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How to find out the bottom neck of slow render speed of Premier pro

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Mar 26, 2020 Mar 26, 2020

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I try to improve all botton nect of hardware but 4K Video rendering always take long time. try to Ctlt+Del to check the capacity of each Hardware... threre is any hardware work overload .

Any reccomendation to findout the botton next.

Any bug on Premier Pro 2020 ?   


My PC for your consider .

OS: Window10

CPU : Intel i9-9900  4.0GHz

Memoery: 48Gb  DDR4  2400MHz

Hardisk :  WD Blue SSD 2TB 

VGA Card : Quadro P2000   

Render by GPU




Narai C.






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Community Expert ,
Mar 26, 2020 Mar 26, 2020

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I've moved this from the poorly named Community Help forum (which is the forum for issues using the forums) to the Video hardware forum so that proper help can be offered.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 26, 2020 Mar 26, 2020

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Test your computer to find out how well it will work
-Benchmark test program available for Premiere Pro CC2019 and CC2020


Some things to do, and more information needed for someone to help...
-Troubleshooting https://community.adobe.com/t5/Premiere-Pro/Unofficial-Premiere-Pro-Troubleshooting-Guide/td-p/87892...
-PPro Editing Information FAQ https://community.adobe.com/t5/Premiere-Pro/FAQ-What-information-should-I-provide-when-asking-a-ques...





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Community Expert ,
Mar 28, 2020 Mar 28, 2020

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Rendering as in making preview files or exporting?


Post screenshot Mediainfo of media used.





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New Here ,
Apr 05, 2020 Apr 05, 2020

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I have completed install and run  Adobe premier pro/ window/ extensions/ PugeBench for Premier Pro  
See tool bar pop up on left side ,  but don'e know how to run and how to getting report .
Could you please advice ?





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Apr 05, 2020 Apr 05, 2020

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Just let the "Standard" tests run through (it should take more than 35 minutes or so). There will be the 4k H.264 150 Mbps 8pp tests, the 4k ProRes 422 10bpp tests, the 4k RED tests the Heavy GPU and Heavy CPU effects tests. Playback is done with the program monitor is set to both Full and 1/2 resolution, plus there will be two export tests for each of these timelines. And on all except the Effects testing, there will also be multicam playback testing in both Full and 1/2 resolution. After the last test is done, let it sit a few minutes, and it will report an overall score, a live playback score, an export score and a GPU score (in version 0.88b).


For the record, my humble AMD Ryzen R7 3800X-based system with 32 GB of DDR4-3200 RAM and a GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER averaged an overall score of 609 on this benchmark, with an average live playback score of 65, an average export score of 56 and an average GPU score of 58.


Once the Standard tests are complete, compare your score with mine, and you will get an idea as to where your bottleneck is. {To be honest, your bottleneck is the Quadro P2000 GPU - in other words, your system is GPU-bound as the Quadro P2000 is essentially a crippled version of the GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB (the P2000 has only 1,024 CUDA cores, a 160-bit memory bus and only 5 GB of VRAM versus 1,280 CUDA cores, a 192-bit memory bus and 6 GB of VRAM for the 1060), which I had already demonstrated to be much too weak for my R7 3800X. And because you do not appear to have more than a single SSD installed in your system, if that SSD is a SATA one, then your export score will suffer greatly.}


Finally, if your storage performance needs improvement, there is not much that you can do with that Intel platform other than adding a single m.2 PCI-E SSD, as there are only 16 available PCI-E lanes on that CPU (there are 24 total, but four of them go directly to the Z390 chipset's PCH and another four go to Intel's hard-to-find Optane memory that does not support conventional storage, leaving all of the m.2 slots running directly off of the Z390 PCH).


And why did you choose the Quadro P2000 in your system to begin with? That card is actually weaker than GPUs that cost half as much money, to begin with. And its street price is still well over $400, to boot. For just a few dollars more you could have chosen a GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER with that rig. Or, for less than that P2000 you could have chosen a GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER and still come out way ahead in the GPU score.


Now, if you are regularly running other apps, such as 3D graphics design programs, that absolutely REQUIRE a Quadro or other workstation-class card, then that P2000 makes sense. But you did not tell us what other programs that you are running besides the Adobe Creative Suite.


I'm only trying to help you with the choke points in your current system.





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