If it helps anyone, I found something very specific that triggers the issue for me. I'm using Illustrator version 25.4.1, MacOS Catalina 10.15.7, MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) No other Adobe software open. My current file is made up of only Illustrator native shapes, lines, text, etc. The process: I took a screen shot of an image in my web browser, then I drug that screen shot from my desktop (where it saved to) onto my Illustrator page. I embedded the image. Then, I had the issue occur where the image does not show up in the correct colors, but rather slightly muted colors. (Link to the Adobe thread where I saw others with the same issue, and I was using the comments to try and understand what was going on: https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator-discussions/illustrator-changes-colors-when-importing-an-image/m-p/10385321) (Based on what I've read, this happens because something is off between the color settings of the image, and the color settings of the Illustrator document I'm working on, but I still don't totally understand.) So, that issue, and the “fixes” that others had suggested in that thread, lead me to go to “Edit” > “Color Settings.” On that page, all I did was click the "Ask When Pasting" box to select it. After clicking that box, I guess that triggered that I had “changed” the settings, so the text at the very top of the “Color Settings” box, which had previously read "Synchronized: Your Creative Cloud applications are synchronized using the same color settings for consistent color management," now changed to, "Unsynchronized: Your Creative Cloud applications are not synchronized for consistent color. To synchronize, select Color Settings in Bridge." Then, I clicked the "Ask When Pasting" box again to deselect it (as it had been deselected when I opened the settings.) Then, I clicked "Cancel" at the bottom of the Color Settings window. This returned me back to my page where I was working, where now, if I click on my embedded image, or anything else on the page, or just work or click around in general- and then go up to hover over "Edit," (without actually clicking anything on the edit menu when it pops down) if I then just pull the mouse away and start to do something else- bam, I get the "Cannot complete because of an unknown error [PARM]" box. Then as I keep working it happens again occasionally, but it's always kinda triggered by mousing over the edit menu. I then saved my file, closed Illustrator, and opened it again- and everything is totally fine. Out of curiosity I messed around to see if I could trigger it again, and sure enough, I've been able to recreate it using those same steps, in this same file, multiple times. Other details I’ve found, after playing around with the steps: If I do the steps that take me through the whole “Color Settings" process, without having brought the Screen Shot image onto my page- it does not trigger. If I drag the Screen Shot image onto my page, but don't Embed the image, then do the “Color Settings” steps, - it does not trigger. But, if I drag the Screen Shot image onto my page, don't embed, do the "Color Settings" steps, and then later go back to the Screen Shot image and embed it- that triggers it. I haven’t tried the steps with any other illustrator files, or any other images dragged from my desktop, so I don’t know if that would impact things or not. I haven't had any trouble with the error coming back once I close out of the program and restart it.
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