Eliminate Home Screen when closing last PDF?
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I'm new to Acrobat DC and am used to working with individual PDFs. I've got DC setup to NOT do tabbed management of multiple open files. How do I now stop it from reverting to a "Home Screen" showing recent files when I close the last open PDF? I think, that when I close the last open PDF, Acrobat should just go away/die.
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That's not possible. If you want to close the application you have to do so yourself. It will not close automatically when you close the last open file.
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If you Quit Acrobat with documents open, then both the application and the documents will close. You will be asked whether or not to save unsaved files. It works this way in most computer applications, not just Acrobat.
~ Jane
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I think 1234567890!ABC simply wants to know how to disable the "Recent" or "Home" screen (not sure what Adobe calls it?) I find it constantly in my way also. When you close an open PDF it automatically opens (even if you have previously closed it) and blocks my view of the desktop. I have yet to use any of the "Features" of this screen. Please give us a way to disable this "Feature".
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MS Windows or MacOS?
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I'm assuming Mac OS, as that doesn't happen on Windows.
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Oh it absolutely happens on Windows.
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Why does the app open randomly?
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Maybe this screen shot will help.
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The Home Screen is a real time-wasting annoyance in my studio. We already have an operating system from Apple for finding and managing files, and we all have learned to use it. Placing an "OS-Lite" in the way of tasks we need to complete is the opposite of good UX design. We need achieve MORE WITH LESS, not the same with more. Please Adobe... read this, and the many threads on this topic... and make the universally hated Home Screen switch off-able.
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I agree that we do not need an additional OS-Lite on top of the MacOS. I especially despise the Home screen because I work in Prepress and continually have to open PDFs to edit them and then save them. I am forced to use the AdobeOS Lite to navigate to where I want to save the file. Very annoying Adobe! Give us the option to turn off!
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After reading these and seeing a hint about where to look in that long list of Preferences, I found it.
Look for General in the top group. It has a checkbox for
Show Home Screen when all documents are closed.
It worked!
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Thank you for your reply, however, this does not work for me. I have this preference checked "off" but the screen still reappears. See screenshot
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I am also in PrePress. This worked for me. GREAT
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Fantastic, thanks so much, that has been an annoyance for years. I hated it and such a time waster because you had to quit Reader DC several timea a day.
Thank You Thank You Thank You
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It's super annoying... I can't get rid of it either!!! I would love to... it's rubbish and I never use it! Adobe? Are you listenting?!!
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This is terrible. Please disable this like you can on all other CC software.
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I hate this feature with a white hot passion. As others have noticed (and others have disagreed with), checking the "hide home screen" option does not hide the home screen at all. Never. This is constantly in my way, and is one of the worst "updates" I've ever seen. At this point, it's clear Adobe won't respond to the many requests to get rid of this (and what's with that ineffective checkbox?)
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Any solutions - I'm staggered by there's no obvoius help or reaction from something so obvoiusly frustating. I'M MOVING TO FIGMA from now on. Stcik that in your pipes Adobe - you didn;t learn QUARKS lesson did you?
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This doesn't work for me - any ideas? I still get the anoying home screen application window blocking everythign else from view - is like someone deliberatly getting infront of you view while you're trying to watch tv - seroiusly frustrating why it's default!
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Mac user, same problem here in Acrobat DC. Unchecking "Show home screen when all documents are closed" has no impact. It's very frustrating to have this useless home screen blocking my view of my other applications. I saw a post elsewhere where someone said they'd changed their default OS settings to use Preview to view PDFs just to avoid this feature, and I might actually end up doing that, even though I'm opening PDFs all day.
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That's such a good idea - well done Adobe pdf - shot yourself in the foot - very well done. I'm also using FIGMA as a replacement for ILLUSTRATOR. I guess this is what happens when ADOBE DOESN'T LISTEN to thier users.
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Why is this question considered solved? The answer provided by KimCSM is incorrect. It is stated by several community members that that solution is invalid.
Nevertheless, I have researched it and wasted way too much of my precious time trying to fix an adobe problem once again, only to find out the best thing to do is to make the superfluous screen is small as you can and put it on the far right of your monitor, so it is barely showing.
The other thing you can do is install an older version of acrobat which I plan to do as soon as Adobe shows me where to download older versions of acrobat. There's no option for older versions of acrobat in the Creative Cloud application. That would be too convenient!
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same here, after closing pdf start screen pops up, in setup disabled it, seems not to work at all.
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Every time this is posted in the Support Community they close the request with some nonsense about "Since we don't have many people asking for this feature we're going to close this request HAVE A NICE DAY" - which is a lie and a freaking gaslighting bit of but holery as there are dozens of the same request. I don't know why they're running scared from this simple request - I close a PDF and I don't want the huge, ridiculous "HOME" panel sitting there. All they need to do is give us an option to disable it. When I want to see "recent files" I use my OS built in resource. When I close a PDF I don't want a big blocking piece of the software still sitting there.

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