‎Feb 07, 2024
12:42 PM
1 Upvote
@MyerPj It just was on a production hdd G Raid. It did this though no matter where the MXFs lived. @Dami297397685n0k Hmm, that is odd. I'm not sure what could be going on for your issue. Thankfully for me, the permanant fix was permissions. I haven't had a problem since. Glad you found a temp fix -- it's horribly frustrating not being able to properly edit with supported media.
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‎Feb 03, 2024
05:10 AM
1 Upvote
Solution that worked for me: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-bugs/premiere-pro-build-85-cannot-run-mxf-raw-files/idc-p/14390088#M20611
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‎Jan 30, 2024
12:23 PM
1 Upvote
@MyerPj Thanks so much MyerPj for checking! I just got off the phone with Adobe support and it looks like it was a permissions problem. He changed those and now everything is working perfectly. I explained everything in the post above to hopefully help others who have posted prior to mine with this same issue.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
12:21 PM
1 Upvote
@mattchristensen Thanks so much for getting in touch. I actually found a solution to my problem through Adobe technical support and have posted the solve below. It was confimred from support our concerns were true and he witnessed them, these concerns being that all MXF files were locking up Premiere. However the solution was permissions. From tech support: "This email is in reference to the case regarding the "Adobe Premiere Pro MXF file import issue" As confirmed on our call today the issue has been resolved by granting permissions to Adobe folders individually from file explorer during our call or you can go with the Run as Administrator option." All of my Adobe folders for some reason were "read only" or some permissions were not set to "allow". This was causing issues with all MXF files of all codecs within Premiere. I'm not sure why this didn't matter for any other wrapper, but I'm so glad it's fixed since I'm curretnly on a job with all arri MXF files. Thanks for following up. I hope this post can be marked as "solved" and provide remedy for others who have posted on this board for the same issue.
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‎Jan 30, 2024
11:32 AM
@mattchristensen Any update on this?
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‎Jan 28, 2024
07:16 AM
1 Upvote
@jstrawn This is also happening to me. I'm running Windows 11 Pro on a 4090 with the latest studio drivers. I beleive the main problem is in a Windows environment, when undocking the program monitor for it to take up the secondary monitor, it takes the secondary program monitor as a non main window. Meaning I don't even have the option to maximize the window for full screen with the maximize button. This is serperate from having it recognize it as an output monitor where it takes up the whole monitor space without being able to adjust sizing or rotatin within the program moitor. There is also a problem that has been reported here multiple times that MXFs (regardless of codec) cannot be imported within Premiere Pro unless it is done through the Media Browser (which has not been fixed). Again Windows 11 Pro latest studio drivers and on a 4090. Something is causing issues between nvidia drivers and Premiere possibly. Source post: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-bugs/premiere-pro-23-2-crashes-when-importing-loading-mxf-files-case-nvidia-and-windows-11-solution/idi-p/13595844
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‎Jan 27, 2024
03:12 PM
To be more specific, the problem being: Importing an MXF file with any codec causes a crash via drag and drop from windows explored or file import It only works through media browser. Uninstalling or installing GeForce experience does not work or change anything. Importing mxf in AE works fine. It's only premiere pro. I'm using a 4090 on Windows 11 pro. 13900k. Latest studio driver: 551.23
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‎Jan 27, 2024
03:07 PM
1 Upvote
This is still an issue without a word from adobe. I'm having the same problem on a 4090.
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‎Dec 20, 2023
09:01 AM
@mattchristensen Hey there Matt, Were you able to test this with arri sample footage from their website or any mxf file? I cannot upload my footage for contract reasons. Also, please note that it looks like people reporting this problem are using Windows 11 pro. Could that be part of the issue? Also I see we all are using NVIDIA gpus. Maybe it's a driver issue? Please let me know. Thanks so much!
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‎Dec 18, 2023
09:55 AM
Lastly, here is a link to the Adobe forum post having this same issue that I found (without a resolution): forum post
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‎Dec 18, 2023
09:54 AM
Thank you so much for getting in touch Matt! I did a lot of research and tests during the weekend since this is causing a hang up at our post house. Here is what I found to help answer your questions: 1. All MXF file types either crash or hang Premiere Pro if the following is happening: - A MXF (of any codec) is drag and dropped from Windows Explorer into Premiere Pro. - If an old project used the drag and drop method from Windows Explorer of importing MXF files, opening it up again will hang and freeze Premiere Pro leading to a crash. Basically a bricked project (this happened to be luckily on a test project). - A MXF (of any codec) is showing within the "Create a new Project" Screen section where you can choose items to start a project. Premiere will just hang, freeze, and crash. - If you open a Premiere Pro project (with MXF files) from the desktop or anywhere else on the computer it will hang and freeze/crash. In order for it to work and only work you have to open it after you startup Premiere and go to File -> Open... This is the only way I have gotten projects to open with MXF files already in it that were imported via Media Browser. 2. Premiere Pro will not crash or freeze if you use Media Browser to drag and drop a MXF (of any codec) into Premiere Pro. 3. Premiere Pro will not crash if you use Media Browser and open it with File -> Open.. Once Premiere is running. I cannot upload my MXF files because they are under NDA etc. However you can use any MXF file. I also tested this with the Arri sample footage on their website and it happens. I also contacted them about this and they are looking into it. Here are my specs: Windows 11 Pro Version 23H2 Processor 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900KF 3.00 GHz RAM 64.0 GB GPU Nvidia RTX 4090 Running the latest Premiere Pro (tested this on all current versions and the problem persits) Also, there has been issues of this with other Adobe Premiere Windows users. Please keep us updated on this serious issue! Thank you so much Matt!!
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‎Dec 16, 2023
01:56 PM
UPDATE: I have tried using MXF Raw files on the following programs and they all work just fine: Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Rush, Davinci Resolve, Avid Media Composer. The only programs having issues with MXF files is Premiere Pro and Media Encoder. Please help if you have a moment. Thank you!!
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‎Dec 16, 2023
09:37 AM
Hi there, I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out an issue with working with raw MXF files in Premiere Pro. I'm working on Windows 11 with Nvidia RTX 4090. For some reason whenever I import raw MXF files from any camera, it hangs up premiere and immedietly crashes the program. I uninstalled GeForce experience, and it still happens. These MXF files run just fine in Avid or Switch Player. As well as in After Effects (latest build). So something is going on with Premiere. I'm wondering if this is an issue with the 4090? Has anyone else had this problem? The MXF files import and play fine in Premiere on my mac. It's just on my PC. Thanks so much.
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