bellevue scott
bellevue scott
‎Jan 08, 2025
10:55 AM
Fixed the issue for now: Earlier in this thread there are instructions for running the droplet and .exe as system administrator. You can do this for the 26.1.0 version the only thing differnt is that you will need to do open Adobe Photoshop 2025 in the program files C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2025\photoshop.exe.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
10:27 AM
Still having Droplet issues. Now colosing and reopening Photoshop does no good. Droplets are broken and give the same error msg as shown above. Currently running version 26.1.0 of Photoshop.
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‎Dec 30, 2024
04:27 PM
The new plugin does work for me. It works great. It was this: FUJIFILM_TetherApp_Mac1310.pkg It works great. I would check all those annoying MAC permissions in the security section. Every Mac upgrade makes it harder to install apps, and Sequoia is by far the most annoying. Hope it works out for you. I use the Fuji GFX-100 tethered in my studio for work and can't live without it anymore.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
03:53 PM
I am having an issue running a droplet. I can use the droplet once; however, when I want to use it again I get a Photoshop error message "Droplet Couldn't communicate with Photoshop". When I close and reopen Photoshop I can use the droplet again, but only once before I receive the error message. So I close and reopen Photoshop the droplet works and the cycle continues as explaned above. Any ideas about a fix? Currently running verison 26.0.0 of Photoshop Microsoft Winidows 10 Pro
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‎Nov 12, 2024
12:40 PM
1 Upvote
I'm on PS 2025, (26.0.0) and don't see parametric filters. I'm assuming this is only available in the beta version?
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‎Nov 12, 2024
12:38 PM
When printing from Photoshop, set "Photoshop manages colors", not printer manages colors.  
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‎Nov 12, 2024
11:55 AM
Thanks. Previously "remove" was adding new objects but now does appear to be working correctly.
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‎Nov 12, 2024
11:39 AM
I appreciate the answer but this was completely off the mark. Was this AI generated?
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‎Nov 08, 2024
03:51 PM
la langue utilisée dans PS ou n'importe quelle autre logicielle suit la langue du système d'exploitation. Il faudrait changer le Mac en Francais pour que PS soit en Francais....  
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‎Nov 08, 2024
12:13 PM
I tried using generative fill again this morning. I left it blank, hoping for better resolution, but the area I selected just got more blurry. So I said "increase resolution", and it gave me a dog. Then I realized I was still using PS 2024. So I closed it and opened PS 2025 (ver 26.0) and did the same thing again (generative fill, "increase resolution", and this time it gave me a warped elephant. I've tried a number of prompts, but all are as off the mark as this. Once I selected foreground and left it blank, and it gave me a lawn. Still not what I'm after.  
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‎Nov 08, 2024
11:55 AM
1 Upvote
yes, generative fill is expanding my selections and then ruining things that I haven't selected. Here's an example. I selected the sky, so only the sky is selected. With generative fill I said "stormy sky" (I've tried several similar promts, like give me more clouds). It does this, but also destroys this barn which isn't selected.    I've tried various prompts, and they've all been worse than this. This was the best one.
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‎Nov 08, 2024
08:03 AM
C'est possible de telecharger d'autres versions avec l'abonnement chez Adobe. Mais le dernier version n'est pas compatible avec 10.13.6. J'ai le meme probleme avec un de mes ordinateurs avec Monterey, 12.x, et je suis conicé sur la version 25.
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‎Nov 08, 2024
07:57 AM
The only way to make a rectangle into a square without distorting the people in the image is to crop it. There is no other way. Select the crop tool. In the crop menu bar, choose "square". Crop.  
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‎Nov 06, 2024
07:39 AM
I count one to two seconds, and I have hundreds of these to edit. So it's work stoppage for me, not just some minor convenience.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
04:43 PM
1 Upvote
I have a print and reproduction facility and we use PS to edit images and prepare them for print. We have noticed that generative fill on high resolution images is pretty horrible. Regular content aware fill is much better than any generative fill. The generative fill function is in no way fit for print. Preparing files for print on canvas with gallery edges is particularly bad and not usable in production.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
04:30 PM
There is no Sequoia version of the tethered capture for the Fuji GFX100, but replacing the old plugin with the newer FujiFilm Tethered App seems to work. You need to do several things. First, open security settings and give the tethered app full disc permission, and full access to files and folders. Sequoia requires this in order to work and is much stricter than previous MAC OS versions with security and permissions. Then go into LRC, open file -> Plugin Manager, and make sure it is selected and turned on there. If not, add it. If you have the previous plugin enabled, disable it. This seems to work.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
03:41 PM
1 Upvote
I see my post from today was added to this thread. Thanks. Yes, same issue. It's truly a job killer. Trying to edit even a few dozen pages becomes impossible and I'm scanning books, so this is a work stoppage issue for me.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
03:20 PM
1 Upvote
Robert thanks very much. You were close but I kept getting a javascript error. So I ran it through ChatGPT and it gave me the correct answer, and now I get a csv file that's already sorted.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
12:38 PM
LRC 14.0.1 and Mac Studio Pro with Ventura 13.4.1 BTW, also seeing this on LRC 14.0.1 with Sequoi on a Macbook Pro M1 Reviewing images on the film strip, I will pres "R for crop as I'm previewing images. But every single time I select "R", or crop, the display switches to the previous image and crop, then I get a flash, and the image preview switches back to the image I'm working on. It's slow, and each time I select crop, it takes about two seconds or more for it to switch back to the current image with my current crop. Any ideas?
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‎Nov 02, 2024
10:50 AM
Why was this moved from bugs to discussion, when this is clearly a bug? It's not a discussion. It's a hard crash and I'm no longer able to work with LR and tethered capture on my laptop. I can provide full crash logs, but Adobe doesn't allow me to provide them here and there's no way to get actual support outside of the forums.
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‎Nov 02, 2024
10:37 AM
I am asking Fuji, but I'm aslo asking Apple and Adobe. I have the crash reports. It's abviously a change that Apple made in their OS, and I can't roll it back apparently. I updated because I was getting messages that some features of Photoshop might not work correctly with Ventura, but nobody at Adobe can tell me what those features are - not support, not here on the forums.
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‎Nov 01, 2024
05:19 PM
Using a Macbook Pro M1 just upgraded to Sequoia, with Adobe LR Classic 14.0.1, and a Fuji GFX100 with tethered capture (ver 1.29.0 latest version), LR tethered capture crashes. Hard crash for the plugin. Any ideas?
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
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‎Nov 01, 2024
05:04 PM
Where might I put that array.sort(); ? Array.prototype.inArray = function(obj){ var arrMax = this.length-1; for(var i=arrMax; i>=0; i--){ if(this[i]===obj){ return true; } } return false; } var csvParser = (function(){ var csvFile; return{ create:function(fo){ csvFile=File(fo+"/"".csv"); }, write:function(csvContent){'w'); csvFile.encoding="UTF-8"; csvFile.write(csvContent); csvFile.close(); }, execute:function(){ csvFile.execute(); }, getCSV:function(){ return csvFile; } } })(); function imagesToCSVthenChoose(){ var doc, fo, fis, fiMax, fi, fiName, fiPath, imgFormats=["eps","jpg","tif","psd","pdf","png","ai","bmp","jpeg"], imgFormatMax = imgFormats.length-1, imgOk = [], csvContent = [], ext, csvLine=[], csvSep=","; if(app.documents.length==0){ alert("No documents open !"); return } doc=app.activeDocument; fo = Folder.selectDialog("Please choose a folder with images"); if(!fo) return fis = fo.getFiles(); fiMax=fis.length; for(var i=0; i<fiMax; i++){ fi=fis[i]; ext =\.([a-z]+)$/i); if(ext==null) continue; ext = ext[1].toLowerCase(); if(!imgFormats.inArray(ext)) continue; fiName = decodeURI(; fiPath=decodeURI(fi.fsName); csvContent.push(fiName+csvSep+fiPath); } csvContent = "Name"+csvSep+"@images\r"+csvContent.join("\r"); csvParser.create(fo); csvParser.write(csvContent); /* doc.dataMergeProperties.selectDataSource(csvParser.getCSV()); var myMenuAction = app.menuActions.item("$ID/DataMergePanelName"); myMenuAction.invoke(); */ } array.sort(); imagesToCSVthenChoose();
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‎Nov 01, 2024
02:26 PM
I updated another computer to the latest Adobe PS 2025 and got the warning again. This time I copied the warning. I also went and read the notes that are linked in the warning, and there is zero mention of what actually requires Sonoma or later. I really find it unacceptable that Adobe would throw a message like this, which suggests the program won't function correctly, and then have no mention of why, with no specifics at all.  
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‎Nov 01, 2024
12:24 PM
1 Upvote
Posting as a top level comment. Here's what I've found. Upgraded one of my Macs to Sequoia 15.1 and In Design to 2025 (ver 20.0) problem still persisted. What I ultimately found was that the version of Open Office was the culprit. I have found that version 4.1.14 works with this script. Mac's numbers program does not. I don't know if a paid version of Office 365 would work or not. This step is important, because otherwise the images are not imported in order. For this to work, you run the script, which creates a csv file. You open that file, and sort it, and then go to the data merge window in In Design, select the csv file and do the data merge, and your images will get imported in the correct order. I had forgotten about about the ImageCatalo.jsx script that's included with InDesign, and I had forgotten why it doesn't work. It reformats the pages, which is a problem, but more importantly, it imports the images in a random order. This is where creating the csv file and sorting it comes in. I need these images to get imported in the correct order, and ImagestoCSV104.jsx does this. The versions of Open Office that didn't work were 4.1.3. And again, I don't know if MS Office will sort the file without adding whatever was causing the errors, but OpenOffice 4.1.14 does appear to work.
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‎Nov 01, 2024
12:14 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks Leo. Didn't know that ID had issues with pre 13.5 versions of Ventura, but that's not surprising.
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‎Oct 31, 2024
04:10 PM
The computer on which it works is a Mac Studio Pro running Ventura 13.4.x and running now ID 2025 (just updated it moments ago), and even on the new ID, it works. On one of the machines where it does not work, it is a Mac Pro laptop M1, running ID 2024. On another machine where it doesn't work, I'm using Windows 10 and ID 2024. That's what I can't figure out. On the laptop, for example, when I try and run the Data Merge, I get the error, but on the Mac Studio Pro, with the same OS, Same OS version, same ID version and same Open office, I get the error. On a windows machine I also get the same error. The error occurs when I sort the data. If I don't sort the data in Open Office, I can run data merge and it's fine, but of course it's out of order. I know it's odd. I can't see what's causing it to think there's an empty data on two machines but not the other.
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‎Oct 31, 2024
03:50 PM
For years now I've used this script to create photo albums, but lately have been having problems with it on two of my three computers. Here's how it works. Run the script - point it to a directory and it will create a csv file with a list of images in that directory. But the images are out of order in the csv file, so I open it in Open office, sort the rows A-Z, save and close. Then go to the data merge menu in ID, select that csv file as the data source, and ID will create a page for each image, giving me a photo album that I then save as a PDF or ebook. Problem is, I'm starting to get this error, and can't figure it out. The Data Merge stops, and I get an error sayiing "data missing or some rows are empty". But on one computer it still works. No idea why that one works and the others don't. But I need to find a solution. Does anyone else use this? Any ideas on what's causing that error? ID 2024 and ID 2025 give the same error.
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‎Oct 31, 2024
02:37 PM
1 Upvote
Old thread, but here we go. To create a keyboard shortcut for teathered capture in Lightroom classic, open up the settings menu for the mac. Go to keyboard -> Keyboard shortcuts. Inside they keyboard shortcuts menu, select App Shortcuts. Click on the "+" icon. Navigate to "other" at the bottom of the menu, and select Adobe Lightroom Classic. Now, under Menu Title, Write the menu item EXACTLY as it appears. In this case "Start Tethered Capture..." (yes, exactly, including the three dots). Press the keyboard shortcut you want. I use control + opt + command + T. Press done. Now you have a keyboard shortcut to launch tethered capture from within Adobe LR Classic.
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