‎Feb 28, 2025
07:51 AM
As a visually impaired person, when everything is thrown together into a big jumbled mess, it's very difficult to distinguish what is what. With that said, the grid on the iPad for Lightroom mobile has no separation between photos, and it's extremely difficult to distinguish one photo from another.
I've been searching for the last two days and cannot figure out a way to change the grid on the iPad mobile from the mosaic tile grid that's default to a more square grid with thicker separation lines at minimum.
This is what it looks like now:
This is what I need. The screenshots from the desktop version, everywhere else from Lightroom to Lightroom classic even Lightroom online, all give me an option to change the grid, but I cannot figure out how to do it on the iPad.
I just need some definition between the photos, and it has to be without the overlay mosaics. Each photo has to occupy the same amount of space, if that makes any sense.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
09:48 AM
My master catalog has over 200,000 images dating back to film scans from 1990s. I have since duplicated the catalog and removed all images older than five years old. The new catalog has been cleaned up, and previews are working much faster. The new cat synced with mobile devices and Lr just fone - as expected. But every time I want to open the old catalog and look for a past photo, it wants to sync with all the new photos. I do immediately hit PAUSE, but sometimes, it still tries to sync. I need this older archive catalog to permanently stop syncing when I open it. Thoughts?
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‎Apr 25, 2024
08:45 AM
It's simple and efficient, really. As mentioned, the lower 3rd is a. MP4 - so using a subsequence means I can use that MP4 in any project w/o having to recreate it time in AE. Now that I have the MP4, all I do is create a separate stand-alone sequence, add whatever "text" I want, and I am done. It's ready to use in any project. It's no different from, say, an Intro video that gets reused in each video. Well, it's a little different, actually, in that it gets reused MANY times in a single video. If I have to recreate it each time, there is no way to get the new text loaded exactly in the same place or the animation to be exact as the rest. It winds up looking like a kindergartner built to the project! Now - previously, a COPY would follow the "edit one update all" behavior however, the DUPLICATE has always created an Independent version of the item being copied, and when edited, it only updated itself. And if you search Adobe Docs, that's how it's documented. However, sometime late last year, a Duplicate started behaving exactly like a Copy and I don't know why. Adobe has notoriously "changed" how things behave w/o clear documentation. So my reasoning thought is, there's no reason to have a COPY and a DUPLICATE do the exact same thing, so that means I'm missing something somewhere, and I can't figure out what, and I can't figure out how to get what I need done so that I can get these seven client projects completed and out the door. As usual, Adobe support has been completely useless. These "support" people with a scripted screen, and when they get stumped, they just want to jump onto your computer and try to figure it out themselves, which usually results in time wasted, which is time I can't bill for. Besides, I don't want some stranger poking around on my computer "tyring" stuff!
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‎Apr 24, 2024
05:18 AM
How is it that nobody knows how to copy and paste a sequence that has the new text built into it without the text replicating across each pasted sequence? Adobe can't be so stupid that they forgot that this needs to be done?
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‎Apr 24, 2024
05:16 AM
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‎Apr 16, 2024
04:24 PM
Yes, that is part of what I already did. Warm regards, Chris Sgaraglino
[Personal information removed by moderator.]
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‎Apr 16, 2024
11:50 AM
Ok, I am really getting pissed here. I am two hours into this, and I still can't figure out the issue! Before answering, please read the full post and what I have already tried! I use Lower 3rds Motion Graphics to add contextual information to a specific clip. I build a sequence with the After Effects Graphic, then I add a logo, maybe some fixed text, a web address, and finally, the contextual information. I add in motion so it all interacts together (see below). The fixed text, web address, and contextual information are all added via Adobe's new-ish Text tool and individually this works great. The problem comes when I try to reuse the nested sequence (copy or duplicate) somewhere else on the timeline. Anytime I do, when I edit the contextual information, every other instance updates! With the Legacy Text, this was not an issue because the "text" was an individual "thing" in the Project Panel. Here is what I have tried: Copy and Past the nested sequence Duplicate the nested sequence Select and Option+Drag the nested sequence Copy and Past the nested contextual information layer in the nested sequence Rename the first imported sequence and import a second copy/instance. I duplicated the sequence and changed the test, and ALL instances in both master sequences changed. Created a new sequence in the master, copied the lower 3rd layers into the new sequence, and when I changed the text, all instances changed. Every result leads to every contextual information layer changing. Re-creating these from scratch is a preposterous suggestion, as I may have upwards of 20 of these in each instructional video. I must be missing something somewhere; it seems it would be a very common procedure with videos using nested sequences.
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‎Jun 14, 2023
10:43 AM
For years adobe, illustrator has been opening XML files in a variety of different macOS is. But I've had just about enough. This is getting worse and it's getting very, very disruptive to my daily flow. Yes, I have set XML files to be open with Dreamweaver by default. Two problems happened either as soon as there's a reboot, it switches back to Adobe Illustrator two it shows Dreamweaver as the program to open but the default tag is still stuck on the Illustrator application see photo below. I work with dream Weaver and XML files every single day 9 to 5 and Adobe illustrator keeps taking over 5,6,7, and sometimes 10 15 times a day it's got to stop I don't know what else to do. I'm about to uninstall the Adobe software if I can't get this fixed ASAP.
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‎Mar 10, 2023
09:01 AM
I searched EVERYWHERE in the settings and didn't find it - I never thought to look there! Thank you!
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‎Mar 10, 2023
08:52 AM
Ok, I am SOOOOO done with the recent change to selecting and dragging layers with the move tool.
Previously, if I selected a layer or multiple layers and then used the move tool to click (anywhere) & drag them to a new position, they would ACTUALLY be what "moved."
With the recent changes, if I select a layer or multiple layers and use the move tool to click & drag them to a new position, whatever I clicked on the canvas actually moves instead! This is the way it has been for 20+ years!
Seriously, how do I set this back?
I tried, really tried, but I need to set this process BACK to how it used to be - I am wasting so much time and screwing up too many placements t [removed by moderator], and then I bail on the project.
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‎Apr 28, 2022
11:33 AM
I have, and just for Grins, I did it again - no issues?
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‎Apr 27, 2022
04:31 PM
Sorry! macOS Monterey and is fully up to date. Thinking back, that's about the time I noticed the file folders missing.
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‎Apr 27, 2022
03:07 PM
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‎Apr 27, 2022
03:07 PM
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‎Apr 27, 2022
09:57 AM
Oh, yea - this was a couple of weeks ago. I am just now at a point that's it's become a issue. I have just been using the Finder to get my files, but it's a real pain in the ....
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‎Apr 27, 2022
08:42 AM
After the last update, ALL my Hard Drive folders disappeared from the Files Tab except, Library and System? All the other Hard Dive expand just fine, it's only my main Hard Drive - and yes all the files are actually there.
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‎Mar 23, 2022
01:21 PM
Not to sidetrack this thread, but I and many others are NOT seeing "Fit Screen" on open, but the image opes at 100%. This is a massive PITA for photos! This Fit to Screen is really supposed to be the option; how do I reset that option? FYI: I have gone through the Preferences and con not find anything there - at least not that is obvious.
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‎Mar 23, 2022
01:12 PM
Anyone have an updated solution, and the current vedrsion states: You cannot record the painting and toning tools, tool options, View commands, and Window commands. However, you can insert many non-recordable commands into an action using the Insert Menu Item command.
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‎Oct 26, 2021
02:43 PM
How do I turn off the Start Up Logo Screen - see attachment?  
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‎Mar 23, 2021
05:38 PM
Ok, guys, I found a solution! I took a longshot and dropped a photo in the root folder and imported that one photo and everything came back!
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‎Mar 23, 2021
05:30 PM
So I did everything but the restore, and it didn't work.
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‎Mar 23, 2021
05:29 PM
It is, you can see in the attachement.
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‎Mar 23, 2021
12:51 PM
Ok, this is a weird one! The update to LR Classic was yesterday. Today, I load the Catalog, and two of the three drives are showing their Folder structure, but my main Volume is not displaying a Folder Tree - but the photos ARE in the catalog?
How do I get the Folder tree back?
{Moved from Lightroom Cloud to Lightroom Classic Forum by Moderator}
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‎Mar 20, 2021
05:40 PM
I am very surprised that no one has chimed in? You guys are usually super quick to voice opinions and setting up hardware!
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‎Mar 20, 2021
07:17 AM
What I currently have is an iMac with a Fusion Drive, A 8TB External Drive for all my photography and a 8TB External Drive for all my videography. Both are USB3 and I believe they are WD 5,400 rpm RED NAS drives. Currently, Premiere is on the Fusion Drive I keep the actual project files (I'm working on) on the same Fusion Drive Additional video files are on the Video Drive All my Scratch Settings are pointing to the Photo Drive The Photo Drive is the least used drive while I am editing. Today I received an External 512GB SSD drive and I am wondering of the 4 different elements, what would be the best configuration?
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‎Sep 04, 2020
10:13 AM
Same here! Another example of Lazy Programming by Adobe - just ignoring the Mac!
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‎Jul 17, 2020
01:19 PM
What is the simplest way to convert 4k GoPro clips shot at 60fps to 30fps? My friend's laptop is struggling to play the 60fps footage but has no problem with 30fps and he shot his whole vacation at 60fps by mistake. A total of 76 clips. I told him I would convert it on my desktop if I can. I have the full Adobe Suite if that helps?
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‎Jul 16, 2020
05:47 AM
I have always managed my own CF servers, but over the past couple of years we have moved from CF to WP (not my choice) and we now only have our project management app that I created running on the servers. We would like to move off these servers as there is a not going on (network/hardware) wise that does not justify the expense or time. It's a very simple app running on CF9, and I am looking for a company that hosts CF apps, very similar to what a managed WordPress hosting company would provide. I don't need access to the server or configuration, just the ability to host the site and database and have FTP access to the root dir for updates and changes. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
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‎Jun 12, 2019
09:58 AM
dj_paige wrote 3. Set the monitor to a resolution of 1920x1080 and restart the computer. So this suggestion got me to thinking. While my main Mac is a 27" 5k Retina screen, my Thunderbolt Display is not - actually it is exactly 1/2 the resolution. I simply dragged LR from left to right and started my brush-work there and noticed a significant improvement in the lag/delay I was getting with the 5k. While it's sad that Adobe is lagging in the resolution department, at least for now I have a little reprieve.
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‎Jun 11, 2019
02:58 PM
I am and have for a couple of years the same exact issues on my mac. I have created a simple video that shows the performance issues. I also show my LR & Mac Specs. This video is editing a simple RAW file with some basic color/light updates. The more spot removals, masks, etc I add the worse it gets.
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