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With Windows June update KB5003637, Adobe Reader Plugin not working anymore in IE for opening local files. Is there any known issue yet?
We are using last version of Adobe Reader DC.
Gents, Microsoft released KB5004760 which fixes the PDF issue.
Updates an issue that might prevent you from opening PDFs using Internet Explorer 11 or apps that use the 64-bit version of the WebBrowser control. Additionally, a PDF might render as just a gray background when using the Adobe Acrobat plug-in.
I am currently testing the KB.
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Hi Blaz
Hope you are doing well and sorry for the trouble. As described Adobe Reader Plugin not working anymore in IE for opening local files.
Would you mind sharing the version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC you are using? To check the version of the application go to Help > About Acrobat and make sure you have the latest version 21.05.20048 installed. Go to Help > Check for Updates and reboot the computer once.
Internet Explorer 11 uses an ActiveX based plug-in. Follow the steps suggested in the help page to configure Internet Explorer to use the Acrobat/Acrobat Reader plugin for viewing PDFs and see if that works for you.
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Amal, thanks for you reply.
Yes, we have the latest version 21.5.20048 and plugin enabled.
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What happens when you open files in IE?
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To investigate this issue further we would require the browser logs. Here are the steps for the same.
Please have the following registry created if not present on the system to capture the logs.
Download debugview.exe from
1 Run DebugView, keep it opened.
Note: Please just check before sending the logs that "CAcroAXDocShim" is present in the logs
Please share the logs.
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Hi @kapilb92935090 ,
Here are logs.
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] ACTSideInit
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] CreateBrowserMessageWnd
[14960] [ACTWin] CreateTransportOrSenderWindowWithName
[14960] [ACTWin] Created Window[ACTWndProc] = 0x0000000000000000 (_acroS_win )
[14960] [ACTWin] CreateTransportOrSenderWindowWithName save old GWLP_WNDPROC Transport
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] ACTSideInit Create Acrobat Launch Thread
[14960] sizeof(_t_ASMBlock) = 104
[14960] sizeof(Uns32) = 4
[14960] sizeof(HANDLE) = 8
[14960] sizeof(Handle32) = 4
[14960] sizeof(void*) = 8
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] LaunchAcrobatThreadProc
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::StartProgress
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] LaunchAcrobat
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::StartProgress set bytes 0
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::CreatePDFXInstance
[14960] PDFXInstanceCreate
[14960] [77c0f1d0] instance created
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CreatePDFXInstance increment Object count ++
[14960] INFO blessedAppPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe
[14960] [AcroPDFImpl] UpdatePerProcessObjectCount inc = 1 Object count = 1
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] IsAcrobatSandboxAvailable 1
[14960] [AcroPDFImpl] CAcroPDFModule::AddToDocShimList
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] IsLoadedInProcByAcrobat 0
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::PrepNewBinding (REF)
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::CURLBindingCallbacks
[14960] INFO sandboxing OFF
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] CheckBrowserRegistryValue key checked = bEWHRequestAbortHandlingEnabled default value = 0 return = 0
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::PrepNewBinding URL = file:///C:/Users/XXX/AppData/Local/Temp/Microsoft%20Dynamics%20NAV/14960/__TEMP__03c831d05e6d4845bca45909b8c29a2c.tmp.pdf
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::PrepNewBinding norm URL = file:///C:/Users/XXX/AppData/Local/Temp/Microsoft%20Dynamics%20NAV/14960/__TEMP__03c831d05e6d4845bca45909b8c29a2c.tmp.pdf
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] GetModuleStatus IsAcrobat=0 IsReader=1
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::PrepNewBinding push back new binding
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] RegisterBindStatusCallback SUCCESS (REF)
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IPersistMonikerShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>::Load file completely downloaded
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::StartBinding
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::GetBindInfo
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::OnStartBinding
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::MarkThisBindingAsRunning (REF)
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::GetServerInfo
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::ReportProgress
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::EndProgress
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim::EndProgress -hwnd null
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::OnStopBinding hrResult = 0x800c0008
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::MarkThisBindingAsStopped (REF)
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::ReportProgress
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::EndProgress
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim::EndProgress -hwnd null
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::Cleanup
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks::PushToAcrobatProc
[14960] [URLBinding] CURLBindingCallbacks::PushToAcrobatProc callback type = 3
[14960] [URLBinding] CURLBindingCallbacks::PushToAcrobatProc REQUESTCB_DONE
[14960] CURLBindingCallbacks(77d87100)::~CURLBindingCallbacks
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] ACTIsUsingOutOfProcHack return = 0
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim::EraseRefsToThisBinding (REF)
[14960] INFO version = 21.5(.20048.43252)
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] LaunchAcrobatInOrOutProc out-of-proc = 1
[14960] TabProcGrowth: Not found
[14960] TabShutdownDelay: Not found
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IPersistFileShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>(77c3ba60)::Load
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::InitObject
[14960] [ACTWin] IsRunningInIEEPMAppContainer 0
[14960] IsRunningInAppContainer = FALSE
[14960] INFO bOutOfProc = TRUE
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] IsAcrobatSandboxAvailable 1
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] IsLoadedInProcByAcrobat 0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::StartProgress
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::LoadThisLocalFile
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceFileOpen
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXFileOpen)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] IsRunningInAppContainer = FALSE
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] IsAcrobatSandboxAvailable 1
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] IsLoadedInProcByAcrobat 0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] UseOutOfProcForIE_EPM useOutOfProc = 0 PMEM = 0 Isolation64bit = 0 isForceEPM = 0, isInAppV = 0
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::IOleObject_SetClientSite
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] CheckBrowserRegistryValue key checked = bADC4297641 default value = 0 return = 0
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] m_bDocObject = true (FOCUS)
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::StartEventSinkForTopBrowser
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] type = eFrameDocument (FOCUS)
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceDoCommand
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] 77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXCommand-setIsInFrame)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>(77c3ba50)::Exec cmd Id = 43
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>::Exec OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::DoVerb - OLEIVERB_INPLACEACTIVATE (FOCUS)
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::DoVerb m_spDocSite Activate
[14960] [OleDocument] IOleDocumentImpl CreateView
[14960] [OleDocument] IOleDocumentViewImpl SetInPlaceSite
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnCreate
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim]CAcroAXDocShim::OnCreate call SendAndLocateURLs with URL=file:///C:/Users/XXX/AppData/Local/Temp/Microsoft%20Dynamics%20NAV/14960/__TEMP__03c831d05e6d4845bca45909b8c29a2c.tmp.pdf
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceDoCommand
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] 77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXCommand-setIsInFrame)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceDoCommand
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] 77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXCommand-setAuxURL)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::GetParentDocument EMBED/IFRAME parent document found
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] CheckBrowserRegistryValue key checked = bADC4297641 default value = 0 return = 0
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim::StealOnBlurEventHandler Exit without crash
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OpenPDFWindow
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceOpenWindow
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXOpenWindow)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] Module name : Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client::21.5
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceDoCommand
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] 77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXCommand-setUserAgent)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] CheckBrowserRegistryValue key checked = bADC4294624 default value = 0 return = 0
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>(77c3ba50)::Exec cmd Id = 63
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>::Exec OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED
[14960] IOleDocumentViewImpl(77c3b9f8)::UIActivate(activate=true) (FOCUS)
[14960] [OleDocument] ActiveXDocActivate
[14960] IOleDocumentViewImpl(77c3b9f8)::UIActivate(activate=false) (FOCUS)
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::UIDeactivate (FOCUS)
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::NegotiateFocusWithAcrobat(eUIDeactivate) (FOCUS)
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::NegotiateFocusWithAcrobat(eUIActivate) (FOCUS)
[14960] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::NegotiateFocusWithAcrobat(eFrameActivate) (FOCUS)
[14960] PostMessage(FrameActivate)
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::SetObjectRects
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceSetWindowSize
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXSetWindow)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] IOleDocumentViewImpl(77c3b9f8)::Show(show=true)
[14960] [OleDocument] ActiveXDocActivate
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>(77c3ba50)::Exec cmd Id = 102
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>::Exec OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::SetObjectRects
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceSetWindowSize
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXSetWindow)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim::SetObjectRects
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXInstanceSetWindowSize
[14960] [PDFX] CheckPDFXInstance error = 0
[14960] [77c0f1d0] PDFXSendOrSave(kPDFXSetWindow)
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave
[14960] [PDFX] PDFXSendOrSave Store
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>(77c3ba50)::Exec cmd Id = 75
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] IOleCommandTargetShimImpl<CAcroAXDocShim>::Exec OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED
[14960] [BrowserIntegrationWin] IsLoadedInProcByAcrobat 0
[14960] [AcroAXDocShim] CAcroAXDocShim(77c3b900)::OnEraseBackground
[13708] [ACTWinEWH] ACTSideInit
[13708] [ACTWinEWH] StartAcrobatMessageWnd
[13708] [ACTWin] CreateTransportOrSenderWindowWithName
[13708] [ACTWin] Created Window[ACTWndProc] = 0x000109AA (acroT_win_SB_14960)
[13708] ACTWindowsServer[\\.\pipe\ACROCOMM\ACTWIN_14960] server started
[13708] [ACTWinEWH] StartAcrobatMessageWnd Dummy Transport Window create
[13708] sizeof(_t_ASMBlock) = 100
[13708] sizeof(Uns32) = 4
[13708] sizeof(HANDLE) = 4
[13708] sizeof(Handle32) = 4
[13708] sizeof(void*) = 4
[13708] [PDFY] PDFYInit error = 0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] LoopWaitingForEWHTransportWindow bOutOfProc = 1
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] LoopWaitingForEWHTransportWindow acroWnd not null
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] LoopWaitingForEWHTransportWindow p->sbBrokerPID = 1064
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] Request access to Window handle = 0x0
[14960] [ACTWinBrowser] Server Window[ACTWndProc] = 0x0
[14960] Transport window = 0, Is it a Window? : No
[14960] NULL browser transport window! (ERROR)
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Hi Blaz!
Thank you for sharing the logs.
We have sent you an email with some information. Please check your inbox and try the suggestions provided.
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Can you please provide some suggestions for the rest of us who don't have access to the op's mailbox? The Windows update has broken Acrobat's use within IE!
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Hi Blaz,
Thank you for updating us.
I have sent you an email. Please check your inbox and share the information we have asked for.
It would be helpful if you can share the procmon logs (.pml) and debug logs over the email.
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Dear Meenakshi,
can you share the solution for this behaviour with me, via email or as an answer in this thread.
I need a solution in this case and it is not enough for me to just deinstall the windows update.
Thank you very much in advance.
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Hi Ali,
Sorry for the trouble caused.
The team is aware of this issue and working on it. Currently, we do not have any updates.
It would be helpful if you can share the procmon logs (.pml) using the process monitor tool ( and debug logs with us.
We appreciate your patience.
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Please share these logs so that we can check and assist you further.
Create the highlighted path if not present.
Note: Please just check before sending the logs that "CAcroAXDocShim" is present in the logs
Download debugview.exe from
Please share the above logs so that we can test and share the analysis.
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After the recent Windows 10 Update (KB5003637), the WinForms PDF Reader Control is no longer displaying a PDF.
This code has been working for years, and we have verified that unistalling the windows update resolves the issue.
The version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC currently installed is: 21.005.20048.
Our project references: Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Browser Control Type Library 1.0
Below is the relvant lines of code executed in the OnLoad of the windows form used to display the PDF.
Also below is what we see when the code is executed. We do not receive an error message. The call to the LoadFile method returns true. We have confirmed that the PDF file loaded can be viewed successfully in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, so it is not an issue with the file.
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Can confirm, we are experiencing the exact same behavior on our previewer. Interestingly, if we uninstall Adobe Reader the previewer will pop a file open/download message and open it in the browser (if set as default PDF viewer):
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We're experiencing the same with Syteline. Uninstalling KB5003637 fixed previews in testing.
Reader DC 2021.005.20048
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We're using the control on an Access 2019 form. As with everyone else, it fails without throwing an error if the path is to a PDF; however, it works fine if the path is just to a folder. In other words, it displays the pdfs in the folder. clicking on a pdf opens the file in the Acrobat app. I'm concluding there's nothing fundamentally wrong with the IE activeX control. The problem is with the Acrobat Reader ActiveX control IE is using.
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We also have a custom C# application that uses the WebBrowser control to display PDFs and it has been working perfectly for years until this update came out. Please let us know if Adobe has a fix for this.
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Hi, We are moved to see that we are not alone in the world. Exactly like you, PDF reader embedded in a C# / WPF application with a WebBrowser control and it worked like a charm for years (except in February when we already had an issue because a Windows update). Neither Adobe nor Microsoft seem to be doing anything to fix it, yet.
As a workaround, we have developed in the emergency a switch to a Telerik control, or Foxit as a default PDF reader is another trick, keep in touch, all the best, Herve
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Hello, we also have the same issue with my WPF application,i posted in another conversation before i found this subject.
I'm available if you need more explanations.
Please let us know if Adobe has a fix for this !
Kind regards
Preview pdf in application in WPF with WebBrowser ... - Adobe Support Community - 12127619
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We actually found a workaround for our applicaiton so I wanted to share that with this community. If we force our application to be compiled as a 32bit app, everything works perfectly. Here is the setting we changed (this used to be set to "Any CPU"):
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Hi all,
Thanks for the workaround, it's very strange, we had a very similar issue in February, anyone else here?
And indeed, change the target from x64 to x86 was a trick at this moment (and for the moment too, it seems).
About us, we were afraid of side effects of this change in our "big" app (pdf reader is 1% of other features...)
Let's hope, in February the bug was fixed by itself (By Microsoft or Adobe ?). Please Adobe developers, are you reading us ?
All the best, Herve
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Does Microsoft or Adobe have a fix for this issue?
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Is there a fix for this issue?
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Gents, Microsoft released KB5004760 which fixes the PDF issue.
Updates an issue that might prevent you from opening PDFs using Internet Explorer 11 or apps that use the 64-bit version of the WebBrowser control. Additionally, a PDF might render as just a gray background when using the Adobe Acrobat plug-in.
I am currently testing the KB.