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Hello Everyone,
Several of my users are receiving this error message:
Acrobat.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point sqlite3_sourceid could not be located in the dynamic link library C:\Program Files|McAfee\Agent\x86\ma_database.dll.
I've uninstalled McAfee, shut down, and reinstalled. Still get error message
Solved: Acrobat.exe Entry Point Not Found - Adobe Support Community - 13845756
- I had the same issue as the link above on June 6, 2023.
- Trellix says it's not their problem. What is the problem?
When running Acrobat on a PC with Trellix Endpoint installed, it tries to use a DLL from an unrelated Trellix antivirus path.
Since Trellix Endpoint is purchased and used as a vaccine, erasing solutions cannot be used.
tested history)
We didn't have a problem, but it started happening on June 6th.
Trellix Endpoint install + Acrobat.exe install: Error pop-up suddenly appears.
Trellix Endpoint delete : Execute Acrobat.exe normally.
Trellix Endpoint install: Acrobat.exe Error Occurred
Trellix Endpoint install+ Acrobat New Version install: Acrobat.exe error occurred
The same symptoms)
Trellix Support Community - Adobe Acrobat / Trellix MVISION Error - Support Community
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In the reference thread, we have requested for the crash logs from all the users experiencing this issue.
Unfortunately, we haven't heard back from any of them. For further investigation, we required logs to share with our engineering team.
Could you please share the same with us? It would be helpful.
Collect logs when Acrobat/Reader crashes or freezes
Procmon Logs: [Windows only]
Note: share the logs by uploading them to any cloud storage.
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Should I Drag and Drop here? We are still having this issue and Uninstalling McAfee/Trellix CANNOT be the answer.
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You can upload the file on Adobe Cloud storage and share the link.
Or you can upload the file to any other cloud storage and share the link to that. We will download the file.
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Did you download them then delete my link?
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Also, you all say it is Trellix and they say it is you.
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I put the link in there and then it was gone. Do you want me to attach instead? This whole link thing doesn't seem to be working.
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Hi @GHFCU Team
The issue has been reported to engineering, and a Bug has been logged.
For further investigation, Could you please share the dumps for the same?
Here are the steps for how to collect it
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I thought we already did this?
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Also, it also doesn't actually completely crash. Please send a message in the private mail we have.
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So where are we with this??????
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No, we haven't received any.
Sending you a private message on Community. You can share the link privately.
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Same Issue
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I sent them my logs and everything. Now I cannot get them to answer to save my life....
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Hi GHFCU Team and Matt324409146j9w,
Thank you for reaching out, and sorry about the delay in response.
The team is working on this issue, and finding the fix may take some time.
We will update you once the fix patch is available. We appreciate your patience so far.
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May we have the solution ?
i have open a ticket to TRELLIX SR # <4-24185898811
no answer at this time
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@Mairie in France by the time Adobe answers Trellix will have closed your ticket. Mine was open for 2 months before they closed it. I have been trying to get this fixed since June.
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The delay is not normal i cannot understand.
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For your help (may be) a solution 😉
i have seen that on the computers which have the problem there is 2 versions of Adobe !!!
Adobe ACROBAT DC and Adobe Acrobat Reader....
when i ask "open with" (check--> always open with) Adobe Acrobat Reader
the problem is solved .....
So may be you have the same problem .....
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For us it is anyone with 64bit whether reader or DC. We have a mixed group with 32 bit (which is not easy to get) and 64 bit with only about 14 users who use Pro. My computer only have Acrobat DC Pro 64 bit and I get it every time I open Adobe.
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ok.... so we wait for a solution ....
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No related updates yet?
We still see many users experiencing the same issue, and Trellix claims that the problem is caused by Acrobat trying to use Trellix's DLL files.
Acrobat claims it appears to be an issue that needs to be looked into, but the case is still not being addressed.
Many administrators are leaving comments on the same issue.
Engineers like us are hearing complaints from customers. The problem is still not resolved.
What can I offer you to handle this problem?
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Affecting the entire company. Please get this fixed!@#$@#%$