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After using the PDF Review Server on multiple docs for about a year, I am today getting this error message:
"Adobe Acrobat cannot connect to the Review Server:"
We host our Team comments on SharePoint. I have no issue visiting the SharePoint and viewing the Adobe file.
Does anyone have an idea of this error's root cause and/or how to troubleshoot this?
I am really blocked from doing work.
I have tried many of the other remedies posted in this community to no avail (tried logging in/out of SharePoint, Adobe, deleting credentials, rebooting, etc.)
Here is the Acrobat Pro DC version:
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I solved this and wanted to post the information I found.
From the content of the error messages shown in the Acrobat Review Tracker I got a hint that the MS SharePoint is denying access due to a bad Security Credential. A week prior I had reset and re-established my multi-factor authentication with MS Teams for other unrelated reasons.
I did two operations and solved the problem. I am not sure which of the two or both made the difference:
(1) Clear remembered account information...
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences > Security > Adobe Experience Manager Document Security > Clear remembered account information...
(2) Reset Internet Explorer Settings
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences > Internet > Internet Settings...
Internet Properties > Advanced > Reset Internet Explorer settings > Reset... > Reset
After I did these two steps I can now connect to the SharePoint review server without error.
Thanks for you help and ideas to resolve this issue.
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At first I though this was related to the last update of May, but as I read the release notes for this update, there is no known issue with the Sharepoint integration.
On the other hand, it appears that Micrososft did some recent changes that affect the way PDFs are associated with ActiveX controls, specially for Sharepoint online services.
See this troubleshooting link :
Let me know if it helps or not so I can gather more info.
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I had a quick chat with my admin and sadly our SharePoint is host by MS in Office365. I cannot follow up on these suggestions on the Server side.
Any other suggestion I can test?
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So in that case, did you followed the instructions that the error message indicates in your screenshot?
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I solved this and wanted to post the information I found.
From the content of the error messages shown in the Acrobat Review Tracker I got a hint that the MS SharePoint is denying access due to a bad Security Credential. A week prior I had reset and re-established my multi-factor authentication with MS Teams for other unrelated reasons.
I did two operations and solved the problem. I am not sure which of the two or both made the difference:
(1) Clear remembered account information...
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences > Security > Adobe Experience Manager Document Security > Clear remembered account information...
(2) Reset Internet Explorer Settings
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences > Internet > Internet Settings...
Internet Properties > Advanced > Reset Internet Explorer settings > Reset... > Reset
After I did these two steps I can now connect to the SharePoint review server without error.
Thanks for you help and ideas to resolve this issue.
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Thank you for sharing that solution.
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I just ran into this same issue at my company, and we no longer can access our shared reviews on SharePoint. I tried the two steps above but still have issues. Is there another work around that I can try?
I am also logined in with valid creditionals.
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Hello all,
we have an issue when we try to use the Shared Review with acrobat Reader 2020 Version 2020.004.30020
This issue occures for some users, for the others it works fine.
Can you please help me?
Thanks a lot
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Hi all,
I tried to apply the steps suggested, but the issue occurres again.
1) Clear remembered account information...
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences > Security > Adobe Experience Manager Document Security > Clear remembered account information...
(2) Reset Internet Explorer Settings
Adobe Acrobat Pro DC > Preferences > Internet > Internet Settings...
Internet Properties > Advanced > Reset Internet Explorer settings > Reset... > Reset
Do you have other suggest?
Thanks a lot
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Resetting the Internet Explorer Settings resolved this for us. Thanks you so much! You've saved me from a world of pain.
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One more here saved from world of pain. I dont know how many contacts to Adobe Support to try to resolve this issue.
Its only resetting the navegator edge and Bingo!
Thanks you so much!!!
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I continue to get the same error also if the actions suggested have been done:
->Enter in Explorer/Edge settings and reset
For all documents I get
Can you tell me if we have to do some check?
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When you are in the Internet Options > Advanced Reset settings be sure you turn on delete personal settings.
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Hi ruckuspubs,
Thank you, very much. Your solution helped me. I wouldn't have checked the Delete personal settings option if you had not suggested this solution. I can now view my reviewer's comments.
However, I recently got an Adobe pop-up message stating, IE is about to expire and they suggested we set Edge as the default browser. I am not sure, what needs to be done about that. For time being, this solution works. Thank you, very much.
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We're seeing this problem again with Adobe Acrobat 2024. Sadly the interface has changed slightly so the Reset Internet Explorer settings option seems to no longer exist in the UI. Hunting for another workaround.
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Yes, I am facing some issue too. I get this error message:
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Hello Pavithra,
Yes, this is the same issue we're seeing (as of April 2024) I'm going to open a new post requesting more information. In a nutshell it looks like Adobe Acrobat uses an embedded Internet Explorer process to connect to SharePoint. SharePoint however blocks Internet Explorer and in turn you see that unxpected Upgrade Browser image (which has no impact on the root problem).
We believe the problem is that Adobe Acrobat Pro uses an Internet Explorer embedded control to sign-in to SharePoint and access Shared Review PDFs. Internet Explorer is *end of life* and SharePoint blocks Internet Explorer sign to SharePoint and One Drive. (Adobe Article)
As an Adobe Acrobat Pro user when you open a Shared Review PDF what you will see is an unexpected pop-up message telling you to upgrade your Browser (picture below). This pop-up is due to SharePoint blocking Internet Explorer sign-on. With SharePoint blocking sign-on to Adobe Acrobat you will *not* be able to Check for New Comments or Publish Comments on your shared reviews.
You'll see that image, then if you close that window you'll get the error for unable to connect to server/no response.
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Hi There,
Yes, I am facing the same issue as well. I agree with you. Let's create a new post requesting more information and solution for this issue. I am stuck with this issue and work is paused. I hope the team find this post and provides us with an solution, asap. Thank you, for pitching in, and explaining the issue in detail.
Meanwhile, I will try to search for the issue in this community page. I will check if someone has already raised this issue in a new post.
Thank you!
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The new post for this issue (April 2024) is here:
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Hello all,
We are seeing the same error as Howard B screen shot shows, our version of Adobe is 2024.005.20399 | 64bit. Now I know why this message is coming up on ours. The server which used to be the host as our Review Server died and we had to move to different hardware and host for the data. We have several years of PDF document which have comments shared, and I am told it was easy to change the Review Server inforamtion. However, the person who did the research and knew how to do so is no longer with the company and not reachable. Suggestions...?