New Here
New Here
‎Apr 29, 2015
06:45 AM
Just some quick notes: 1) GetterDemo is based on a demo program in the PS SDK. I haven't updated it to reflect any changes for several years. There may be more interesting tidbits that can be pulled from newer revs that I am not aware of. I'll take a look when the next major PS rev is dropped. 2) Starting with CC or CC2014, a lot more information was getting dumped by GetterDemo, probably from the Application Descriptor tree. I had to modify GetterDemo to save the data to an XML file because otherwise it would blowup when I tried to stuff it into a static or edit text widget. There is apparently an undocumented limit in there that I was breaking. I'm not sure if the current xtools.zip file has the most recent rev, but the link that kugelis provided should be the most recent version. 3) http://ps-scripts.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ps-scripts/xtools/xlib/PSConstants.js may help getting your head around some of the terminology. 4) I've been doing this since PS7 and know this stuff about as well as anybody outside of Adobe. They actually made some minor changes to the AM docs based on my input but it is still far from complete. Random people still drop out pieces AM code with magic numbers in it that I have no clue where they found them, probably something from the SDK code. In other words, the is no canonical source for info on AM programming. 5) My best advice is to study ScriptingListener output and to search for pre-existing posts or code examples. There is a lot of stuff in xtools as well as posts here and at ps-scripts.com to look at. But, honestly, it will not be an easy road. 6) Realize that there are some things that cannot be done either through the DOM or AM code. Unfortunately not everything is plugged into the automation framework so there are limitations as to what can be done via JavaScript.
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