‎Nov 11, 2024
06:17 PM
1 Upvote
I am using a PC with an i9 processor, 1TB SSD, 1TBHDD, and 32GB ram, with Intel Model UHD Graphics 770 and Device ID 8086-A780a NVIDIA Model GeForce RTX 4060 Ti, updated to the latest driver. The remove tool was fantastic until this latest PS update. It is now so slow that it is unusable. Even the smallest spot takes up to 10 seconds to remove. One cannot even spot a bunch of specks and wait for the computer to catch up; I just get a sound and any attempted spot removal isn't registered. I turn off the Generative AI, and I I have tried switching between "Stable" and "Faster", and nothing helps. Please keep the Generative AI feature on a separate tool.
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‎May 23, 2024
04:20 PM
Error messages in LR and Photoshop.
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‎Dec 03, 2023
03:12 PM
No; I have a develop preset for each lens. This is happening with every lens since the update from v12 to v13.
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‎Dec 03, 2023
11:42 AM
I recently noticed that Lightroom Classic is adding the keyword DNG to my files upon import. (I convert to DNG before importing as I rename my files at the same time). I have no idea why this is happening and I don't want it to occur. How do I stop this from occuring?
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‎Jul 05, 2014
03:01 PM
Same issue here. Windows 7 64x, i5, 8GB ram, latest drivers installed.
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‎Jul 05, 2014
11:19 AM
After updating my graphics card driver, Lightroom 5.5 is crashing again: it is if it becomes stuck in a loop. Took about 10 minutes of editing a small catalogue...
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‎Jul 03, 2014
11:37 AM
1 Upvote
Same issue here; Windows 7 64x, i5, 8 GB. I thought it was fixed after contacting tech support, by deleting the preferences, and rebuilding the catalog. Worked for an hour, next try, back to the same useless performance. I will try a reinstall and then it's back to 5.4. What a waste of time and energy. I was using the stand alone version, so I uninstalled it, reinstalled the Creative Cloud Installer and downloaded via CC. Worked great...for a few minutes and then the same old slow down, tics and stalls. I wondered if updating my graphics card driver would help. I have done that, and at first, it seems to be somewhat better, but the healing brush and anything while zoomed in to 1:1 is still dreadfully slow. So is is really slow. Solutions would be appreciated, Mr. Adobe; this is happening to too many people....
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