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Will receipts of payment by Adobe to acknowlege subscription payment received be made available?

New Here ,
Jul 18, 2021 Jul 18, 2021

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Invoice history is available, but receipt of payment information isn't made available. This is very frustrating for independent contractors who have to prove expenditures for reimbursement. Many, many, many other subscriptions services simply make an acknowledging ledger in the billing history they make available to subscribers. Having to secondarily access my bank account to record a date of payment is very inconvenient.


Will receipts of payment by Adobe to acknowlege subscription payment received be made available?



Account management , Billing






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Jul 19, 2021 Jul 19, 2021

Hi there, 


The receipt of payment is not available with Adobe, however, thanks for sharing your views. I shall definitely pass this on to our team.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. 





Adobe Employee ,
Jul 19, 2021 Jul 19, 2021

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Hi there, 


The receipt of payment is not available with Adobe, however, thanks for sharing your views. I shall definitely pass this on to our team.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. 







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New Here ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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Hi, I have the same question as RamseySprague from 2021. I see Its been over 3 years now–did your team finally figure out a way its customers can get receipts? Invoices are NO GOOD when trying to get reimbursed from my employer that doesnt pay the bills on time and I decided to use my own credit card to get you paid and so I dont get so many interuptions while Im working. Even the REnamed account would help for when I submitted my first payments. We need something– the last 4 digits of our credit cards on your Invoices need to be implemented for your customers, or it needs to show somewhere in our accounts. Ive been a customer since Adobe started its company when we used to purchase our own sofeware.. (I miss those days). Can anyone help with this simple accounts request please? It is incredibly frustrating. Thank you, Donna





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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 11, 2024 Nov 11, 2024

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Hi Coldwell McNeeley,

We hear you. As I understand you are looking for reciepts that atleast have the last 4 digitd of the Credit card used. Our team is working on having something similar for the convenience of our users. Please stay connect with the community to get more updates around the same.







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New Here ,
Nov 12, 2024 Nov 12, 2024

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I appreciate your quick response, (whether human or not). Thank you!

Yes, the last 4 digits of the cards used to pay invoices for both Adobe Creative Suite and Adobe Stock shown on the invoices as far back as you can.

My immediate need is to see the last 4 digits of the cards that were used to pay all invoices in 2024 to date. My supervisor used his personal credit cards to pay Adobe the last several months and he needs receipts accounting asks him for to get reimbursed from our employer just as I do.

In October I put my credit card info on file to get the overdue bills paid. My personal card input overwrote the card used for payment the last few months. So, I decided to change my account name thinking the new name will now show on the invoices and this would let me know what I need in history.

Additionally, my supervisor was charged on his credit card by Adobe for something he has no knowledge of what it is since it's an odd amount, over $30. I don't see any invoice for an odd amount other than my 2 consistent plan amounts. He wants to know what it was for asking me and another user for the receipt. I had to tell my supervisor Adobe doesn't have receipts, only invoices. So, this has not been resolved and is why the bill has been paid late over the last few months. He wants to know what the odd amount paid for on a receipt, to be resolved.

All this said, I hope you can see why we need receipts showing who paid what and when paid so we can rightly get reimbursed by our employer for your services.

I and other users with similar accounting needs will appreciate Adobe’s efforts to implement a solution as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time!
Donna McNeeley
Marketing Director





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