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Hey, since a few days I can't print PDF files with Acrobat XI (11.0.07).
I have tried to print with my own and with external PDF files. With secured and unsecured files. No way.
I see this 2 error windows
I can print the PDF files with Apple Preview without any problems.
I can also print the same PDF files with my browser (Google Chome)
But I can't print with Acrobat Pro.
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After re-installing my system, Acrobat is working again.
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I have solved this on my IMac
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, click General
in the sidebar, then click Sharing on the right. (You may need to scroll down.)
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Nevermind, it worked, lol!
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Update - this doesn't work for me. My advanced settings do not look like yours and most of it is 'greyed' out so I can't click on Print as Image. See below. So far, what I continue to have to do is to drag the file to a tab in Google and then print it from the web. In other instances, I actually can print from Adobe. It's completely hit and miss. Sounds like this works for others. Mine solution is just another option. Good luck everyone! And if anyone figures out the mystery - please let us know!
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On a Mac (Sequoia 15.0) and this is still happening. This workaround works — thanks to all that posted on this, especially Eddie w/the video! If you are finding "Print as Image" is grayed out, go back to the previous Print screen, uncheck "Print in grayscale (black and white)", then go back to the Advanced settings, and you'll be able to select "Print as Image". Please Adobe, fix this. It ought not to be a hassle to print PDFs, even if we only need to make printouts every once in a while.
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Yay! This worked for me as my "print as image" was greyed out!
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Thanks! My brand new Macbook Pro just started doing this a couple of weeks ago. This solution worked for me, but sheesh! Why should it have to?
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this worked, thanks for the video!
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Thanks this worked. Good Kharma to you.
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Thank YOU Eddie! Acrobat owes you a check for that. You should make a You Tube video, you could retire. I hear my document printing now. 🙂
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It's 2025 and this is STILL a thing. Thank you for your tutorial--IT WORKED! Bookmarking!
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thank you for this, check "print as image" box fixed the issue for me
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Using a Mac, I found that if I opened a pdf file that would not print using either Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Reader in Micrsosft Word, it would print with no problems.
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Same here - for months now. Reinstalled many times.
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I managed to print in tiling from Illustrator but no overlaping cutting marks though...
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-MAC User (2022 Macbook Pro, OS: 15.3.1 after updating)
11 years later yes this problem persists, I tried all the funky ways but here's what got it working again for me.
1. Ensure Adobe Acrobat is "quit"
2. Ensure operating system is updated, if not, update it
3. Once updated, it will reboot. Login to your home screen and make sure no applications open. If applications open, make sure to "Quit" them. You can quickly do this by clicking on the apple in the top left header bar, and going to "Force Quit" to quit all open applications.
4. Reboot using apple menu option (not button to turn off), and select "Restart"
5. Once rebooted, again ensure Adobe is quit and not open
6. Navigate to the Adobe Download Page here: and follow the instructions to download (Important Note: Apple won't let you "delete" this as an application, at least not me, so when you follow the download installer, it will prompt a message for "This download will replace an existing application". Be sure to select "Yes" or "Ok" and it will re-write over your existing bugged app)
7. Follow installer package and continue to select "Ok" or "Continue" until download is complete. Feel free to allow the installer package to be deleted.
8. Now, Re-open Adobe Reader, and try printing something. At this point, I no longer received error messages and printing worked just fine.
If anyone runs into this issue on a MAC and cannot resolve it and needs to print quickly, you can right click and open with "Preview" and print from there.
Wish I knew all this info sooner so hopefully this will help others!
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Forgot to include the link to the download page 🙂 The download page for Adobe reader for Mac OS from step 6 is here: