Error message: Premiere Pro requires access to the following folders: Documents, Desktop, Downloads
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Trying to open Premier Pro, I get the above error message. My answer is "No. Absolutely not."
Why on earth would I give any app whatsoever access to my entire documents folder, desktop and downloads? But it won't open otherwise, so I need a workaround. Fast.
2019 MBP running macOS 11.1.
I'm really hoping this is a mistake.
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This is a user to user forum ... with a ton of users that work in the Mac OS daily, without issue.
As noted, the Mac OS used to give those permissions automatically, you simply never saw them. They are pretty simple and straight-forward, and used the same as quite a number of other apps I've got.
Resolve, btw, puts a lot of stuff in various places around my computer too.
Because any such app needs to have places for those things. Each app's developers use a slightly different reasoning and set of protocols for where they store & access data needed to operate. But they all put stuff around the computer as they need.
And you can of course say 'no', and see if the app runs ok. It's your choice of course.
But being unhappy that anyone disagrees with your position is odd for a place where wide-ranging discussions are hopefully the norm. I've been to NAB a bunch of times, the aisleway discusssions of editors are always fascinating.
Eight editors talking about doing X will have eight different ways of doing it. And a couple of them will be very vocal about disliking the process used by someone else.
Well ... as far as I can tell, everyone's mileage always varies.
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I've read your spportive posts for years now. I don't question your support, or any other Community specialist, of users. But Adobe needs to be told- and you're getting that in various forms-- that the user comes first.
The proper way, in my view, for Adobe to overcome the feeling of a "We need access to these folders or go to hell" approach is to actually ask the user:
"Where would you like Adobe to store the files necessary to run the program? These are our folder choices- but as long as you allow us to store support files to make the program function correctly, you are free to specify any reliable area of your computer which gives the program instance access."
Now, is that so hard, folks??
I for one will drink the kool-aid. I have work to do. But I welcome an engineering attitude change allowing more control and choice.
Best, as always,
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I don't speak for Neil or Adobe but the concept of "the user comes first" or "the customer is always right" is outdated, irrelevant, and just plain wrong. It exemplifies a sort of mindset of "My money should determine how you do your job." If this actually happened, every business would grind to a halt. Companies have said that in the past to placate their most vocal complainers but that was by no means a concession.
Regardless, you're complaining to the wrong forum. You should be on Apple or Microsoft's sites. Adobe hasn't changed much when it comes to where they store their files: Microsoft and Apple are the ones requiring prompts to all the usual locations. Somehow, the very question of "Do you want to grant Adobe permission to..." is offputting to users. Just this week I had one of my users concernedly ask me "Why does Microsoft Teams (a program that is used for phone calls and meetings) need access to my Microphone?? I don't want them listening to me!!"
As for programs asking where they want to store files: they do, Premiere asks where you want to store your project files, your cache files. But required system files typically go in the same place on everyone's machines for consistency.
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I never knew Adobe had such ardent bootlickers until I learned that R Neil Haugen and Jeff Bugbee existed.
This entire discussion is sad, and I'm glad to have ditched everything Adobe from my personal systems.
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So are you one of those delightful people who walks down the street calling people you don't know names? Looks like it. Ah well, there's one around most large crowds.
Would it be swift if Adobe allowed people to set all file storage locations? Sure. Wouldn't have an issue with that at all. But that's not for me to say is it? I don't make the decisions.
For some of the 'internal' app needs, Adobe uses the 'standard' locations most apps use. The locations the OS people actually designed to be used for such things.For those things it's easier for their full CC system if all apps use the same locations.
It makes inter-app work a lot smoother.
And for quite a few other things, like the cache files, they do allow the user to set locations.
As a practical person, I understand why they want to use 'standard' OS provided locations for some of their under-the-hood files. Doesn't have anything to do with liking Adobe or their practices.
And anyone who jumps to such a ridiculous assumption has just proved what assumptions make of one ... ahem.
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I'm going to asssume your incomprehension is due to ignorance, not malice, that being said personal attacks are not allowed. Thanks for ending this thread.
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No mistake. Their forceful intrusion into my privacy and their ignorance of my wishes to decide for myself where programmes should store their data made me stop using Premier. Their are powerful alternatives., that allow me to stay in control of programmes. Photoshop and Lightroom still work if I refuse access to the Documents folder - if that should ever change, I would stop using Adobe at all. My consequence: I am downsizing my Adobe subscription from Creative Suit to single subscription of Photoshop.

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