Conrad and all that replied to my question, thank you. I started to experiment around with using the crop tool and the other ideas suggested. I tried the Content Aware Scale as well. It worked some times but was difficult for it to be consistent. The inconsistencies bothered me so I set up a separate timeline for testing. Premier Pro (and maybe PS, but could never find it) displays the size and aspect ratio when the curser is run over the asset. I moved a few of the original files into Premier Pro and found that they had a 1.0 aspect ratio. Then why did the ones that I ran through the image processor come out as 1.333? After much experimenting with different sizes in for the output file, I found that if I used 1440 x 1080 I now had a ratio of 1.333 and if I put in 1439 x 1079, It came out as 1.0. So PS changes the aspect ratio when it sees an output that is 1.333. Also, I did not have this problem if I made the picture square by using 1080 x 1080. You would expect square pixels at that setting. However, I did not like a square picture so I ended up using 1439 x 1079 for all my pictures. They look great. It is worth noting that this problem occurred using some old pictures from 2006 with a Konica Minolta Dimage camera. I have not seen this problem with newer cameras such as my Canon Powershot or my Nikon. In fact, I shoot my pictures on that camera at 6000 x 4000. After they are worked in LightRoom, I run them through the PS image processor set at 1920 x 1080. They come out at a smaller width (I guess 1440, don't remember) with a 1.0 aspect ratio. That is what I was looking for with these pictures. With the same settings that I always use, I just never expect the Konica pictures to come out at 1.333. Now as I go through this project, I will have to look at which camera the pictures came from. Again, thanks everyone, Duane
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