Ugh. The file you're interested in is something like C:\ColdFusion2021\cfusion\lib\adobe_drivers.jar. (Actually, of course, it's somewhere within that jar, like macromedia/jdbc/ or macromedia/jdbc/OracleDriver.class.) Unfortunately, this is a DataDirect driver as you know, and it doesn't contain the relevant version info in a file - I think that's where it would have to go. I'm not entirely sure whether you can just download something from Progress to fix it. You could try in a test environment, but you'd still have to guess at the version you're using.
I recommend that you open a ticket at asking (a) can Adobe fix this problem and if so when, (b) what version of the driver you're actually using, and (c) can you download something from Progress that will fix this problem. I'm pretty sure that the Adobe version is one or two versions behind the latest Progress version. I'm sorry I can't give you a more definitive answer. Maybe one of the other contributors can. Adobe might be able to provide a personal bugfix for you and maybe anyone else with the same problem.
Alternatively, you could try Oracle's own JDBC driver instead. I think it's free, but it'll come with its own problems I'm sure.
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