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Hi there,
we have the problem that the Acrobat 9 Standard has display error on a PC. The menu bar with File, Edit, etc is not displayed, also the bar where you can minimize, maximize and close the window is not showing.
I installed the Windows completely new after error occur.
I have deleted the Adobe folder from C:\Program Files, C:\ProgramData, C:\Users\XXXX\Appdata\Roaming, LocalLow and Local and then reinstalled the acrobat.
I also give the user full control on the path c:\program files\adobe, without success.
It is a Windows 7 Professional 64bit computer, which is completely new and was just installed. There are only office 2007 small business and adobe acrobat 9 standard installed. It is the newest version
Here are some screenshots from the error.
After that I installed the Adobe Reader X, but this it didn't have the error.
I tested a repair installation, a completely new windows installation, but the error already there.
I don't know how I can solve this problem.
If you press F9, the windows control bar is showing.
If you press F9 again, the menu bar is showing.
But when you restart the software, you get the same problem.
I hope someone can help us.
The same error we got with the adobe reader. You can read it here: Re: Anzeigefehler beim Adobe Reader 10.1.4 und bei Adobe Reader 11 aktuellste Version
The solution from this thread didn't help at this error.
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Please try the fix from Kapersky labs and let us know the result.
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Can anybody help us?
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I started having the same problem last week.
After months of tolerably flaky performance (random crashes on document close), last week Acrobat XI Pro started to misrender on the screen. The frame that Windows places around it would disappear, and the document, including the toolbars, would render at an offset from where it was supposed to be. Toggling the Acrobat menu bar with F9 would temporarily restore the frame but would leave artifacts of the mis-render, but selecting another application would cause the problem to appear again. Only Acrobat XI Pro is exhibiting this behavior.
Changing to Direct X 9 rendering didn't help, and changing back to Software rendering did not help.
Kaspersky anti-virus and rootkit scans show the system as clean.
System is Windows 7 Home premium, 64 bit, Service pack 1. Other software include Firefox, Office 365, and Visio Pro.
I have no idea why this started happening.
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I have the same problem as described above, especially by knothouse.
System is Windows Vista, 32, Service Pack 2. Firefox, Office 2007, Autocad.
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People are reporting this suddenly, with wildly different versions of Acrobat and Adobe Reader, and on different versions of Windows. I think we can rule out changes to Acrobat or Adobe Reader or Windows, which leaves third party utilities. I suggest as many people as possible post full lists of third party utilities, no matter how unrelated they seem to be. Perhaps we will find something in common.
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We've installed Windows 7 SP1 Professional x64 and Office 2007 small business with all updates, Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard with all updates. The PC is connected to a domain. There is no group policy activated for this pc.
It's a high end pc with Intel Xeon E5-2620v2, Nvidia Quadro K4000, 32 GB RAM and SSD.
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Again, system is Windows 7 Home premium, 64 bit, Service pack 1.
Other software include Firefox, Office 365, Visio, Kaspersky Anti-virus.
No new utilities were installed recently, and no hardware changes were made.
Only recemnt software changes were installing the latest patches to Windows via Windows Update.
Latest WHDL drivers for my Core i5 GPU (driving one monitor) and NVidia GTX 760 (driving 3 monitors) are installed.
Problem occurs on all monitors.
Note that of all the software I run, only Acrobat XI Pro is exhibiting this error.
And it is exhibiting it all the time. I am considering finding an alternative to Acrobat: I wouldn't accept this kind of behavior in freeware, much less a commercial program I rely on to do my job.
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Well, one person is reporting it suddenly happened in Acrobat 8 Pro. This suggests a problem outside Acrobat, since that hasn't been updated in years.
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By the way, has anyone tried regressing (going back to an older version of Acrobat or Reader)? Did it make the problem go away. At this stage the more information posted the better the chances of finding a cause and/or solution. And has anyone tried safe mode to see if it still happens?
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Have any of you tried a repair (Help>Repair)?
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Yes, I repaired Acrobat. that was the second thing I tried. It did not help.
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I repaired Acrobat, too. I installed Windows completely new after the problem occurs, but it did not help.
On the old pc with completely the same software there were not this problem.
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TSN and I are not seeing this problem. As he indicated, it has been indicated in other versions also, suggesting some issue with the OS. Though it is also possible there is some JavaScript addon that has been added to your Acrobat. All I can think of at this point with all the reinstalls and such is to check the addon folder in Acrobat. If you do run a reinstall, be sure to use the cleaner and remove all parts of the left over Acrobat folder before rebooting and reinstalling. May not help, but that is all I can think of.
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I had a utility that was added last week - GoToMeeting I uninstalled that and am still having problems.
I tried HELP/REPAIR this morning, but the problem still exists.
My problems started when I was trying to solve another problem - ONLINE HELP CONTENT CANNOT BE VERIFIED. VERIFY YOU CAN LAUNCH YOUR WEB BROWER AND HAVE ACCESS TO THE INTERNET. I am not sure if there is a relationship between the two.
I can use F9 to restore the menu bar, however there is a portion of another page displaying behind it. If I restore the FILE EDIT VIEW WINDOW HELP ... pulldowns and then mouse to them, it disappears. If I hover my mouse over that location, and then use F9 to restore the menu bar, it appears and sticks. I can then use it. Once I move the cursor away and then try to go back, the menu disappears again.
Dell Inspiron laptop
Windows Vista Home Premium, 32,
Adobe Acrobat Pro XI,
Kaspersky Internet Security installed 2 weeks ago,
update to Firefox 32.0.3 two weeks ago,
installed Flash Player 15 Active X 3 weeks ago
MS Office 2007
MS Office update installed on 9/24
MS Office 2007 Service Pack 3 installed on 9/24
Number of MS Office Security updates on 9/12
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Interesting - what can you remember about the things you tried (whether they worked or not) to sort out the problem with help content etc.?
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It seems to be a problem with Kaspersky Anti-Virus / Internet Security Patch B:
Download and install the new version from the Kaspersky-Website and the problem is solved.
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I think it's not only a problem with Kaspersky, because we don't use Kaspersky. We use Sophos. If Sophos isn't installed, the problem is still there.
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Interesting. Thanks for the information. Looks like the problem continues. But I am certain that something OUTSIDE Adobe Reader has changed, because it affects people who never touched their Adobe software.
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i'm having the same problem with one of our customer-systems.
He is using Windows 7 x64, Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014, and some other stuff.
He told me that he has installed one Adobe-Patch last month and then the problems startet.
Repairing Adobe didn't fix the issue.
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Please try the fix from Kapersky labs and let us know the result.
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I tried the Patch B patch and it did not work. I then tried KIS 2015 F, and that one worked for me. I no longer have the problem.
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This is the correct answer. I had the same problem start a few weeks ago. I updated Kaspersky Anti-virus 2015 as suggested (from to and the problem went away. I was running Adobe Acrobat Professional 8 on Windows 7. Thanks.
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Updating to KAV 2015 fixed the issue for me.
Thanks for all your help!
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The kaspersky update worked for me
Thanks for the support everyone!
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I have the same problem. My Kaspersky is and Acrobat Reader DC 15.008.20082.