Guy Burns
Guy Burns
‎Jan 14, 2025
08:57 PM
And there's a shortcut for it! Never used Quickmask, but I will now.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
05:54 PM
When a previously-saved selection is on screen and I rotate the image, the selection disappears. I can get it back by loading the selection, but I'm hoping I can skip that step and have the selection rotate with the image. Is this possible?
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‎Jan 14, 2025
08:13 AM
Thanks for all the input, everyone. Looks like that Vector Motion thing is the way to go, but I haven't got that. I have solved the problem though, with help from people here and on the Physics forum. In case anyone ever comes this way looking for the maths behind this stuff, here are my notes. To re-align an image with itself when the Anchor Point is changed Let the original location be at (PX1, PY1, S, R, AX1, PY1) New location is at (PX2, PY2, S, R, AX2, PY2) To re-align the image, set these values: PX2 = PX1 + (AX2 - AX1) • S/100 PY2 = PY1 + (AY2 - AY1) • S/100 To align two images so that they move together under Motion Call the images Background and Fred. Background is going to zoom and pan. Fred, a layer that has the same dimensions as Background, has been scaled and moved, and is going to be anchored to Background during transformations. Both images need to have their Anchor Point set at a common point. For example, if Fred’s foot is touching the ground, the point of contact with the ground will be the common Anchor Point. Call this point Foot for both Background and Fred. 1. Select Background in the timeline and click on Effect Controls > Motion. A bullseye will appear in the centre of the screen. 2. Note the Anchor parameters (AX1, AY1) 3. Adjust the Anchor parameters to move Foot to the Bullseye. 4. Note the new Anchor parameters (AX2, AY2) 5. Re-align Background by entering new Position parameters: PX2 = PX1 + (AX2 - AX1) • S/100 PY2 = PY1 + (AY2 - AY1) • S/100 6. For the layer Fred, click on Motion to set up the bullseye. 7. Adjust the Anchor parameters to move Foot to the Bullseye. 8. Set the Position parameters for Fred to the same as those for Background. Background and Fred should now be aligned, anchored to Fred’s foot.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
04:55 AM
1 Upvote
I've just put your script through its paces on a test file, and it works. Placed at the end of my Actions that crop and save to other formats, it causes PS to revert to the Tiff file at the head of the "Recent Files" list. Now I'll put it through some real life tests over the coming weeks. Instead of my previous method of… saving as Tiff LZW running the Action re-opening the Tiff saving as Tiff Zip… I can now Save As when the Action finishes, and choose Tiff Zip. Ques: Is there any way to automate that last step, the save as Tiff Zip? – but in a way that does not lock up PS.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
03:32 AM
In all my Actions, under the "Save" step it says: as: JPEG in: A-Data:Slide Temp: With Copy I'll try the script and see how it goes. I can alter my workflow to only work on one file at a time – I think.
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‎Jan 13, 2025
08:52 PM
I only just saw your reply. I wasn't notified by email, or the email went to spam. I entered the script into Apple Script, but I'm not allowed to Save, Run, or Compile it (see attachment). I know very little about scripting, but if it can be fixed, let me know and I'll try it. Over the next 18 months I expect to run the Actions several thousand times, so the script would be a great help. A Concern One thing I'm concerned about is the "opening the most recent file" thing. My wording was unclear. I may have several files open in PS, and the one I'm actually about to run the Action on, may not be the most recent file that I opened. The Action has to re-open the same file that it started on. To reword my original post: I want to generate new Actions that, right at the end (after the jpg or whatever has been saved), that the same Tiff file I was just working on (and that I just saved) is automatically opened again, saved as Tiff > Zip, and closed. i.e. it runs in the background, while I go inside Premiere to look at the result. Another concern Thinking more about this, what I want may not be desirable in an Action because I'll be locked out of doing anything else in PS while the file is re-saved as Tiff > Zip. That could take a minute. Me smarter than computer! How come this flash computer I've got, can't automatically do what I can easily do manually: Save the file as Tiff > LZW (takes seconds) Run the Action (takes seconds) Re-open the file (takes me seconds to look through the "Recent Files" list and find it) Save as Tiff > Zip (takes the computer a minute). But I'm free to do anything else – work on another PS file or jump into Premiere. Anyway, if you can think of a method, please respond.
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‎Jan 12, 2025
08:01 PM
I agree with that "bizarrely" statement about Anchor Points. They went stupid on one occasion, positive, negative, all over the place when I moved them by dragging. Thinking about this problem a lot more, I think transforming the background while trying to keep Aunt Leila and Gil fixed on the ground, would have to be manually constructed with multiple keyframes. One person at a time can be done by two keyframes at the start and end of the transformation, but not both persons at the same time, with just two keyframes each. I may have to put up with some "jitter" in one of them, as it quickly moves off-frame during the tranformation. But I still want to know the mathematics behind some of this. Here is my post in the Physics forum, about the mathematical aspects of re-aligning an image when the Anchor Point is changed. It's probably a very simple equation, but I can't work it out. Why all this? The attached show what this is all about. Move 1 is the original painting. It will appear on screen first up as Move 2 (Aunt Leila's farm). Young Gil, in 1964, turns up on his bike (Move 3)… sees Fred trying to get his car started (Move 4)… and then kicking his car when it won't start (Move 5). A true story. And I want to bring it to life as a small part of an AV about old Freddie, who was a local identity here in Devonport, Tas.
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‎Jan 12, 2025
04:33 PM
I think this problem cannot be solved with the info I have provided. Anchor points have to be specified, both for the background and Aunt Leila, specifically the location of her foot on the ground so she stays in place. I've done it manually, but it was time consuming because there's a second person that I also want to remain in place relative to the background. And I haven't been able to do that yet. I'll take this problem to the Physics Forum, in case I ever have to do it again. I'll be asking (with a lot more explanation than what follows): given an image in the Program Window that has six parameters (Position X, Position Y, Scale Rotation, Anchor X, Anchor Y), and I then change the Anchor Point, what values of Position X and Position Y do I have to enter so the image in the Program Window appears unchanged? If I receive an answer, I'll post the equation here.
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‎Jan 10, 2025
02:31 AM
1 Upvote
An artist friend has painted a scene that I want to use in my next audio-visual. It has several layers in Photoshop, and was painted so that I can move and scale the objects on the different layers to suit my needs. I have imported the image into Premiere as a layered PSD, put those layers on separate Premiere layers, and away I go. I can make this person larger or smaller (closer or more distant), put that vehicle over there and so on, but I also want to pan and zoom. However, if I pan away from a person, I want that person to appear as if they were locked to the underlying background. Let me put some numbers to this problem. Background Layer The background comes in as 5171 x 2909 pixels, but is used in a 1080P timeline. It fills the screen if Motion has these settings (960, 540, 37.2): 1080/2909 = 37.2. I want to pan and zoom the background to (1736, 104, 67.2). I've panned left and zoomed in. Aunt Leila Layer I've placed Aunt Leila above the background at (904, 324, 100). The artist painted her small, but I want to make her larger and put her closer to the camera. She's in the foreground now. Question How do I transform Aunt Leila's parameters, so that she stays in the same relative position on the background when I zoom and pan? To use numbers again: When background goes from (960, 540, 37.2) to (1736, 104, 67.2) I want Aunt Leila to go from (904, 324, 100) to (X, Y, S). How do I calculate X, Y and S? I think S is easy to calculate: 67.2/37.2 x 100 = 180.6. But X and Y?
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‎Apr 09, 2024
08:36 AM
AE is too complicated for my liking, and I rarely have to use it anyway. But I need to make use of it now, and some questions have popped up. Ques 1 In general, do effects applied to clips/nests in Premiere, travel with those clips to AE when replaced with an AE Composition? Or in all cases, is it just the clips that arrives in AE? Ques 2 If I have interpreted clips in Premiere as Upper Field First, will that information travel to AE? Ques 3 What about "De-interlace" when applied to clips in a Premiere timeline? Does that info come through?
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‎Apr 09, 2024
05:45 AM
Thanks for the reply, Richard, but there are dropped frames. It took me quite a while to find them by comparing the original capture with the version inside Premiere, one frame at a time, slowly stepping through. Very difficult to detect when you're only looking for one every second. I'm used to seeing half a dozen every second when going from NTSC to 23.976. So it's turned out that theory and practice match in this case.
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‎Apr 08, 2024
10:11 PM
Normally I can see dropped frames easily, such as when importing a 30fps clip into a 23.976 timeline. But I can't see dropped frames in the latest clip dumped into the timeline, but that clip is different – it's 25 fps. I've looked and looked but no dropped frames. I want to understand why. Here is the background. I'll work in frame units not time units. I captured a PAL VHS tape into ProRes 422HQ. The capture shows up in Premiere's Project window as Progressive, but Premiere is wrong. It's actually interlaced, Upper Field first. So I intrepret the clip as Upper Field First and place it in the timeline. Looks beautiful. No interlace artifacts. If I don't interpret, I can see the interlacing. So let's say it's interlaced. In the Project window, Premiere reports the 25fps clip as 46640 frames. In the 23.976 timeline, Premiere says the clip is 44729 frames. The frame ratio (44729/46640) is exactly the same as the fps ratio (23.976/25). All is good so far. 1911 frames have been dropped. The problem is – I can't see those dropped frames, and I don't like it when my understanding of what should be happening, differs from what is actually happening. Ques What could explain the lack of visible dropped frames? Is Premiere doing some fancy blending of the interlacing? If anyone would like to play aroung with a 5-second extract from the clip, I can upload it. Maybe you can work out why Premiere reports that clip as Progressive and why the dropped frames are not obvious.
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‎Apr 08, 2024
09:50 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks, Neil, for the suggestion. No need for any more responses for the moment, as I think this is more of an AE question, so I'll post over there.
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‎Apr 07, 2024
10:29 PM
I don't have a good understanding of what happens when I replace a clip, or a Nest, in a Premiere timeline with an After Effects composition, so here goes with some questions. I have chosen to use Sharpening as an example, but my questions are directed to any effects applied to a clip or Nest in Premiere. Ques 1 – Effects baked in? Effects that I apply to the clip in Premiere, are they baked in when replaced by the AE composition? i.e. in AE, I will see the result of, say, sharpening that I applied in Premiere, but I won't be able to alter that sharpening in AE itself because the effect has not been imported along with the clip. Ques 2 – or are effects ignored? If effects are not baked in, does AE ignore any effects applied in Premiere, and just imports the bare clip? Ques 3 After replacement by an AE Comp, is it possible to alter the effect settings that I had originally applied in Premiere? i.e. if I have applied sharpening before replacement, and then I decide to alter the amount of sharpening, is that possible? Or has the clip really been 100% replaced and there is no going back? Ques 4 It seems to me, not fully understanding how replacement works, that if I want to be able to revert the replacement of clips on a Premiere timeline, or if I want to alter effect settings that I had applied in Premiere, then I should do this: Arrange the clips on the timeline as required, and apply effects to individual clips (if required) Nest those clips, and if required, apply more effects to the Nest Replace with an AE composition, and apply effects as required. Then, if I want to change any of the effect settings that were applied inside Premiere, I… delete the AE replacement in Premiere Select the Nest and alter effects applied to the Nest as a whole Or if I want to go further back, I open the Nest and alter effect settings for individual clips. Then, if I really have to go back to AE, I replace the Nest with an AE Composition. This question comes about because in my version of Premiere, there is no Hue/Saturation effect, and I really need to use that effect to desaturate just the reds in certain clips. Final question is Hue/Saturation available in later versions of Premiere? Not another effect that can approximate it, but the actual effect that is available in AE and Photoshop.
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‎Mar 02, 2024
06:22 AM
Macs, running under OSX 10.9.5 and 10.6.8. I have a few capture devices and VideoGlide software. Also a PC borrowed from a friend, but I'd rather use Mac.
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‎Mar 02, 2024
02:32 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions. Time now to get serious about the capture equipment. No show without that.
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‎Mar 01, 2024
07:09 PM
Hi again Neil, Thanks for the response. Now for some more technical aspects. Frame Rates I'm pretty sure I can't capture at anything other than PAL or NTSC frame rates. I'm using good-quality consumer grade devices (final capture device not yet decided), but even if they did offer frame-rate conversion I wouldn't use it. So, these captures are pure PAL and NTSC. The tapes date mostly from the late 1980s through to 2002, and will be a mixture of film-based source material, video as source, and whatever TV stations were using in that era to capture news. The plan is to have three different results: Version 1. The unedited raw captures in ProRes 422HQ will be heading to the Tasmanian State archives (if they want them), on a hard drive. Version 2. Edited versions of these files (full-length; colour and contrast corrected; cropped; and minor adjustments) will end up on a Blu-ray as separate timelines, probably around 8mbps. i.e. no mixing of sources and frame rates, just the pure NTSC or PAL captures, but prettied up. But maybe I'll just put them on a USB stick at a higher bit rate. Version 3. Another version, shown publically from a blu-ray folder (my Oppo player can play folders; saves me burning disks), will consist of the best of the above, coming from a mixture of sources, encoded in 2-pass at 20-35mbps. Version 2 - separate timelines for PAL and NTSC You've recommended 1920 x 1080 at 24fps. For version 2, why is that the best option? Most of the original source material was not film, but video, so I'd be degrading the videos by pull down and speed alterations if I choose a 24fps timeline. I think my only decision to make is -- do I use the 1440-wide, or the 1920-wide interlaced options, at 25 or 29.76 fps, simply because there are no "P" options at those frame rates. Two questions 1440 or 1920 for 4:3 source material? Blu-ray disk or USB stick? Version 3 I want to edit NTSC and PAL in the same timeline for this version, but what frame rate do I choose? The video that is most dramatic was captured on film, live before an audience, and then sent to NTSC tape. To preserve that at the best quality, I should choose progressive at 23.976 fps, so that if interlace and pulldown is removed succesfully in Premiere, I've replicated the original film source. For the PAL material on the same timeline, I'd interpret that at 23.976. The result will be that each particular video has a longer runtime (slowed down), but no frames are dropped. Or I could leave the PAL material at 25 fps, and frames would be dropped. The runtime is now correct, but there is a frame-jump every second. What's less obvious to an audience: slowing down the entire video, or dropping frames? Interpreting PAL at 23.976 or at 25.00?
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‎Feb 29, 2024
08:34 AM
Hi Neil, Aren't you the fella somewhere in the UK, who was inhabiting the Encore forum about 10 years ago? Answering some of my questions about the Star Trek Blu-ray, and lots of other questions? I can't go back and check, because Dumbo Adobe removed the forum. Compatibility This project will end up on burnt Blu-rays, so compatibility is not an issue, I hope. Background The project is about Hans Vonk, the conductor. He died in 2004, and his wife, Jessie, lives nearby here in Tasmania. She started up the Hans Vonk Music House in his memory (you'll see the photo I took in that Wikipedia article). Late last year Jessie gave me all the VHS tapes she and Hans had accumulated. There are several documentaries that were aired on German TV, home movies, TV new stories, recordings of concerts, TV interviews in St Louis when they lived there, and one or two tapes that are probably the only ones in existence. Their neighbour in St Louis was some sort of TV personality, and did an interview with Hans and Jessie, that I suspect was never produced. It was a one-camera affair, with the personality asking questions off camera. Then Jessie and Hans departed, and the personality faced the camera and asked all the questions that he'd already asked. They would have mixed the two takes together later, for a finished product. But I doubt it was ever finished. Most of the material is unlikely to ever see the light of day again. Here's the response from one of the documentary makers: Hallo Guy Burns, I am very sorry, I cannot help you, at that time we did not produce digitally and I have no copy of the film. Toooo long ago.... You could contact WDR [Westdeutscher Rundfunk] and ask there, if they have the film in their archives and could sell you a copy. Best wishes Annette v. Wangenheim Source Material PAL and NTSC tapes, some original, others professional, the rest are home movies and copies of TV broadcasts provided to Hans by TV stations. It's the 20th anniversary of Han's death this August, and once I've digitised all the tapes, Jessie and I are planning on a public showing of edited excerpts in memory of Hans. For instance, there's a wonderful tape of Han's first performance with a particular orchestra. He introduces the concert, explaining why he chose Beethoven's Ninth. It's wonderful stuff if you're into Hans Vonk. He was asked about popular music during one interview. He was quite dismissive, and was then asked: "What about the Beatles, then?" "Oh, that's different. That's art". He's a minor conductor internationally, but a bit of a hero locally to anyone interested in classical music. Digitising So I'm digitising the tapes. What a pain. What a lousy technology in terms of image quality. But they contain history, 7-8 hours of history. At a planned 8mbps, H.264, I'm hoping it all fits on one disk, with little loss of quality. Most of the SD extras on the Blu-ray movies I have, seem to be encoded under that figure. Then I'll use Encore to build a Blu-ray and give copies to people who are interested. A few locals (maybe), one or two for Jessie, a copy for the archives in Hobart (and separately on a hard drive, in ProRes 422HQ format), at least one to a musician who worked with Hans in St Louis, and one to a biographer in Germany. An edited version of the Blu-ray, maybe 60-90 minutes, will be shown locally once or twice. Captures, Timelines, Exports I've never exported to anything other than 1080P. All this 480i and 576i stuff is new to me, so I want to make sure I end up with the least degradation of the source material. That begins with the way I capture the tapes, and then the way I set up the timelines and exports. Any suggestions on how to digitise VHS tapes? I've accumulated a thousand dollars worth of equipment so far, more to come, but there may be a better way rather than trying to do it at home.
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‎Feb 29, 2024
07:05 AM
This is a new problem for me, as I've never exported from Premiere in anything but H.264, 1080P. The final product of my next project will be a Blu-ray, sourced from a dozen VHS tapes – PAL and NTSC. Each tape will have a separate timeline on the Blu-ray; a separate box on the menu screen to click on. When I tried to do a test export from Premiere to blu-ray format, I was surprised at the limitations, mainly due to my own biases. I don't like interlacing, and I assumed I'd be able to export PAL and NTSC as progressive. But no, here are the only options Premiere offers… 720 × 480i @ 29.97 fps 720 × 576i @ 25 fps 1440 × 1080i @ 29.97 fps 1440 × 1080i @ 25 fps Before I start editing these videos in their separate timelines, I want to be sure I have the best outcome on disk. VHS, I realize, is shocking quality, and there's not much that can improve it, but I'm still aiming for the best. Of the two options below, which would be preferable? Choose a 720 x 576 timeline (or 720 x 480), and therefore I don't need to upscale. Export to "MPEG-2 Blu-ray" format, and rely on the Blu-ray player to upscale and project at 1080P. Or choose a 1440 x 1080 timeline and upscale the videos in Premiere to fit the screen. I'd probably choose an upscale factor of exactly two, resulting in 1152P for PAL, and 960P for NTSC. Then export to "H.264 Blu-ray" format, with no upscaling required by the Blu-ray player. MPEG-2, from what I've read, requires about double the bit rate as H.264 for a similar-quality image. So, do I choose PAL/NTSC timelines, but double the bit rate of the export, taking up space on the disk; or do I choose 1080 timelines, upscale the videos by a factor of two, but export at half the bit-rate? Well, maybe not half, but 60-70%. I want to fit all these videos on one single-layer disk, and there might be 7-8 hours in total, thus my concern about bit rates. Tests I did years ago on a number of images, showed that doubling the size of a tiff image, and saving as max-quality jpg, didn't quadruple the jpg file-size, it went up by the smaller factor of ~2.5 on average. I assume H.264 behaves in a similar fashion. Any comments most appreciated. I want to nail the workflow, before I set up the first timeline.
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‎Feb 25, 2024
02:51 AM
I was confused about "horizontal resolution", and now I'm confused about interlacing. The attached file (from the same video as the stills above), clearly shows interlacing in QT7, VLC and Premiere. However: When I import it into Premiere, it comes up as "P", not interlaced. In the timeline, the interlacing is clearly visible. If I select Field Options > Always deinterlace, the interlacing is still there. But if I render or export, the interlacing disappears. QT7 Pro does not report interlacing for this file, and neither does Media Info (maybe they never do). I'm wondering about two things: How do you determine if a file is interlaced? Maybe there's a bug with my CS6. If someone is interested and has the time: does this file report as "P" in a more recent Premiere?
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‎Feb 24, 2024
05:06 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, but I must apologise for posting this question. I'm still learning about VCR captures and made a big mistake. I was confusing horizontal resolution with vertical resolution. I thought the specs of the VCR player, meant there were ~200 horizontal lines, but Horizontal Resolution actual means what it says: there are ~200 vertical lines across the screen. These are upscaled during capture to 720 to meet the DVD standard of 720 x 576. The vertical resolution (the number of horizontal lines) is 576, meaning that interlacing artifacts, born of moving letters, will be clearly shown. They would not be visible, of course, if the vertical resolution was only 200. Anyway, below is my explanation of what the two captures show, both taken with professional level gear, an AJA unit, similar to this one, which is selling for more than $1000 second hand. The software used was AJA VTR Xchange, exporting to ProRes. My observations below are the result of several hours spent with a knowledgeable friend, comparing all 40 captures, taken with a variety of equipment and software. All captures are progressive (720 x 576), but the source is PAL interlaced. Video 9a shows a rolling credit. Because the letters are moving upwards, the letters, when originally scanned and interlaced, had interlacing artifacts – they have been stretched vertically. These artifacts are baked into the VHS tape. Video 11a does not show this interlacing. It was captured using different version of the software, software that was able to succesfully remove the interlacing on the fly, during the capture. None of the other 39 captures were able to do that. A superb result, and to me, a surprising result. Those AJA people have gone to a lot of bother to achieve that. Again, thanks for the suggestions. I've learned a lot in the last day or so about VHS captures.
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‎Feb 23, 2024
03:19 AM
1 Upvote
I'm using Premiere to compare captures from VHS tapes. A friend with a whole heap of capture equipment and software, has generated 40 captures of the opening spiel from a professional VHS tape (we assumed it would be a good place to start our investigation), using different capture techniques, so that we can judge which is the method that gives the best results when we capture our own tapes.
The captures have been layered and aligned so that I can immediately compare any two by turning the layer visibility on and off. Two such captures are Video 9 and Video 11 .
But something came up straight away that I can't explain. I have uploaded 6 screen shots taken from Premiere. See attachments.
Video 9a, of rolling credits, shows horizontal lines through the letters, whereas Video 11a does not. Such lines are not visible at other points of the captures.
I have posted about this on a VCR forum, where it was suggested that the lines are interlacing. I'm not convinced, so I'd like a second opinion.
1. Assuming everything was functioning properly, I would have thought that that particular film frame, Video 9a, coming out of Hollywood, would be top quality and have purely white letters; that there should be no interlacing in the letters when that frame was scanned, and then interlaced for transmission (or recording to tape). 2. Further, given that the resolution of VHS tapes has something like 200 lines vertically, how is it possible to capture, and later on view in Premiere, fine horizontal lines such as in Video 9a, lines that correspond to 576 PAL lines? The source is ~200P, but I can see lines at 576P – but only in the letters.
I want to try to understand why those horizontal lines are present.
Any suggestions most appreciated
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‎Sep 09, 2023
07:57 AM
1 Upvote
I can call a halt to this thread. The OKI website has two distinct download for the printer drivers: a package for everything; and separate downloads. I had chosen the package, but after all the experimenting above, I removed the printer and drivers and started again, installing just the Postscript printer driver and none of the other options. Blacks are now black, and as sharp as my HP1200L. Other colour problems have been corrected as well. So, it may have been the printer driver. But, more likely, it was the default use of AirPrint, imposed by Apple, which has less features than the proper Print Driver. To fix this problem: After installing, remove the OKI Printer from the list of printers under Printers & Scanners. Use the "-" sign. Click on the "+"sign to add a printer and the OKI should appear. Under the Use option, select OKI C834 PS (instead of AirPrint). A new panel will appear and the printer will turn on automatically while the new printer driver is set up.
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‎Sep 09, 2023
01:23 AM
Thanks, Willi, for the feedback. Colour management in InDesign is not the problem. For some reason, the OKI printer in combination with OSX 10.15, works as it should with: Text Edit files (created and printed in OSX 10.15) PDFs out of Text Edit and then through Preview (created and printed in OSX 10.15) iText Express files (created in OSX 10.9, printed in OSX 10.15) iText Express files, output as PDF (both created in OSX 10.9, printed in OSX 10.15) But the text in PDFs out of InDesign does not print as it should. Some intereaction between my OSX 15, Preview and the OKI print drivers, is causing PDFs coming out of InDesign to mishandle text – the blacks are CMYK and the edges are jagged. I doubt there is a solution, other then OKI updating their print drivers. But if someone has some suggestions, please come forward. But I've already been through virtually every possible combination of colour management and output format from InDesign.
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‎Sep 08, 2023
08:26 PM
1 Upvote
I've spent about a dozen hours trying to fix this problem, exporting to PDF, EPS, PNG, Postscript, using a variety of settings (several PDF/X, all the Compatabilities, with or without profiles), but no luck. In the past year I printed two books on a Fuji-Xerox Versant 3100i, with my usual PDF export settings; all was fine. A few months ago I purchased a colour laser printer for home use, and the problems started. No changes to OSX or Adobe CS in the meanwhile. Here's my system: iMac 2013 (my iMac #1, running OSX 10.9 and Adobe CS6) iMac 2013 (my iMac #2, running OSX 10.15, no Adobe CS6) HP 5200L mono laser (from iMac#1) OKI C834 colour laser (from iMac #2) So, two separate print systems. Here's the problem: When I use Text Edit on iMac #2 to create a simple test document and print from Text Edit, the text is black. When I convert that document to PDF (call it "XXX") via Mac's Preview , the text is black. When I create a similar document in InDesign on iMac #1, export to PDF in 20-30 different ways (call them "YYY"), and then print on iMac #2, the text is CMYK. I came to the conclusion that the two PDF containers (XXX and YYY) are somehow different, and that's what's causing the problem. So I tried a workaround. I opened XXX in Acrobat on iMac #1, appended YYY, saved as ZZZ, and printed on iMac #2 as grayscale (a setting in the printer). The text for YYY is now black, but it is jagged and has holes in it. See attachment called Test Scans. So, changing the "container" for my InDesign PDF improved matters, but the print quality is still not up to scratch. Attached are ZZZ, YYY, ZZZ, and Test Scans from the printouts. Any suggestions as to where this problem lies? Why is "container" XXX good and YYY poor? Why does YYY change when it is appended to XXX? P.S. The HP5200L, even though it is 20 years old, gives sharper text than the new OKI C834. So much for print progress!
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‎Jul 19, 2023
03:30 AM
Thanks Steve, solved.
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‎Jul 18, 2023
09:08 PM
Two questions. I have a 48k Multitrack file from which I want to generate a CD Layout, but it won't let me, even though the CD markers are there. I have to export to 44.1k format, then do the CD layout. Ques 1: Is that because you can't do a CD Layout from a Multitrack recording, or because it was in 48k? Ques 2: Can a Quicktime file (or other universal audio file) have tracks like a CD, so you can jump straight to a particular track? As well as the CD, I'd like to have just a computer file I can distribute, but tracks are important.
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‎Jul 10, 2023
01:12 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. I spent a couple of hours with Shutter Encoder, which not only can rewrap, but it can also merge files into one big file. Worked well. With my Oppo, when I tested fast forward and then reverse (imagining during a presentation, that something has gone haywire, and I have to find the 'haywire' spot), the Oppo went stupid, jumping all over the place. On the other hand, my el-cheapo LG player handled forward/reverse perfectly – but if I jumped to next chapter on the remote, it jumped to the next video file on the USB stick. Looks like as long as I don't have to move about within the video, Shutter Encoder might prove useful. Then I came across MakeMKV. Very nice. I could drag the BDMV folder onto the interface, select a destination, press Make MKV, and away it went. Amazing. Even more impressive, was the fact that my Oppo could now pick up the chapter breaks. I could jump between chapters with the Oppo, but not with the LG player. Ques: the 28GB MKV file looks like one file to me. How does the Oppo blu-ray player know there are chapters inside?
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‎Jul 08, 2023
10:52 PM
This is not really a Premiere question, more a Encore question, but that forum no longer exists so I'll try here. Background I present audio-visuals in local venues of Tasmanian wilderness areas. The video chapters are exported from Premiere as Blu-ray files, assembled in Encore, built to a Blu-ray folder on a USB stick, and presented to an audience from that blu-ray folder using an Oppo blu-ray player. The Oppo is a rare beast – it can play video from a Blu-ray folder on USB. I do not trust computers to present a show. Too many things can go wrong. I only trust a dedicated device – a Blu-ray player, which has the professional-looking niceties of Opening titles, End Titles, and so on. Problem The problem is Murphy's Law, so I have backups of everything when I show publicly. Yes everything, including a spare projector. And I had to call on it once, 20 minutes before show time. I also take a spare blu-ray player – but it can't play blu-ray folders from USB. And Oppo projectors are no longer made. So, I burn the blu-ray folder to disk, just in case the Oppo or the USB stick pack it in. Problem – my latest show occupies 28GB, too big to fit on a 25GB disk. And I don't trust dual-layer home-burnt disks. An idea My initial idea was to extract the m2ts files from the blu-ray folder, concatenate them using tsMuxer, copy to USB stick, and play the resulting 28GB file on my spare blu-ray player. However, tsMuxer has a problem – the longer the concatenated file is, the more out of sync the sound is. Questions Are there any dedicated video devices, other than Oppo, that can play from blu-ray folder on USB? Any suggestions as to how I can concatenate m2ts files without re-encoding? I definitely want to use the m2ts files from the blu-ray folder, and not have to export from Premiere in a different format. The m2ts's are already tested and working fine.
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‎May 07, 2023
08:13 PM
I have an black and white aerial photo taken in 1971 during the mapping of Tasmania. It's a very large file 16000 x 15000 shot on a 7x7 inch negative. In Premiere, I pan and zoom on the image, and when I export to H.264 it fails every time. But exporting to ProRes works. I need the export to be in H.264, so I'm going to import the ProRes into Premiere and export as H.264. Normally I use 2-pass, but I'm thinking: Is that a waste of time when the source is ProRes?
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