‎Feb 05, 2025
03:45 PM
Hi, In CS6 click crop tool and immediate get the static ants around edge of image and a small box at corners and midpoints. guess what, yes this doesnt happen in 26.3 Adobe support fail to fix it. just what do I turn on to get this to happen , as was so from 4.1 until now. So fed up with this 26.3 😞 Merlin
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‎Feb 05, 2025
03:37 PM
I have had adobe support remote connecting 4 times now, we have tried all sorts, made it arial regular left justified, new page save it, make another, arial. ok.
reboot pc, open pshop, it shows arial in the box, etc
arial ok, type and get arial, he declares fixed. I say until tomorrow.
next day its back to TNR right just ....aaagh
so another call, this time he is confident.
and guess what.
next day and its TNR again.
and yesterday it was arial.
I have just done a printscreen and clicked the type tool on page for the first time today, and its TNR right justified.
[cursing removed]
I have 6 pages of things that are wrong in 26.3 so far to send Adobe.
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‎Feb 05, 2025
03:01 PM
latest Photoshop 26.3
I have always gone with default guideline colours since pshop 4.1....cyan.
now when I move one it goes dark blue and against a dark background, its sort of vanishes.
Someone has meddled, as no one would want that to happen.
week 2 and everyday something else is broken that worked fine in CS6.
Just where do we fix this.
I get the feeling its a UIcolors.txt visit. as I had to, to recreate easy to read rulers.
am I right ?
and just what in there is the name of this pesky happening.,
active guides or something like that.
[abuse removed]
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‎Feb 05, 2025
01:06 PM
Hi, In tha past I used CS6 and it had raw 9.1.1 and no masks feature, So this loss of masks and inability to reapply them to the next image is something experienced for the first time now. having soent ages creating masks, needing to apply the same masks to a number of images. One wants to reuse them. Doing a test' in CS6 open as>camera raw' on a .jpg and applying sliders, opening into pshop, then opening another same method and 'apply previous conversion' saw the sliders adopt the same positions. do that in raw 17.1.1 and that still works. Its the fact that masks also get used as part of the conversion process, and they are not re-applied when 'previous settings' option is chosen. so the conversion is incomplete, basically its not happened. This is for Open as>camera Raw method. Testing for a default raw file from a camera such as a Canon dSLR. apply previous settings works in raw 17.1.1 owever if previous work involved masks, it fails to introduce the masks. So apply previous settings IGNORES MASKS, be it a native raw file or an open as>raw method. whilst open as saves no .xmp file, a native raw file has generated an .xmp THIS .XMP DOES NOT SAVE ANY MASK WORK. thus previous conversion IS NOT POSSIBLE. Thats a real nuisance as wanting to use same masks work on a number of photos, IS NOT POSSIBLE ! Merlin
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‎Feb 02, 2025
03:42 PM
Hi, Pshop 26.2 and raw 17.1.1. absolute latest. I open a jpg into Camera Raw, file>openas>camera raw I choose mask and paint the entire area then do exposure create a second mask paint all over, apply dehaze ditto make clarity. open the image and save as .tiff close the jpg WITHOUT SAVING IT. I can then open it again and see my masks, this is the workaround to pshp failing to save .xmp for non native raw files, such as scans of 35mm negs, slides, flat bed scans etc. perfectly valid rasters since the start of photography. I then open the next image it needs the same conversion, go apply previous settings..AND NOTHING HAPPENS, NO MASKS ARE SHOWN. If I have a load of these images needing same conversion, what the heck does one do to overcome this issue ? since I installed pshop its been one discovery of 'what the heck' after another. Merlin
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:23 PM
Hi, Auto sometimes works, sorts out exposure and colour balance etc. If I draw a mask for the area I want auto to work on, I then dont see an auto expsure button to use ! Its not doing anything at all in my image of a wall grasses and a bright sky so I want to apply auto to all but that sky. If I were in photoshop I would reach for levels auto, also a good one to do. or adjustments auto colour. where are any of the autos for when we have masked an area for applying changes to ? I can mess about for ages sliding sliders to and fro, trying to create the average scene from what is one but is incorrectly exposed or has a colour issue etc, grasses and bushes auto should understand. Merlin3
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:15 PM
Hi, Could someone please do a step by step on selecting sky and not branches and leaves of trees and grasses on an embankment etc. Sky sounds good until it doesnt get the parts between branches leave and doesnt exclude tall grasses and weedy plants etc on an embankment etc. I am sure I am not the only one who when having to brush over these bits with a less than wonderful choice of brush sizes at the small end of the choice, is thinking this isnt right. both on brush choice and having to do so at all. Here is mask 1 filter sky and as you can see its not great at the bushes, then create mask 2 luminance and click sky near a bush, better, but how do I then combine the two, I see no means of doing so, dead easy in pshop but raw seems useless at selections and masks compared to what one can do in channels. Am I missing something, I wish to combine the best of these and get a decent sky selection. How is that then done ? Merlin3
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:06 PM
Hi, 2 weeks and still trying to get set up sorted. Having just installed Pshop 26.2 and set up RAW 17.1.1 with 18% grey interface, for correct colour and brightness judgement, having installed Bridge from the Cloud apps that came with the purchase, (as it doesnt do so in the install ) I use Bridge to open 4 images at same time into raw, as Pshop wont do so, (wish Adobe fixed that issue, been with us since CS3) but Bridge opens a different raw interface than does Pshop 26.2 dark charcoal grey. Should it not be the same raw converter whichever way we come at it ? I will have to alter prefs in it to match those in Pshop route, and if I alter one, then alter it from the Bridge route as well. or does it at least adopt the prefs from when I set them in 26.2 ? It ignored the grey one. and is Lightroom likely to also open a different raw again ? Merlin3
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‎Feb 02, 2025
12:58 PM
Hi, I have a wall against a bright white sky, I select mask and sky, i get sky but a por match around the trees, I select luminance subtract and click the sky area by the trees and it improves, however all the mortar as well as other bits is black on a white area, I reach for the contrast slider to perhaps sort these out, but instead it attacks the contrast of the picture itself. where do we get at the controls you show so that they work on the mask. I am in white on black mode to see the mask. as soon as I drag the exposure or the contrast slidet the white on black vanishes and it alters the photo itself. Cheers Merlin3.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
12:42 PM
I hate to be harsh, but that image was always beyond help. You shot into the sun through a dirty windshield, and held the camera away from the windshield. In situations like that, get the camera/phone whatever as close to the glass/plastic as you can to try and get those marks out of focus. You have also overexposed the image. The poor thing never stood a chance. By @Trevor.Dennis Into sun..I had no choice the subject was there and not behind me, , sometimes the subject/sun situation is as such, anyone attending Duxford airshow is faced with this issue yearly ! Through a dirty windshield…again no choice, I took a pleasure flight, one doesn’t say let me clean the screen. One is without such cloths and risking being told go away ! Camera away from windshield, I was seated in the back to get shots out of the side window, which came out good and are historcially important now. No chance to climb through to the front and press camera against what is a sloping windscreen and get eye to the eyepiece to see what one is aiming at, it was a 35mm Canon camera in the 1980’s. With seatbelts on even being in the front would have made that impossible to do You have also overexposed the image. Set to manual exposure sunny 1/250 f 11 200asa it shouldn’t have been overexposed, I never used auto. I might have incorrectly set it at start as those following were ok, rare that though ? You want to see the miracles I am having to perform on other shots during the 35mm years, negs have faded, purse out of a sows ear has nothing on it, really putting raw mode through its paces, and needing better drawing tools in it. Here is (screen capture) what I have managed so far, dehaze an awesome tool, that sky and horizon is troubling me. Merlin3
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‎Feb 01, 2025
09:32 AM
Hi, method 1 made a pigs ear of things, nothing lined up, colours remained same. method 2 how can one judge if the sliders are matching the target image when the target image is a 1inch square on the screen ? Impossible to do at that size. yet that article shows such. Is there no way sampling the same area of colour in both images can be used to say match that to that and have the brains of Photoshop do it ? trying to fiddle around by eye is somewhat primitive. Method 3 is about evening up differences in darkness. My photos have differences in colour, scans from negs, a 4 set panorama across an airfield of grass, taken seconds apart starting off at the evening sky and panning left from it. first is a bit yellowy, the next seems to have gone a bit violet, then the last two are about same and a tad bluey for the grass. The grass thoughout needs to match. Such colour variations can get in during the scan of the neg. I just wish one could set the pipette size to 51x51 or 100 x 100 and click the grass in each shot and have it all marry up colour balance wise. In Raw 17 there is not even an indication of the pipette size for when using the neutral colour pipette. I wish the colour sampler pipette had an indication of size, move it a fraction and the RGB values change. I have been trying to adjust tint to get the one picture match the rgb of the grass in another. but just getting the sample to give the RGB values of the target photo is not easy, it needs to be of an average sample like the pipette in photoshop provides. even that is dodgy as its not 51x51 of the image but of the 'monitor' so if you ar zoomed out it can pick up on adjacent colours ! Merlin
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‎Jan 31, 2025
01:07 PM
Hi, I have 4 photos forming a panorama first two have same colour balance, light levels a bit dull, but then the next two are notably different , duller still with a notable purple hue or tint ? scans from 35mm negs. all taken within minutes if not seconds of each other. , swinging round into the light more. so I could take hours fiddling with sliders trying to match all four up, or can clever photoshop do this whilst knitting them together? I was hoping 30 yrs of evolution saw to it that such often needed tasks are solved and it knows photos in a panorama have to match. Has it ? Merlin
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‎Jan 30, 2025
12:14 PM
Hi, I have shots of same wall same distance same lighting taken seconds apart, with foliage behind me (pic on right) and wall a few feet away (pic on left), a bit of a greeny tint I feel when first working on the wall at right. It’s a scan of a35mm neg and such things change over time, especially if in a sleeve which is not acid-free ! I know the bricks from other pictures and by being there from elsewhere on the same land built at the same time etc etc. Those taken close to the wall were seconds apart, no light change. I adjust as best I can, the first is done by eye, I see a small dark shadow where the mortar was missing ! so make that neutral on RGB values. Next in the sequence I see a grey (?) walled building through the leaves, and pipette that with the neutral pipette, and all looks better, so apply that to the first one starting over and using ‘use previous settings’ in raw mode, now two look same . I do a third that way. But then the 4th photo is taken further back, having stepped back to outside of the foliage, (pic on left, though I have zoomed into the wall for this post), more grass and foliage in the picture now, with the wall visible in places, choose ‘apply previous settings’ and eeek its a bit pinky looking everywhere. So instead I use 'auto' and it looks correct, now I need to match the colour balance of the close up wall pics to the wall in the image at left, I wish to click on A and B and C at left then click the areas A B C at right and tell pshop to make that at right match the colours at left, then I can make the picture at right brighter as it currently looks, I am using the picture at left to tell me what the coloir balance is, not what the brightness is, as its in shade, if I were to make the wall at left as bright as the wall at right, the scene would appear over exposed. so A B C to match between both pics on colour balance ! Just how do I do that ? Surely Pshop has a match colour tool for this ? I am not wanting to match the greyscale, that is a need at the same time, though I would expect the wall visible in the bushes to be a bit darker than that taken 3 feet away, BUT this is about the colour. Its such a basic task. Else what have Adobe been up to this last 30 years ? Merlin
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‎Jan 30, 2025
04:45 AM
Hi, ok, will get one, however I have thousands of images with Q13 in them and need to use those to colour match two photos, one with flash bounced and the other same shot , camera not moved, same subject same lens focal length same focus etc etc, but existing light. supposed to be daylight but was slightly greenish. and my brick wall, taken with no cards at all, 35mm neg, I need to match the two together. Historically important as it no longer exists and I need to show what it looked like. WHAT TOOL to use to click on a brick then same in other pic and say match the colour balance. then repeat another brick, and perhaps another. I DESPERATELY need to match photos together on colour appearance same subject same moment a few secs apart or a few minutes, lighting same in that both are sun in etc. Surely Pshop (not in raw) has a way of matching two pics together. Ideally also in raw mode, yes we can click sync, if two photos are in the strip at left but a monitor screen apart, so not visible at same time. but rather than try to judge it by eye, have tha ability to click an area and have it match up. maybe raw mode is best place to do this, whatever, need that tool or method somewhere PLEEEEEZE. Merlin
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‎Jan 29, 2025
04:29 PM
Hi, after years of using CS6 I hope 26.2 has the tools I have waited for. I need to select at least three points on the source photo and then the same points on the target photo and hit the 'go and orient and scale distort' button to have the one photo married to the other one. typical use, I have two photos of a brick wall that need bringing together, I could take much time to rotate, scale, distort, keep turning layer opacity up and down, try again, until eventually it fits, and my trick is to create a layer, link it then trace a feature, turn off the visibility, repeat for the destination picture, turn off vis on the image and marry the lines drawn, any move of the line takes the photo with it. turn on vis and they marry, or so we hope, but moving the dustort tool is a nightmare , what matched on point 1 then moves, like three puppies on elastic leads, still a lot of faffing about. Such as I describe above has got to be doable by some clever developer coder. and boy oh boy wouldnt it save time. Merlin
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‎Jan 29, 2025
02:54 PM
Hi, If I place in a non sunny scene a Kodak Q13 colour card and greyscale and take a correctly exposed photo.. If I want to make that photo with such in it , lets call that the CP, (conversion photo) match that of that card photographed with correct exposure at midday under a cloudy sky ( i.e the correct photo of it without colour casts etc), lets call that TP (target photo). I would like something like, click (sample) on the yellow on Q13 in TP then on same in the CP. repeat for the magenta, then the blue then the brown and and so on and the grey area. hit match and the CP gets changed to the colour balance saturation etc of the TP. Also most useful when photographing scale models in existing room light without flash then trying to adjust colour balance of image to be that of model in daylight. Furthermore if I have a rusty bar in the CP and a reference picture of rusty bar as the TP, convert the CP to that of the TP so both rusty bars match. why a rusty bar, I have a brick wall and want to get the colours right, as its a historical item and now needed for colour matching. It has a green tinge to it, as does stalks and trunk of tree (and I can tell its a colour imbalance) and the only thing in the photo as a colour reference is a rusty bar. I am presuming that rust on iron is the same colour wherever you are ! No doubt someone will say depends on the type of iron. There is a black shadow but too small to get a proper sample on, but it helped, far better and heading in the right direction ! After 30 years or so of evolution of Photoshop, and having just moved from CS6 to 26.2 I am hoping a colour matching tool by now exists, as a basic need, and folk do use Q13 and other colour match hand held items. It would be THE MOST USEFUL TOOL I could do with and waited for all these years. So what have Adobe been up to in all that time, hopefully a few basic tools such as this. Merlin
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‎Jan 29, 2025
02:29 PM
Hi, since moving from CS6 to 26.2 a week ago, and needing to ring Adobe each day to fix things, amongst many annoying things, the font keeps defaulting to Times New Roman, thin version and Justified Right, with the Ipsum dolar thing half on and off my page at left. set it to Arial regular and justified left, but then its back to the Times New Roman the next time. Its doing my head in. In CS6 I use Arial regular all the time and its always behaving itself, with a text cursor awaiting where I click it, and its justified left. despite Adobe tell call support and the the last techie saying it will now be ok, IT ISNT ! (as I predicted but he was adamant it would now be ok) I also HATE HATE HATE having to turn off view>extras for each and every image I open, or get pesky magenta mm boxes blocking my view. never had these in CS6 and don want them on by default. You will have to turn them off each image he said. I am opening many images a day here to work on. This is insane. also the black mm boxes are not even turn offable. I dont want them in the way. Live tab looks same as inactive tab, subject of a techie submission to HQ now. (and other post here,. a bug) Please Adobe dont break things that worked. Merlin
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‎Jan 20, 2025
01:22 PM
Further thoughts, what this is doing is making an average colour and applying it by brush to a layer best set to mode colour. But the result then lacks the variety of colours that make up the apparent hue, the trees or tarmac need more than a solid colour painted over them, also its impossible to darken that area or improve the contrast, generally to give it the p'zazz of the area beside it. I have opted to grab the area as a selection and paste it in as a layer, then do the pipette thing, over that. Then its contrast, levels etc can be adjusted, then one sees the effect of that a bit more. Still a struggle, as in hours of struggling. We need a means of sampling the area beside the target area, saying copy the appearance of this area, to the afflicted area. That means copying the coloured composition, the levels, the contrast, etc replacing those of the afflicted area. See the attached, a tarmac area, here I have sampled the area, positioned it over the afflicted area, and want to transfer through the appearance of it. a layer mode setting that lets through the appearance, If I alter opacity the orange shows through. How can that be done ? the pipette and paint method is somewhat dead pan for it, results are any shade of grey and thats it, no colours other than grey. Merlin3
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‎Jan 20, 2025
08:16 AM
Here is what happens when I alter text engine in CS6 to the other option there, that of Middle Eastern. Immediately I get a wierd symbol in my text. and if I leave it as that, and open a file from 26.2 made with arial regular (my go to font in recent years) I dont get the engine warning but an update warning and clicking update I get a wierd symbol !
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‎Jan 20, 2025
06:45 AM
hi Jane, Doing a test, it opens from 26.2 to CS6 with warning, I go ok, I am able to alter the text. a raster layer is still editable. There are a myriad of different text things one can normally do, so whether any of those are not possible I dont know without further testing to se if everything is where I last put it, effects same. cdrop shadows and other things the same. and I have lost a whole week so far to trying to set up 26.2 so just havent time... no time to do aything opening previous work just now. Will have to saty in CS6 to be sure all is ok. I made some edits, saved it , also made a new file in CS6, both opened without a warning into 26.2 I am uneasy after a lifetime of setting everything to English UK to choose Middle EAST. Dont know what issues that may cause, further down the line. Adobe causing enough grief as it is. Merlin3
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‎Jan 20, 2025
06:23 AM
Hi, I have 26.2 set up as CS6, correct greyscale for 18% and to not give false sense of image brightness, and that is 2nd grey value from right in preferences. I work with colour matching and use holes in cartridge paper of a 18% grey value as is correct, and have pshop as its working with colours, set same way, always have done. it was not good in CS6, it was great before then, but now its bad. there is NO difference AND THERE SHOULD BE. So Adobe need to fix this as I cant see what I am working on ! and for windows 10 as wild horses will not drag me to 11. designed by a company who dont have to do actual work with a PC. Merlin3
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‎Jan 20, 2025
06:18 AM
Hi, I have only just installed 26.2 having been with CS6 so resetting everything isn't right. and then I see its 26.2 at fault. jeff Arola. I am back to CS6 as I cannot see what I am working on . Rats !! very dissapointed so far, having had to fix things in the coding, and now this. is there a way to fix this in UIcolors.txt ? Merlin3
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‎Jan 20, 2025
05:50 AM
Hi, For the first time (with CS6) I am unable to open a .jpg sent me taken from a facebook site. I get this if I am sent a photo using WhatsApp, but one taken from fb never before. The photo is not a whatsApp, its a copy of a copy of a scan sometime, being a WW2 photo. If I use 26.2 then it opens. However whilst I try and resolve fuirther problems with the design of 26.2 I am using CS6 still. have fb started adding somerthing to .jpgs ? I also cannot open website pics which are .webp and again 26.2 does so, so thats encouraging, for when I can use 26.2 a week gone so far and keep finding issues. I have to do a screen grab instead, and for parsing jpgs open them into MS paint. why is it Adobe are outgunned by a humble MSpaint ? Merlin3
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‎Jan 19, 2025
12:25 PM
Hi, here is what I managed. I think colour mode has the slight edge on results, the slightly warmer result of Hue may be the orange bleed still showing through, same density brush each time. As I caught the graass in my brushing it went blue, so had to erase that part of the image. so its very picky as to what you select and paint over. The grass will need to be done separately. If it was that it looked at the colour for the chosen area , if I had selected the grass and tarmac, and understood when I was painting over grass and when over tarmac, all the better, but I get the feeling thats asking to much ! I thus need to use a like for like approach, so if a human sample the face then the jumper then the shoes etc etc. I also wanted to use this on scale model photos where I have a flashlit aircraft and an existing light (supposedly natural light but its a bit greeny) lit shot same tripod a minute apart, as I can never get the colours to match the flash shot which being bounce method shows true colours (and I know the colours appearance anyway) , but this will mean painting over the camouflage, the roundels the codes everything one colour at a time, completely impractical. If I could have given Pshop the existing light and said match it to the flash shot, thats what I would truly want. I tried the mixer brush tool on default settings, and nothing like this happened, couldnt see any change in fact. I have never used that tool so may be me. Merlin3
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‎Jan 19, 2025
12:03 PM
Hi, having created a psd file with text arial regular in 26.2 when I open it inti CS6 it warns me the text engine is different, havent a clue what to do next. I always use arial regular, in CS6 and now 26.2 As 26.2 has issues I am trying to resolve I can get work done quicker in CS6, so need to go between the two. tells me to go to prefs and switch the text engine restart pshop and start again. I dont want to not be able to open all my work this last 10 years with then a warning it uses different text engine switch it back to what I have been using, I have a bad feeling over this. warning is :- Also forwards compatibility ! If I have text on a CS6 or earlier, file, it warns some text layers need to be updated before they can be used for vector based output ., no - update - learn more. so if I do that then opening it again in CS6 is going to complain when it started life there and was ok there. Merlin3
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‎Jan 19, 2025
11:27 AM
Hi, when I went to CS6 I noticed that I was expected to spot for the bold text denoting that tab was the active tab, for my image. Prior that it was very easy with a lighter grey and black text or maybe even a colour difference. I have just taken the plunge and gone for 26.2 and now the tabs ARE ALL THE SAME. Who decides this nightmare ? I need to make the active tab stand out, how is this done ? perhaps its in UIcolors.txt just where ? The active layer no longer being light blue (again some developer messing things up) is easy to fix by a dropdown choice in edit preferences I was shown, in another post. Active image IS JUST AS IMPORTANT. I bet no one was complaining that it was too easy to spot. If it works dont fix it. I am working with printscreens of the adobe interface so have tabs all over the place which are not even tabs as such, but printscreens of them ! so attached show what I mean. THEY ARE NOW ALL THE SAME. the untitled one contains a printscreen of the two prior to it. and the CS6 one, they are at least slightly different. Merlin3
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‎Jan 19, 2025
09:05 AM
Hi, I will see if I can do that. it would be great to see someone on youtube do this, I am sure its a common need. I have now 5 images needing such. Cheers Merlin3
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‎Jan 19, 2025
09:02 AM
Ok, Guess I have to draw lines over patterned areas, using the example in this thread. to show what I mean by diagonal lines over bricks and tiles etc. see attached. The door is good as its like my roof skylight where the lines didnt match afterwards. Keen to know what tools in Pshop 26 can handle that. Cheers Merlin3
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:45 PM
Hi, here is the image needing a non linear grad. (and yes It was treated to dehaze, the grass cropped off from this looked ok, could perhaps do with a grad filter for the dehaze as well. if I redo it.) the sky went horrendous cyan. I have another thats also done so. horrible effect on skies. perhaps cos its a neg scan and not a digi raw file. merlin3
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:31 PM
Hi, Pshop 26.2 and rawcon 17.1.1 I have a sky, basically white, then the far hills are cyan, yuk, then nearer hills are darker. If I was in Pshop and having taken the image, pasted it into channels, adjusted contrast then levels to maximise the white/black areas, I can then use that as a selection. In raw mode I made a mask using colour range, turned on white on black view. then not finding such controls as I would use, had to paint out most of the grey areas with a brush which put down black, but the more subtle areas need contrast and levels to black/white them . see attached image. I see no means of doing that. There is no levels or contrast. I drag the black slider and white on black view of mask vanishes. The masking tools seem VERY PRIMITIVE , cannot do correct masking with them. Used select subject but it selected buildings I had not even told it to, surely it should ask me to click on the subject. Where is magic wand to select the masked area, could do a mask in seconds but instead have to mess about with brushes of varying diameters and feathers, and when doing so the zoom tool , much needed when masking with brushes, is disabled ! Does my head in ! Not impressed by the tools at all in raw17. They need designing instead by the photoshop team ! Merlin3
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