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Error message: Premiere Pro requires access to the following folders: Documents, Desktop, Downloads

Community Beginner ,
Jan 30, 2021 Jan 30, 2021

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Trying to open Premier Pro, I get the above error message. My answer is "No. Absolutely not."
Why on earth would I give any app whatsoever access to my entire documents folder, desktop and downloads? But it won't open otherwise, so I need a workaround. Fast.  


2019 MBP running macOS 11.1. 

I'm really hoping this is a mistake.




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Jan 30, 2021 Jan 30, 2021

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Premiere Pro stores it's own folders of information in those places. For crying out loud, it doesn't read anything else. But your user profile with all your custom workspaces, your keyboard shortcuts file, your list of recent projects, all that stuff is what's stored in there. Your "local" Creative Cloud files ... all sorts of things Premiere needs to operate.


So ... you have to allow Premiere Pro to store it's files there. As you may be aware, many other apps do also.




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Apr 23, 2021 Apr 23, 2021

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Hogwash. Adobe has for years assumed that they could be a poor steward of our machines and it's coming to light now that Apple doesn't give them carte blanche. Their Privacy Policy is broad, and they are otherwise not transparent about the way they collect and use information about the files in these folders. For starters, they routinely force their way into the sidebar of Finder, litter folders throughout my files, and then send a ton of that information back to themselves and third-parties (set up Little Snitch and watch for yourself).


If Premiere needs access to write to these folders they should wait until the app boots, convey that need, and to the extent possible make it optional. I do not want Premiere putting anything on my Desktop or in my Downloads folder. I also don't want to use my Documents folder because it's synced to iCloud and I have a limited amount of storage there. So much like the OP, this is a complete dealbreaker for me. Good riddance.




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Apr 24, 2021 Apr 24, 2021

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That data is the information on performance of the app. It's all anonymized and just stored as metrics of program performance, they have no way of finding out who what metrics came in from. Why? Because Adobe has this information coming from many companies in the business that have incredibly strict confidentiality rules. Think the major studios for Hollywood movies and of course broadcast network stuff.


They have to prove to all their security people that nothing concerning any information on user or media is passed through. The entire system is constantly checked for "leaks" and inappropriate behavior.


If any studio or network security people found an issue, it would be a noisy discovery. Guaranteed.


So that's how their system is set up. What it does is provide them with data to monitor how many users are having crashes and what performance they're getting.






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May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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Very charitable and trusting.


Adobe lost many tens of millions of credit card numbers a few years ago, right? And then every few months they would quietly announce that the loss of data was larger than thought, and there were actually tens of millions more people affected. I think in the end it turned out double what they originally claimed.


Now we should trust them with access to private folders because they have good security?




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May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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I'm giving the information as it is. PrPro is used in a lot of applications that are under very strict security requirements. The type of work that has often been requiring air-gapped computers to touch the project.


And for those companies to start using PrPro, their security types have run a pretty rigorous checking process because they think "trust but verify" too lenient ... lol.


From everything they've published in discussions, the data seen is simply data on PrPro's performance, and doesn't even include identifiers for any computer/ISP stuff. So they've got raw performance data, but don't even know where it came from.


Again, that's not Adobe talk, that's the comments from paranoid security for the main Hollywood and such companies.


Adobe is a major corporate enterprise ... so I have no problem with their comments undergoing thorough scrutiny. Ahem.






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May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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The company initially revealed that 2.9 million customers' sensitive and personal data was stolen in security breach which included encrypted credit card information.[88][89][90] Adobe later admitted that 38 million active users have been affected and the attackers obtained access to their IDs and encrypted passwords, as well as to many inactive Adobe accounts.[91][92]

A 3.8 GB file stolen from Adobe and containing 152 million usernames, reversibly encrypted passwords and unencrypted password hints was posted on AnonNews.org.[95] LastPass, a password security firm, said that Adobe failed to use best practices for securing the passwords and has not salted them.[96][97] Another security firm, Sophos, showed that Adobe used a weak encryption method permitting the recovery of a lot of information with very little effort.[98] According to IT expert Simon Bain, Adobe has failed its customers and 'should hang their heads in shame'.[99]

After stealing the customers' data, cyber-thieves also accessed Adobe's source code repository, likely in mid-August 2013.[104] Because hackers acquired copies of the source code of Adobe proprietary products,[105] they could find and exploit any potential weaknesses in its security, computer experts warned.[106] Security researcher Alex Holden, chief information security officer of Hold Security, characterized this Adobe breach, which affected Acrobat, ColdFusion and numerous other applications, as "one of the worst in US history".[107] Adobe also announced that hackers stole parts of the source code of Photoshop, which according to commentators could allow programmers to copy its engineering techniques[108] and would make it easier to pirate Adobe's expensive products.[109][110]




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Community Expert ,
May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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You're gaslighting, just leave it alone from this point as I'm sure somebody will step in and just declare your posts as spam. This has absolutely nothing to do with simply allowing the program to write files to the computer for purposes of making the software run....




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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Mikalj isn't the one doing the gaslighting here. He's asking about a legitimate security concern and he's being met with "it's fine, dont' worry about it, you have no reason to even wonder about this." Textbook gaslighting.





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May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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Can't believe you actually spent the time to go find that, copy,  & paste it here.


Lessee ... 2013. Right. Eight years ago.


Very public, they dealt with it.


And as noted above, some of the folks I work with have been through the process to get security clearance to work big-budget/network/streaming shows where it costs several thousand dollars to them, they have numerous visits from security types poking through their shop's computer/internet security, and it takes HOURS of their time besides.


Most of them runnning PrPro, which passed the security process.


You ever been through that?






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Mar 22, 2022 Mar 22, 2022

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I agree to you.

On the other hand, if a program needs to put its own files to make it work faster; why desktop, documents and downloads at the same time? 

I store all of my private files there and don't want any program to reach there. There should be a slower option without permission. 

This is weird. And i decided not to use Premiere anymore. 




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Mar 22, 2022 Mar 22, 2022

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The first reply has a good run down on the reasoning for this: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/415964/what-does-it-mean-to-give-apps-access-to-documents-...


To summarize: If you don't trust a company/software, you shouldn't be using that software in the first place. You obviously trusted it enough to get it installed in the first place (and if you installed/used this software anytime before 2018 it had access to these locations by default). Just because it has access to these locations does NOT mean they are actively scraping/stealing your data. If Premiere.app wants to access my Desktop, it's probably becaue I export to my desktop all the time. If SuperVirus.app wants access to my Desktop, hey now, I'm glad it said something because that's not supposed to be there.




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May 27, 2021 May 27, 2021

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Click Deny. If the program fails to open/run, you will need to either allow access to those directories or uninstall the application.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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I just started my 7-day trial of Creative Cloud - finally trying an upgrade from my old Creative Suite. If I'm required to allow Adobe CC to access my desktop, documents, and downloads folders in order to run the program, I will probably just cancel the trial. This is unacceptable. I choose where my applications read and write files, the application doesn't decide. Upgrading from CS would be useful to me, but I'm not willing to give them access to my entire computer to make that happen. A simple workaround would suffice: If I decline access to these three folders, rather than quitting, the application could simply ask me for access to a different folder which I specify. The fact that they refuse to let the program run without first giving them access is a major red flag. This is one of several aspects of Adobe's business model which erodes my trust in them. But I shouldn't need to trust them - I should be able to simply opt out of granting access to my entire documents, downloads, and desktop folders; as well as opt out of storing my documents in their cloud.




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Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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I'm not going to explain Mac OS security settings here but here's the thing: you can click Deny. The app may fail to open or work, in which case you are absolutely free to stop using the program.You can either use the program and accept the security prompts (which allow the application to run correctly, not for them to spy on you) or you can choose to not use the program. You're in a 7 day free trial. You won't be out any $$$ if you choose to stop using the program. My personal opinion is that you shouldn't demand a company operate in a manner only you deem acceptable.




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Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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Yeah, I don't need you to explain Mac OS security policies to me. I know I can click deny, and I can keep using the old version of Adobe Creative Suite I already paid for which doesn't have this flaw. I'm not exactly demanding Adobe operate in any particular manner, I'm just letting them know what I require if they want my business. I'm sure they'll keep collecting subscription fees from customers who don't care about this, but I also know plenty of people agree with me and the OP here. It's a shady way of doing business.


Also, the purpose of a support community is to discuss the product and the issues we're having with it. If you're not into that, why are you participating?




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Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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"Also, the purpose of a support community is to discuss the product and the issues we're having with it. If you're not into that, why are you participating?"


That statement is a non-sequitur. I'm obviously into discussing the product and issues which is why I'm participating in this conversation.


The issue here is you have a fundamental misunderstanding about how MacOS permissions work. Granting an app permission to folders was previously done automatically; it's with Catalina and above did Apple make the process more visible to the end user. Unfortunately, this visibility means that end users incorrectly identify normal application access requirements as some sort of invasive spy program.


Imagine ordering a package from Amazon and when they ask for your shipping address, you angrily reply about how they don't need your address and they need to change their business practices if they want your business.




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Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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It's quite rare that somebody comes around and complains about Premiere needs certain areas of the computer available to it to run. You call it a "flaw" but fail to define what the flaw is and how it negatively impacts anybody or anything other than your pride. Those that come in here NEVER have a legitimate proven security concern, it's always gaslighting to try to get others to follow in their footsteps of conspiracy theories. That's the thing though, you have a theory that nobody has proven. You're correct that people won't care, for good reason! You won't trust how many people are running the program without their computer being taken over (or whatever you are imagining) and are making money doing it. Being productive. You're very busy being unproductive. Instead of complaining, just uninstall and move on, you're correct in that Adobe does not care about you. Accept it and be happy in life. Or accept the program runs a particular way for the reasons that it does and go be very productive.




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Feb 11, 2022 Feb 11, 2022

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Justin, I agree with you and Mikalj. I just called Adobe and asked for a workaround. There is none. I don't have the problem with PS or Illustrator or Xd. I was told Premiere Pro and Rush need access. There is no workaround for these 2 programs. The Adobe rep told me it is because of the way the software for these two programs are written. Sorry, I guess I am too suspicious. I think I will uninstall these two programs because if you click DENY, the programs will not run. 




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 16, 2021 Aug 16, 2021

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The Profile folder which contains the wokspace settings, keyboard shortcut and stuff that you talk about are in the Documents folder (which is already weird but I'll let this one pass). Same thing for the useless """"local" Creative Cloud files""" that's polluting my navigation bar, which is at the root of the user folder.

I did several tests and NEVER saw a file being written to my Desktop and Download folders. So if you don't write and -from what you said- don't read the content... then why do you need access to these folders?




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Aug 16, 2021 Aug 16, 2021

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If you want to export a file to your desktop, Premiere requires access to your desktop. If you want to import a file from your downloads folder into Premiere, Premiere needs access to your downloads folder.


Premiere asks for these permissions up front, not at the exact moment it needs to access them. If you do not wish to grant access, you can happily click Deny.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 11, 2021 Aug 11, 2021

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The workaround is to stop using MacOS... 😂 




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Aug 16, 2021 Aug 16, 2021

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Very true, since Windows grants Premiere permission to those directories by default. But hey, what you don't know can't hurt you, right?




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May 15, 2022 May 15, 2022

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The workaround is to stop using Acrobat 🙂




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New Here ,
Sep 29, 2021 Sep 29, 2021

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Thank you Mikalj for starting this thread / discussion. I faced the same issue and concern and makes me sad to read the answers of community professionals. Respectful behavior is a part of the customer centric business. If a company, here Adobe, allow their community professionals act this way, I see this is as part of the company policy. Just few exaples to explain my point

1. Most of them runnning PrPro, which passed the security process. You ever been through that? "They know better, you seem to a tenderfoot"/ Good example of "bandwagon fallacy".
2. Click Deny. If the program fails to open/run, you will need to either allow access to those directories or uninstall the application. "We do not need you and we do not want to help you to succeed".
3. I'm not going to explain Mac OS security settings here but here's the thing: you can click Deny. "I do not have time explain this for stupids, so please stop wasting my time and leave".
4. My personal opinion is that you shouldn't demand a company operate in a manner only you deem acceptable. "Your concern is stupid and we only love customers who accept our terms".
5.  The issue here is you have a fundamental misunderstanding about how MacOS permissions work. "We up here assume that if you don't understand MacOS permissions, you should not participate this discussion"
6. Very true, since Windows grants Premiere permission to those directories by default. But hey, what you don't know can't hurt you, right? "Oh you stupid, you know nothing about the issue and here we are; you chose the wrong OS as well"

However, I wish you all productive time with Adobe products. 




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