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I am getting an error when I try to delete a page in a document: There was a problem reading this document (15). Is there a way to actually delete the document without having to re-do the whole thing all over again?
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Hi lisag0929,
Sorry for the delay in response.
You may visit this thread: "There was a problem reading this document (15)" , and I couldn't delete one of my pages. it never h... check if that helps.
This is a generic error message and there could be multiple reasons why this is happening.
-Tariq Dar
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Hi lisag0929,
Sorry for the delay in response.
You may visit this thread: "There was a problem reading this document (15)" , and I couldn't delete one of my pages. it never h... check if that helps.
This is a generic error message and there could be multiple reasons why this is happening.
-Tariq Dar
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Hello Tariq, as of today (Oct 2022) that thread link goes nowhere. However, sc00ps has the right answer below in this thread.
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Hi lisag0929
I have had this issue with DC (Pro) quite a few times and although I'm not an expert I have tried fixing it with the Accessibility tools.
It may not be the same issue but I have found when I get the error 15 message is when importing and then I cant delete the corrupt file.
The only thing I have found that works for me every time as I am not bothered about the structure in my books is to just delete the Tags at the top and then I can delete the pesky pages.
To find tags and structure
View \ Show-Hide \ Navigation Pane \ Tags
Hope this helps
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Worked for me too!
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Yes! Yes! Yes! It works. Thank you so much, sc00ps!
Finally. This issue has been a thorn on my side with this gigantic file I created which had to be broken into sections for printing. No more error message and the page is gone!
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Thank you so much, sc00ps for providing solution and thanks for Google to find your guide!!!
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What a star sc00ps. I have been battling this for and age.
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THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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Sc00ps! You are a ROCKSTAR!!!
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Thank you for the solution - the error was quite annoying !
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Hey Random Internet Stranger sc00ps -
Just wanted to say THANK YOU. 2.5 years after you posted your solution, I found it and you made my life easier. I hope somehow you see this note from me to you, years later, because your solution WORKS. You are a Rock Star. (And I notice sc00ps has exactly one post - this one - in the entire Adobe Support Community. That's a grand slam home run in your first at bat!
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Very cool! This really helped me. Thank you so much.
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It worked!! Thank you.
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This worked! Thank you!!
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That one little post can generate such relief and happiness. Thank you!!!
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I was trying to figure this out for about 5 hours. I deleted all the little tags between <document> and <part>. I left the "Tags" at the top. Then I re-read this and thought maybe you meant delete the PDF Tags at the top. It worked!!!! So for beginners it is the PDF(pic icon) Tags file not to delete all the tags between every workbook,document, delkficertheader.
Thank you so much for figuring out this fix! Adobe needs to fix this with an update!
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You saved the day. Thank You!!
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This worked perfectly! Thank you so much.
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Thanks so much for posting this!
I was getting the same error message when trying to extract pages from a PDF, and this fixed that problem too!
I didn't originally see a "Tags" option in the Navigation Pane and had to go to Help and then type "Tags" into the search box there. The Navigation Panes/Tags menu option then popped up in Help and I was able to see the Tags icon, click on it, and delete Tags--which worked!
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That worked beautifully! Thanks. That has been baffling me for quite some time! Thanks again for the help!
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This is the gift that just keeps giving! Answer to all the years of angst with this error!!!! Thank YOU
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thanks, it worked for me too.
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5 years later, this helped me too! Thanks sc00ps!!!
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I am SO grateful to have found your post, 5 years after you made it! You just saved a massive project I'd put countless hours into. Thank you so much!

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