack or not/ Another feature request is to all the use of a modifier key (ctrl, alt, cmd, shift, opt, etc) while making the change to apply it to the buried images. Neither of these feature requests as been adopted by Adobe. One sort of work around is to create an empty regular collection. If you then add that "empty" collecton to whatever folder(s) you have selected (ctrl/cmd click on it), the gird/filmstrip will show all images - stacked or not - and you can just select the the full stack. Not as good as those feature requests, but does skirt having to keep expanidng and collapsing stacks.
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Jun 27, 2024
12:40 PM
So, you want a personalized version containing only Lib and Dev? Then do I get one with Lib, Dev, Map, and Print? But my buddy should then have one with Lib, Dev, and Map but not print?
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