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Платёжная система

New Here ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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Платёжная система. Здравствуйте мы взяли пробную подписку адоб премьер про, ни разу не выполнили вход, не зашли в программу, срок действия истёк адоб хочет снять средства со счёта с карты, вопрос. Как сделать одписку От приложения изменить платежную систему, карта одна. Удалить карту? И отписаться?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

When you 'click to agree' to the subscription terms while buying a subscription, that means that you really do need to read BEFORE you enter your credit card number to buy a subscription... See this page for more information, including a yellow highlited section from the subscription page https://community.adobe.com/t5/account-payment-plan/cancellation/m-p/12153645


To Cancel https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/cancel-creative-cloud-subscription.html
-READ THIS https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/creative-cloud-subscription-terms.html#cancel




Community Expert ,
Dec 02, 2021 Dec 02, 2021

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When you 'click to agree' to the subscription terms while buying a subscription, that means that you really do need to read BEFORE you enter your credit card number to buy a subscription... See this page for more information, including a yellow highlited section from the subscription page https://community.adobe.com/t5/account-payment-plan/cancellation/m-p/12153645


To Cancel https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/cancel-creative-cloud-subscription.html
-READ THIS https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/creative-cloud-subscription-terms.html#cancel
-do be aware that cancelling early means paying 1/2 of the remaining subscription time as a fee
--this is cancelling AFTER the trial converts to paid and BEFORE the end of the subscription
-or have Adobe support cancel your subscription using the "autoOpen" Chat link below

This space is provided by Adobe, but it is not Adobe support
Sorry, nobody here can help with an account or payment problem
This is a public forum, you need the link to Adobe support, not other users
Be sure to remain signed in with your Adobe ID before accessing the link
Do be aware that Adobe's staffing is impacted by the virus, so wait times are long
-you MUST make sure that your browser does NOT block ads, scripts, or pop-ups
-you MUST also allow 'cookies' in your web browser for the link to work
This link will go directly to the chat option
Type "Agent" in the chat box to bypass the chatbot and be connected to a person
-Meaning type in the word Agent without the quote " " marks
Adobe does NOT do support by email, so beware of answering anyone who sends you a private message
-click for more information about scammers https://tinyurl.com/10791730





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