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Feb 28, 2025
01:57 AM
Thanks for testing! I have screenshot your answer and will keep it preciously when comes the next install. Bold question: Since the export feature in Bridge doesn't work as intended with me (Powerful PC, latest Bridge version) Could it be considered to add such a function as the image processor pro (which have never failed me) in lieu of the export feauture (which fails me all the time, notably for PNGs). There have been multiple bug reports about this glitchy PNG export feature and none of them have ever been addressed, I am just assuming that it would be best integrating something that works, directly within Bridge. Thanks for considering it!
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Feb 28, 2025
01:50 AM
Just in case that helps, these are the settings
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Feb 28, 2025
01:41 AM
Also, maybe anecdotal since I don't keep track of how many times it happened and when, but it seems to me that it used to happen a lot more in the past than nowadays.
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Feb 28, 2025
01:39 AM
It would seem weird to be the case on 4 different computers? None of them with the same GPU and drivers. I won't test that on longer periods of time as I need that GPU enabled (I use intensive filters like liquify etc) It won't be practical for me to do that. I never tested the no GPU over a long period of time. This is my production machine, I really cannot afford to keep it without a GPU enhanced. Also, since when I tested it in the past and it didn't make any difference, I doubt it was the case anyway. But who knows? All I know is that I prefer the inconvenience of a mask glitch that I can correct over the inconvenience of not being able to perform my client work properly. If I was a hobbyist, it would be different.
@c.pfaffenbichler wrote:
Also the glitch disapears if I close the program and launch it again, so I wouldn't be able to check if the graphic processor toggle solves the issue or not. But that's a good call none the less!
By @Imaginerie
The question is: Does the issue ever happen when GPU usage is turned off?
If not then it would appear to be GPU-related and you would need to do GPU-specific trouble-shooting.
My GPU is NEVER off, and it happens none the less. I used to turn it off in the past and it didn't resolve the issue.
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Feb 27, 2025
11:30 AM
Also the glitch disapears if I close the program and launch it again, so I wouldn't be able to check if the graphic processor toggle solves the issue or not. But that's a good call none the less!
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Feb 27, 2025
11:28 AM
I didn't apply anything (apart from a marquee selection followed by fill in with either black, or white) I didn't turn off graphics processor on this occasion, but I know I did in the past, to no avail. I can try again, I just need the glitch to happen again (so far so good)
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Feb 27, 2025
02:18 AM
THanks @Sameer K I will make sure I share an example of a degraded and saved file if I can. I might have to share privately as it's client work... (or save a copy and replace critical layers with black, I guess it won't affect the masks situation)
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Feb 26, 2025
11:30 AM
It's been happening for a very long time and I usually just go back in the history, save and open again, but this time it bugged me a bit so I decided to post it as a bug: It happens at random, sometime I can go without it happening for several months and then it happens again, with completely random files. Basically you can look at the video and you'll see the mask starts to degrade as ifi it was corrupted file or something similar. For the amount of time I have seen it happening, I have had 4 computers, both laptops and desktops, countless different Photoshop versions (I try to always be up to date) Just to state that there will be no point sending a file to someone else to check, as saving it at a state where the mask is correct and open it again solves the issue. If I save at a corrupted state, Photoshop saves the corrupted state and one cannot recover the original state. I never save the corrupted state as it's client's work, and it didn't happen today so I couldn't share a .psd here, but I will share in a comment if it happens again (and the files are shareable) To reiterate: it's absolutely random (I honestly think it's been happening for at least 10 years, but difficult to be exact on this) It never happens with a vector mask. My GPUs have always been compatible. I am not too bothered as I have been living with it for quite a long time, but just in case it can get resolved....
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Feb 09, 2025
04:44 AM
1 Upvote
Une copie d'écram vous aurais permis de savoir d'ou ca venais, au cas ou ca se reproduise. Mais puisque ca marche... Croisons les doigts!
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Feb 08, 2025
02:55 PM
Bonjour! Une copie d'écran (préferablement de la fenetre entiere avec le panneau brosse) aiderait! Il ya plusieurs pistes, le flux, les options de la brosse etc.
Souveant c'est plus simple de voir tout d'un coup sur l'écran plutot que d'essayer toutes les options 🙂
Voir mon exemple ci dessous
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Feb 07, 2025
03:36 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the update Tarun!
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Feb 05, 2025
02:04 AM
Mine is an old-ish Moto g10 (around 4 years old), running on Android 11. The other user haven't shared their model, I have asked them to post here.
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Feb 04, 2025
07:49 AM
1 Upvote
Following a question from another user on the Discord server, here is a bug report about copying and pasting from one page to the other using an Android Phone (v.27.0.1) See the screen recording below.
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Feb 03, 2025
01:55 AM
Are you talking here about the Microsoft pen, or a pen from another company? (Wacom for example) Are you using a graphic tablet? or just the pen? Does your pen work with another drawing program? (For example you can try Fresco, which is free) It's important to know if the problem lays with Photoshop, or with the pen driver. Solutions will depend on what you have: A graphic tablet, a single pen (to be used with a touch screen) from Microsoft, or the same as the latter but from another company.
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Feb 03, 2025
01:51 AM
1 Upvote
Hello, I tried to answer your message but your video isn't available anymore. Just a few pointers a bit in the dark. If it's done in Photoshop, try to take the .psd file into AME (Adobe Media Encoder), you should have it available within your CC app See below
You can upload your .psd file here and export as a .mp4 (and plenty of other file formats Photoshop can't handle) This is a quick fix, but if you have run into a proper bug, it would be best for you to post into the "bug" section, instead of "discussion", where you are less likely to be answered by an Adobe dev. If you confirm, let me know and I can move your post to the right place.
Equally, if it's not made with Photoshop (but for example Adobe Premiere), I can move this post to the right place. Let me know!
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Feb 03, 2025
01:45 AM
1 Upvote
Is this something you have created with Photoshop and then exported as a PDF? If so you need to remove the layer (or just hide it) before exporting as a PDF. This KDP overlay is just here to serve as guidelines for the creation, and should be discarded prior to exporting. If you want to show us your layer stack within Photoshop, I can tell you which one to remove.
If it was done with another software than Photoshop, let me know and I'll move your post to the correct place.
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Feb 03, 2025
01:39 AM
Hello! I used the Google translate visual translation and it tells me that the application that created the illustration cannot be started. What is this application, is it Illustrator? Is it another one? If it's Illustrator, is the illustration you have here been created with the same version as the one you have? (I am asking in case it was created with an old version where some features aren't compatible anymore) To correct that, open this file with Illustrator as you have it on the same computer you are using Photoshop with, and save a new version (file>save as) . Use this new version in Photoshop.
It could be other things, but it would be great if you could confirm what is this file you are trying to open.
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Jan 28, 2025
02:25 PM
Glad it's sorted for you!
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Jan 26, 2025
06:30 AM
Don't worry, I get you. However I had different experience with other Beta programs where the feedback wasn't necessarily 100% taken into account but most likely was. It can be a game of numbers: Plenty of people asking for the same stuff get more voice than the lonely one, however useful the lonely one input might be. They have priorities and sometimes they're not allowed to tell users what they are and it can be a bit frustrating. Know that for example, in Adobe Express, lots of ideas I shared became real, but I wasn't the only one wanting them. Obviously, it's anectodal evidence, this is my experience. Also worth mentionning that it's a joint effort between multiple companies (adobe being just one of them) and some interests/priorities might have to be dealt with internally, things that we have, obviously, no idea about. Things are happening at the moment for Content Credentials which are obviously in Beta (Not public ones as far as I remember) so you may keep an eye on the stuff, even if just as a passive onlooker...
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Jan 25, 2025
03:23 AM
What does the inspect tool within Photoshop says? (désolée, mon interface est en Anglais 🙂 )
You need to enable it first, so it will recognises the old stuff .
When enabled, check both settings and preview, you can change what people can see (mostly Social media posts etc... If any AI have been used, and software used will always be displayed)
The Content credential is still in Beta, but this should work, if it isn't, that works logging it as a bug (I can move this thread in the bug section if you prefer)
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Jan 25, 2025
03:11 AM
I cannot think of any "out of the box" solution beyond the obvious and what the help files says about boosting performance in Photoshop. It may help though: That said, from experience, I would check if the Ram of your computer is working as it should. It's been a relatively common occurence in the forums, for similar issues, that the RAM was faulty, so worth a check (It can't hurt anyway) Particularly if it's sudden and applies even with older versions. Hoping someone else can offer more immediate advice.
Good luck!
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Jan 24, 2025
04:14 AM
Thanks David!
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Jan 23, 2025
03:12 PM
1 Upvote
Just click on my profile picture and you should get an icon (enveloppe, top right) to send me a message. If the video is too big for the system, you can include it ina wetransfer link or similar * provided that it's safe for me to watch, not offensive... yadda yadda...
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Jan 23, 2025
10:44 AM
I have been creating a project, image based, as a PDF carousel for LinkedIn, upon downloading the PDF to schedule directly within LinkedIN, I realised that my project has disapeared, or more accurately, all the content went blank (and also went from square to vertical ), akin to when you start a project from scratch. After asking around, I was able to find my project in the version history, and found out that the last usable saved verion was when I downloaded the PDF. All subsequent version had reverted to a blank project
Screenshots below:
I was working from the Windows progressive app, but the issue is showing in Firefox and Edge as well. Same with on an Android phone with the app. Here is the link to this project Thanks!
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Jan 23, 2025
10:30 AM
1 Upvote
Excellent, I'm glad it worked for you!
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Jan 23, 2025
10:29 AM
1 Upvote
If you want to send me the video privately, I can see if it reads OK on my computer...
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Jan 23, 2025
06:07 AM
First of all, I will move your post to the payment section as it is where you will receive the best advice. Secondly, it is possible that when you took your CC, it didn't transfer the subscription, but added one to the account. It doesn't seem normal. The normal course of action would be to contact customer service as they will be able to look into your account (which we obviously can't do), but maybe someone will have a more immediate solution now you're in the right place. Good luck!
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Jan 23, 2025
06:02 AM
1 Upvote
Can you run the video independently? With the Windows video player for example. Does it play OK?
I am asking as, generally, problems with "no parsers" are because the file hasn't got the right extention and while Photoshop recognises it, it cannot "read it" My ususl approach is to try to have a look with Bridge and see if you can check how it looks with the previewer. That doesn't mean you will be able to open it with Photoshop, but it will tell you it recognises the content. Usually one of the workaround is to open it with a software that can read it, and save it again, with standard settings
You can do that with Adobe Media Encoder, that I highly recommend when dealing with "exotic" video file formats (I am not a video techie myself, and it has saved me from a lot of headaches!)
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Jan 23, 2025
05:52 AM
It may be possible that your range is too broad. I see you got 50, and since the area is very small, it will take on the surrounding areas.
try something like 10, and see if it gets better.
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Jan 23, 2025
05:45 AM
Thanks for the clarification, People are always a bit wary of clearing their cache but it helps a lot with Adobe Express. I'm sorry it didn't this time. And no worries, we all know that Japanese translation is always wacky, even using pretty advanced translators. I love how your language will always need real profesionnals to do the job! 🙂 That said, if you ever need a quick help, just know that there is also an Adobe Discord server with a section in Japanese, mantained by (Real, human) Japanese speakers When you accept the invite, go to "channels and roles" and choose Japanese in the list of languages and then you'll unlock a japanese channel where you will be able to ask questions. Obviously I don't know how it will appear in your interface, but I hope that will help..
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