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è possibile effettuare il pagamento per le applicazioni di Creative Cloud tramite bonifico bancario?
wire transfer, yes - Adobe Store | Online order and payment FAQ
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wire transfer, yes - Adobe Store | Online order and payment FAQ
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Se il pagamento con bonifico è possibile, si DEVE INDICARE nelle opzioni di pagamento, il numero di conto!
Non esistono altri modi, soprattutto non quello di essere rimandati con infiniti ping-pong, ad altre inutili sezioni del sito Adobe.
Spero di essere stato sufficientemente chiaro!
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You are not addressing Adobe here. These are peer to peer forums and almost all the participants are users like you. If you want to contact support for any assistance you can follow instructions given below to connect directly.
1. Go to
2. Wait a bit on the page that opens up, it should automatically open a chat popup. If that does not happen then look for a call out/chat icon at the bottom right, click over it and the chat popup should open
3. In order to talk to a human type "AGENT" in the chat box
4. If you are not able to get to the chat window, then disable your adblockers, firewall, enable cookies/scripts on your browser. If it still fails then change your browser/machine/network.
P.S. Be mindful of answering anyone who sends you a private message. See the following for more information about scammers
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<moved from download and install >