Shanghai Road
Shanghai Road
‎Feb 21, 2025
04:59 AM
Photoshop web is not supported in this version of Safari. You can view or comment. To edit and save changes, update to Safari 18.3 or later, or open in Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. I get this message and I'm on Safari 18.3, if not supported in this app, Adobe should simply say so.
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‎Oct 06, 2024
11:33 AM
I posted a week ago. As I recall I used the copy image and then pasted… I’ve been using Firefly and text to image in Photoshop since it was first available, I will try another a pay closer attention to how I post…. Thank you for responding…
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‎Oct 06, 2024
10:56 AM
First one I posted and not sure what I did wrong.
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‎Sep 29, 2024
05:01 PM
a man and woman in rocking chairs; on a porch; over looking a body of water; large sailing ship; through my window
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‎Apr 04, 2024
05:54 AM
I had a camera raw that had not updated. I may have missed a notification. Investigated, updated and now works OK.
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‎Jan 26, 2023
03:02 AM
I had the ALL Applications bundle after Adobe reduced the monthly cost to $39 a month for a 1 year trial. I found myself using only Photoshop and Illustrator on a regular basis. I'm retired and dabble with the 2 apps more or less as a hobby. The cost was recently increased to $60 a month, which is way too much because I don't use apps other than Photoshop and Illustrator. I have down graded to the Photoshop only option and an option that included Illustrator was not offered when I downgraded. Photoshop with other apps was a possibility, but the apps offered were apps I don't use. Trying to master Photoshop and Illustrator is time consuming and I simply don't have the time to use the other apps and I determined it was a waste on $ to have that bundle. So my question is simply this: is there a bundle that I can purchase that includes Photoshop and Illustrator? Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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‎Oct 16, 2022
09:01 AM
If anyone finds this and is having the issue, after I drew my line, I had to double click to make the cut.
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‎Aug 23, 2022
03:47 AM
I created a folder in my Documents folder called 1 Drive and then created an alias to the folder I'm working with on OneDrive and placed the alias in the 1 Drive folder in the Documents folder and Bridge works with the files accessed using the alias.
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‎Jan 01, 2022
12:52 PM
40 minutes of work down the drain because Photoshop crashes... I would share more but this is ALL I have... to work with... GONE!
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‎Dec 17, 2021
04:30 AM
I dumped the preference file and appears to fix the issue... seems everytime I upgrade Photoshop, my preferences file is corrupted and I have to reset and then spend time resetting my preferences... Adobe should devise a better upgrade process...
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‎Dec 17, 2021
04:10 AM
I am on the Essentials workspace. I did another test... with text... entered the word TEST... so when I enter the word test it enters in the left side as well as the right side of the text entry box....
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‎Dec 17, 2021
04:05 AM
The issue stopped eventually yesterday... is back this morning... so what have I done to fix the problem: I upgraded to macOS 12.1 I uninstalled Photoshop 23.1 and reinstalled. I kept my preferences file... should I have to dump my preferences everytime I upgrade to a new version of Photoshop? One issue caused by the update to 23.1 was solved by restoring the tool bar... the crop tool vanished from my too bar... I'm also get artifacts when I enter simple text... I'm going to uninstall 23.1 and install the prior version to see if I still have the problem... and Yes I may have to dump my preferences file to solve the problem in 23.1, simply doesn't seem to me to be an approiate solution... So yesterday this issue did stop... but this morning it's back... but I don't know why the issue stopped and returned... the only the that changed is I shut my computer down over night which ended my adobe creative cloud connection and this morning I reconnected. It is frustrating that instead of using Photoshop, I'm spending that time trying to troubleshoot an issue that wasn't there until I upgraded to a new version. I'm including another screen shot... sorry if I come across as frustrated, but I am. The image I've included shows that I created a single text box and when I typed "test", I got 3 instances of what I typed. any help is appreciated... I'm going to uninstall 23.1 and install the previous version to see if I have the same issue, and dumping my preferences file? guess I will do so if that is the only solution...
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‎Dec 15, 2021
03:50 AM
1 Upvote
Update... I went to Edit... Toolbar and restored defaults and fixed the problem... thanks for your response. All appears good now.
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‎Dec 15, 2021
03:44 AM
The tool bar has completely changed after updating to 23.1... I am including 2 screen shots. If I click the elips, the 3 dots, the 3 dots change to the crop tool and I can then see all of the tool associated with the Crop tool... but if I click off the crop tool icon, it changes back to the 3 dots icon... I tried resetting tools, both options and didn't work... this didn't start until I upgraded to 23.1 SEE THE IMAGE
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‎Dec 15, 2021
03:10 AM
1 Upvote
I upgraded to 23.1 yesterday. The crop tool keeps disappearing when I close Photoshop and reopen. I can add back... why is it disappearing from the tool bar list? Entering text is really screwed up... when I enter text into the text box after about 15 characters, it starts duplicating from the left side of the artboard. Any ideas?
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‎Dec 14, 2021
04:58 AM
Updated to 23.1 this morning and can't seem to locate the crop tool... ????
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‎Dec 06, 2021
03:18 AM
I don't see that this question was answered. It is old and may not be worth an answer now but... Shift X on a MAC toggles color and transparency...
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‎Sep 17, 2021
11:28 AM
From what I understand, 22.2 is the last version that works well with 3D. When 23 is released before upgrading to 23 I should remove whatever version of 22 I am on and install 22.2 before installing 23 and then I can have both version 23 and 22.2 installed at the same time. Apparently Adobe isn't going to support 3D in versions of Photoshop going forward. I have Deactivate Native Canvas checked and it's just spotty in how it works. I don't use 3D often, but sometimes I do like to knock around with cubes... Thanks for both responses.
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‎Sep 17, 2021
03:19 AM
Photoshop Version 22.5.1 Deactivate Native Canvas is checked but doesn't work well with 3D... the last version that worked well with 3D is 22.2, so I want to install and have both versions installed. I don't work with 3D often, but sometimes will want to create a 3D object and can't. 3D in photoshop is apparently not being supported in current versions of Photoshop... So when I try to install the 22.2 version I get a message that the current version will be removed, which is not what I want to do. My question is: How do I install the older version without removing the current version.
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‎Jul 15, 2021
09:30 AM
I've had to reset photoshop preferences 2 times in the past month to fix a photoshop issue. The second time wasn't so bad because I had reset a few weeks ago. The first time was bad because I had more than 2 years of preference updates that I lost because I had to reset the preferences. Is there some way to protect my preference file so I don't lose 2 years of update? Sad that the only way to fix a photoshop issue is to reset preferences and lose all your preference updates that you made over the past 2 years.
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‎May 20, 2021
02:52 AM
so this is an issue only when saving 16 bit layered files to jpg file format... and jpeg file format? I use other image manipulation applications on a MAC, LOGIST 4, Affinity Designer, Pixelmator Pro and none append "-copy" when I save a jpg or jpeg file... are you saying that Adobe can no longer strip the "-copy" when placed in the field, or that Adobe must place the "-copy" word when I save a file as a jpg or jpeg file? I am now using the Export option to save a jpg file and I get no "-copy" appended automatically when I Export as a jpg file.
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‎May 20, 2021
02:38 AM
The only application on my computer where - copy is appended when I save a file. Remove the -copy from the save process completely if this can't be resolved in any other way. I am smart enough to append something if I want a "copy" of the file. Which I do any way... I don't need adobe assuming I want a "copy"...never understood why "cop" was appended anyway. I have found a work around to this issue to make it somewhat more pleaseant to save a a jpg file after I save my psd file to the computer. You can use the Export option and ignore Save as and Save as Copy options. The un-needed "-copy" is append automatically to the saved file name unless you remove "-copy" from your file name. Appears that Save as and Save as Copy are exactly the same save process and make absolutely NO SENSE... after you save your psd file, try using the Export command to save the jpg file... is working well for me.
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‎May 18, 2021
10:40 AM
1 Upvote
someone suggested that the change was due to changes in the operating system. In the more than 5 years I've been using photoshop this is the ***** change yet. Photoshop now plugs "copy" into every save you make. You had to use the save as copy option to save a jpg file... save as does the same as save as copy...makes no sense to me... you can export to a jpg file but not much better. Someone needs to take a hard look at this change because in my opinion, doesn't make much sense.
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