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Why? Why do you "creators" feel a need to completely change the layout of toolbars, etc. in a program?! Do you have nothing to do so you just search out what you can do to aggravate us? Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts! WHY???
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@reginal79098089 wrote on 22 June:
Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts!
Hi Reginal,
I have yet to hear from someone who likes the "new experience" in Acrobat, but it is easy to turn off!
Steps to enable [and disable] the new experience
Details about the New Experience here:
Does this help?
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Was this even tested before it was released to the public?
By @DCProud 202
Adobe has pre-release testers for all the Creative Suite programs and Acrobat. Occassionally I see Adobe announce for people to join the testing program.
Many of us community experts here in the forums are testers for Adobe, and many of us have been doing this since the 1980s and 1990s.
I can't recall much positive feedback from the testers before the "modern" Acrobat was released to the public. I know my comments back to the engineers were fairly extensive. Some things were improved (darkening the icons from a light gray to a dark gray, for example). But for the most part, the comments have fallen on deaf ears.
Over the past 18 months, I personally have continued to use and test the newest beta releases, but I often have to abandon them and switch to another computer that runs the "classic" interface. I have only so much time to donate to Adobe to dignose problems (and provide detailed bug reports and comments to the engineers). I, like most folks here, have a job to do. Working for free for Adobe is not on my to-do list.
3 suggestions:
But note that none of these competing programs have all the features of Acrobat, so if you're in certain industries, you're really stuck with Adobe Acrobat. These industry-specific features include:
So see if any other alternative brand gets the job done for you. Be careful of the company's country of origin: you might not be able to install software from certain countries, which is the case here in the US for government computers. Example: FoxIt is a Chinese company and usually is not allowed on our government clients' computers.
As always, don't forget to voice your comments on UserVoice and click the button to VOTE. That is the only place where Adobe takes notice of customers.
Let Adobe know:
You can voice your opinion about the new interface at UserVoice:
Be sure to leave a comment about your experience with the new interface. They need to hear from users. And don't forget to click the VOTE button.
FYI, UserVoice is Adobe's official website where it reads and takes into account suggestions and complaints from users of its various products. On the other hand, this community forum is a user-to-user help forum.
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Typically the user reaction to inline software changes is for people to adjust and go about their day. The fact that so many people were angry enough about this change to not ignore the issue, look up where the Adobe forums are, make an account, find the appropriate topic, and then leave feedback or post questions shows how bad this change is. The new UI/UX was bad enough to motivate people who are normally not inclined to participate in online forums to do all of the aforementioned and take time out of their busy day to post. This wasn't streamlining an interface, it was a demolition of the current user experience and a transition to a poorly made mobile interface which derailed current producitvity workflows and prevented many users from doing any work because it kept locking up or crashing. That is simply poor user experience and project management.
The part that everyone who says "just use the old interface" misses is that companies do not maintain two seperate user interfaces for an extended time period. Normally the revert interface option is a stop gap measure to temporarily remove user hostility allowing project managers to show positive reception to management until they force you to use the new interface. Eventually they will remove the option to revert to the older usable UI leaving long time users looking for a replacement for Adobe.
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The old UI stays until the new one is stable and provides all the functionality of the old one. It is clear that the old interface will not recieve new elements and will not be further developed.
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Could not agree more. i use 2 different CAD software packages and 4 different programming enviroments all with user interfaces that are different. i do not need to learn a new enviroment for Adobe reader. i just view datasheets i have no need for anything else. STOP STOP changing the interface, it is not appreciated! Bored programmers are becoming a major problem. if it arn't broke don't fix it.
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I can see some others got as upset as myself. Thanks for the option to revert to the old interface! I couldn't find anything in the new one, which is very unproductive.
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I can see some others got as upset as myself. Thanks for the option to revert to the old interface! I couldn't find anything in the new one, which is very unproductive.
You're welcome, @Augusztina33718433g078 .
I think that the reason many users got so upset is that the New Experience was sprung on them suddenly and without warning and they couldn't find things or get their work done. Some who have moved over after the initial shock are reporting that they like it.
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My bad, prolly a simple upvote was best here !
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that's one of the scenarios anticipated by adobe justifying users to keep older versions (and also reinstall previous versions)
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I respectfully suggest that when you do a major change like this you offer a beta version first to see if people like it. I have to tell you I HATE this new tool bar version, There was no need to change it. IT's made everything more difficult to work with now
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About Acrobat's brutal updates:
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New version is intolerable.
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@kglad Would love to, trying to figure out how.
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oh, sorrry.
some people just like to move posts without thinking. for
win: click the interface upper left lines (hamburger menu > disable new acrobat
mac: click view > disable new acrobat.
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Yeah, I know how to do that. Does not fix the lag issue at all. Files that previously read no problem now lag the program to death (and I have 64G of RAM).
I meant how to just revert to the previous version of Arobat itself. That actually functioned. This is a nightmare.
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sorry, again. sheesh bad start to the morning for me.
1. you can install the latest and 1 version prior versions using the cc desktop app. you must have a subscription because previous versions are not available with trials. other versions are revealed after clicking file preferences>apps>tick show older apps (at panel bottom).
2. for versions cc 2019 and older, use*.3. for versions newer than cc 2019 but older than one previous version, contact adobe support for links**.
* most (but not all) adobe download links are available from
follow the directions (esp, step 1)
save the install file. it may not remain online.
thank jim @
** this support is currently not available. ie, there's a significant gap (between 2019 and last year) in the available previous versions.
opposition to this decision (to limit available previous versions) has been conveyed to adobe officials who are therefore aware of the problems caused by this policy. however, unless/until changes are made, nothing can be done to legally access these files.
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The significant performance problem in the new version is related to the terrible implementation of what Adobe calls "Security (Enhanced)". You need to disable the entire mess.
Go to Menu /Preferences. Click on "Security (Enhanced)" in the left column. Uncheck everything except "Protected View (off)".
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@kglad Thank you for the follow-up! This is a work computer so I have to work with IT on the particulars of manually downloading and installing an older version (I notice the CC app has older versions of Acro disabled).
@dswallow Thank you so much! Actually found this workaround after my previous comment (had to search *outside* of Adobe forums for it because their mods seem obsessed with hiding answers like this on their pages). This did fix the problem (at least enough so I can read the PDFs I need). In a serious time crunsh at present so this really helped me out.
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you're welcome.
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By @mikem30577428I meant how to just revert to the previous version of Arobat itself. That actually functioned.
You might also try the downloads from Adobe here:
or try resetting your preferences first to see if that resolves the lagging. What is the exact number of the version you have?
Your post is not about the New Experience and needs to be branched to its own thread.
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the forums have lots of problems. not the least is the tendency of some administrators (especially on the photoshop and lightroom forums) to amass all similar topic posts into one massive thread.
this acrobat thread is one of them, and it quickly became large and unwieldy like all the agglomeration threads.
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Mike, you are so right about the lag time. It's not just the new version. It's the older version too, which thankfully I was able to restore. At least once a week, my computer chokes so badly that I have to reboot. Often it's because Acrobat is trying to do some kind of update in the background. Every function on my computer hangs up, and everything takes so much time that it drives me crazy.
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Indeed, why ruin what was otherwise a very good User Experience? Adobe traditionally has a very good UX team, but clearly something has changed!
Adobe, if you're reading this: it's about clicks. If it takes me 3 more clicks to accomplish the same task I used to do in 2, then you're design is awful.
3 clicks
X number of times per day task is performed
X number of work days using Acrobat DC Pro
PERSON WEEKS of time wasted.
Seriously, I do this math all the time when designing tools. The hours really do add up.