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I've cancelled my subscription.

Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2017 Oct 07, 2017

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Hello everyone,

Well, I've been using Premiere Pro for a year now but I've cancelled my subscription today. Here's a few of the reasons why:

1. The main reason is that Adobe and Apple don't seem to be able to talk to each other. I've had an engineer tell me that Adobe have filed a bug a with Apple about terrible CUDA performance (exporting doesn't work properly - just constant errors - on my configuration of machine with OSX Sierra and apparently that's Apple's problem, there's a bug report been filed. Not good enough).

2. The keyframe animation is appalling, I can't work on keyframes I have created as I can't actually move the playhead to them, I have to create a new keyframe and slightly alter the values of that and then delete the old one. Ugh. If they're trying to force me to use AE for animation then that just stinks.

3. Adobe don't really have any idea about customers or users. When I just cancelled and I selected 'other' as my reason they gave me a text box the size of a matchbox - that's Adobe's understanding of users right there in a nutshell. If you can't say what your reason for unsubscribing is five words then tough.

4. The UI is all over the place: it gets sluggish for no apparent reason; there are some very basic usability errors in the timeline (like not making selected the clips I have just copied; "Selection follows playhead" just doesn't work; Windows just disappear when you undock them.  The list goes on and on.

5. The new "features" barely function. "Essential" Graphics is anything but, it's half baked and enormously clunky. "Oh it's a work in progress" just doesn't cut it, it came out three months ago, where's the progress? I don't want bells and whistles anyway, I want a functioning piece of software.

6. There's a whiff of desperation about the whole enterprise, like they're barely hanging on. When I just cancelled, because I'd been signed up for a year (the minimum term!) I was offered 12 months for the price of 10...

7. Premiere's performance leaves a lot to be desired on a high-end iMac running Sierra. I've checked the machine, been through every setting, I've cleaned it, removed cache, everything, none of it improves the performance. I can't believe that I, as a Sierra user, am the only one having these problems.

8. And lastly, I'm now just really, really tired of sitting down and being excited about an idea only for Premiere to suck the life out of me and make me want to smash things. I've been using all sorts of complex software for years but this is just a GIANT, BLOATED MESS.

Thanks for a stressful year Adobe but I'm moving back to Final Cut Pro and I'll probably learn Avid along the way.





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Oct 07, 2017 Oct 07, 2017

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7. Premiere's performance leaves a lot to be desired on a high-end iMac

$2,000 Custom PC vs $4,000 Mac Pro - YouTube

The upshot, Windows is 3x faster at 1/2 the price.




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Explorer ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Hmmm, you're equating 'speed' with 'performance'. They are not interchangeable. Speed is one part of the performance of machine, I have a Mac because it's robust, works consistently, is reliable and fast. I don't have a problem with the speed of Premiere, when it works it's fast. It's the consistency of its functioning I have a problem with.

I really don't understand the point of this "Macs are —, get Windows" reply. Not very helpful is it?

Moderator: Warning, please do not use profanity in our forums. It is against Adobe policy.




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Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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If you've cancelled your subscription, I'm not sure why you are concerned about any responses to this thread.

If you are going to use FCP, then as that is Mac only, hardware is not relevant.





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Explorer ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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https://forums.adobe.com/people/Meg+The+Dog  wrote

If you've cancelled your subscription, I'm not sure why you are concerned about any responses to this thread.

If you are going to use FCP, then as that is Mac only, hardware is not relevant.


I dunno man, if I were Adobe and I cared about my customers I would want to hear this discussion. He could've just quit silently and that doesn't give Adobe any incentive to get better. Your line of thinking is completely wrong.




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Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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I don't work for Adobe. I am a freelance editor. On my two Mac Systems, I don't have any of the issues the original poster has.

I have 3 other friends who are also freelance editors. 1 uses Premiere on a Mac, 1 uses Premiere on a Mac and a PC, and one uses Final Cut Pro X.

All of the Premiere users are not having these problems.

This leads me to think:

There is something wrong with Mr. Cheese's system.

There is something corrupt with the Premiere installation on that system.

There is something installed on Mr. Cheese's system that may be conflicting with the CC installation

There is something wrong with the way Mr. Cheese is attempting to use Premiere Pro

Mr. Cheese could very likely have found help with any of these issues on these forums, the Creative Cow,  and elsewhere on the internet.

But some of Mr. Cheese's problems are of a non-technical nature -

3. Adobe don't really have any idea about customers or users. When I just cancelled and I selected 'other' as my reason they gave me a text box the size of a matchbox - that's Adobe's understanding of users right there in a nutshell. If you can't say what your reason for unsubscribing is five words then tough.

6. There's a whiff of desperation about the whole enterprise, like they're barely hanging on. When I just cancelled, because I'd been signed up for a year (the minimum term!) I was offered 12 months for the price of 10...

8. And lastly, I'm now just really, really tired of sitting down and being excited about an idea only for Premiere to suck the life out of me and make me want to smash things. I've been using all sorts of complex software for years but this is just a GIANT, BLOATED MESS.

But as I have none of these issues, I can't address them.

I vote for everyone editing on the software they like. If you want to use different software, I encourage you to do so. If you think Premiere makes your work harder and more problematic for you, and you can't seem to resolve those issues, then why are you using software that makes you unhappy?

if I were Adobe and I cared about my customers I would want to hear this discussion. He could've just quit silently and that doesn't give Adobe any incentive to get better. Your line of thinking is completely wrong.

There are two effective ways to give Adobe feedback about Premiere Pro technical and design problems: The first is with the Premiere Pro Bug report/wishlist form:

Feature Request/Bug Report Form

although I don't know where you file a complaint about being offered an incentive to keep the subscription.

The second it to vote with your feet. Move to other software - but . . .

If you want to leave a party with a large, dramatic gesture, announcing you are leaving for ever, you've had it, good bye! -  I am perfectly OK with that - but IMHO it's not flattering to you to keep opening the door and peeking in to see what effect your departure has.





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Explorer ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Hey, I'm a freelance editor too! I also edit on PC and Mac. So was that an underhanded attempt to somehow discredit my opinion? Why do you think I'm wasting time on this board too?

Anyway, I don't really think Cheese has any intention of coming back. That's not the point of his thread.

We hold Adobe to a much higher standard because they're making software for professionals like you and I to DO OUR JOB. So when the tools that your livelihood depends on don't work, you get angry right? You should. Especially with a monthly fee.

It takes a special kind of arrogance to assume that personal contentment magically means Adobe is without sin and Premiere is the pinnacle of fine software here.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Sorry to see you go, Phil Cheese. Please keep us in mind in the future. You can always download trials to try out our software, if you like. Good luck to you.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Explorer ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Your company could also strive to make the software better too. Not sure if that is ever a consideration. Also, suggesting he download trials after canceling his subscription in frustration hilariously highlights his point about Adobe being tone-deaf.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Hi KS Production,

Your company could also strive to make the software better too. Not sure if that is ever a consideration.

This is a forum designed to assist people with trouble with our software, it is not for addressing quality issues. Give the team feedback here.

suggesting he download trials after canceling his subscription in frustration hilariously highlights his point about Adobe being tone-deaf.

I don't know about you, but as an editor, I always appreciate the ability to download and check out software I don't own on a trial basis. Perhaps in the future, there will be some features or bug fixes that may appeal to the OP.

Furthermore, in support, it is part of my job to let our former subscribers know that they are always welcome to return here for assistance or questions.

I am sorry you don't agree with that stance.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 09, 2017 Oct 09, 2017

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Moved to the Video Lounge.


Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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