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I know I'm not the first having this issue but I've tried so many things to install Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (like following instructions of ten differents forum topics) but nothing works !
For now, here is a list of what I've already tried :
1. Downloading the setup with this link :
I get an error when I'm at 55% of the installation saying me that "A newer version is already installed"
2. Downloading different versions of AdobeAcrobatCleaner and run it to clean to remove Acrobat DC or Reader DC + restart my PC
With the version of 2015, the program crashes and do not answer so I downloaded an other version of it, it runs perfectly saying that Adobe Acrobat/Reader has been successfully removed from the machine. I retried to download and install Acrobat, but I still get the same issue.
3. Downloading Adobe Acrobat from ftp :
When I run the setup, after choosing the location of the installation, the installation stop and a message appears saying that it is "Impossible to open the key UNKNOWN\Components\...\68AB67CA7DA... . Verify that you have the rights for this key or contact your technical support service" (translated from french)
And that's it I think, I don't know what to do now... It is impossible to install this software...
Hope you can give some help with it, I would appreciate.
Thank you
2 Correct answers
Thanks for the log, Ben
The error from this log is below-
MSI (s) (50:A8) [21:19:19:688]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\139C3899EB73E6C3DA23B8E687B98618\68AB67CA7DA76301B744CAF070E41400 3: 5
Erreur 1402. Impossible d'ouvrir la clé UNKNOWN\Components\139C3899EB73E6C3DA23B8E687B98618\68AB67CA7DA76301B744CAF070E41400. Erreur système 5. Vérifiez que vous disposez des droits suffisants pour cette clé ou contactez votre service de support technique.
MSI (s) (50:A8) [21:19:22:895]: Produit : Ado
++Adding to the valuable assistance of LeoAdobeX,
I had to document myself a little better on this. The "Error 1402" simply suggests that you do not have sufficient Administrative privileges to access an installation component.
Both Microsoft and Adobe guidance concur on the same resolution, by which you must enable permission to this component through registry.
- See Adobe guidance here:
- And see Microsoft guidance here for a use
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See this thread:
It is possible to encounter installers that are glitchy.
Even though the link I'm sharing with you is meant to resolve a different type of issue,
there is a work around .
By following a specific order of steps when uninstalling and re-installing a product for a particular version, you should be able to get rid of such messages and successfully use your Adobe product.
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Hi, thank you for your reply.
I ran AcroRead.msi, but since I don't have any Acrobat Reader installed, running this installer is useless (until I want to install the programm)
So I downloaded AcroRdrtDC19.010.20098 _en_US.exe from your link but when running it, I had exactly the same issue that I've already had. "Error 1402. Could not open the key : UNKNOWN\Components\749C53802....\12B8D0... . Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel". Then the installation stopped, saying "Setup was interrupted before Adobe Acrobat Reader DC could be completely installed"
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Can you post back a screenshot of what you see in the event viewer, or , share a dump file?
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Error Message
After having pressed "OK"
Here are the two windows that are shown.
Event Viewer - first error
Even Viewer - second error
And here are apparently the two errors I get on the event viewer (it is in French). I'm not used to using the event viewer, so tell me if you need something more !
I don't how to share a dump file nether, but I can try if you really need one 🙂
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Hi Ben,
Any chance you have System Restore enabled and can revert to the last good configuration?
Other than that, you might need expert help to get it working.
A few suggestions-
1. Enable verbose MSI logging (google for instructions)
2. Download and run AcroSize.exe tool from
Select (if enabled) "Start Reader report" button. In the left column find "Cached MSI", open file location and launch this cached msi, which should start Repair.
3. If tool does not find installed Reader ("Start Reader report" button not enabled) or Cached MSI not found, download Reader installer (.msi version) from
It is best if you download the same langauge installer you used originally. Try to install it.
In all cases, if installers fails, please provide verbose MSI log (zip it and send it to me directly, do not post here, it could be fairly large)
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Hi Leo !
Thanks for you reply.
I installed AcroSize but the "Start Reader report" wasn't enabled. So I try to install the msi installer but I got the same issue. I send you the log !
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Thanks for the log, Ben
The error from this log is below-
MSI (s) (50:A8) [21:19:19:688]: Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\139C3899EB73E6C3DA23B8E687B98618\68AB67CA7DA76301B744CAF070E41400 3: 5
Erreur 1402. Impossible d'ouvrir la clé UNKNOWN\Components\139C3899EB73E6C3DA23B8E687B98618\68AB67CA7DA76301B744CAF070E41400. Erreur système 5. Vérifiez que vous disposez des droits suffisants pour cette clé ou contactez votre service de support technique.
MSI (s) (50:A8) [21:19:22:895]: Produit : Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - Français -- Erreur 1402. Impossible d'ouvrir la clé UNKNOWN\Components\139C3899EB73E6C3DA23B8E687B98618\68AB67CA7DA76301B744CAF070E41400. Erreur système 5. Vérifiez que vous disposez des droits suffisants pour cette clé ou contactez votre service de support technique.
Looks like parts of your Registry lost proper permissions.
You can find some suggestions on how to fix similar errors if you google for
"Note: 1: 1402 2: UNKNOWN\Components\139C3899EB73E6C3DA23B8E687B98618\68AB67CA7DA76301B744CAF070E41400"
Please make sure you backup Registry if you decide to proceed with any of those solutions.
I cannot officially recommend manually changing Registry.
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++Adding to the valuable assistance of LeoAdobeX,
I had to document myself a little better on this. The "Error 1402" simply suggests that you do not have sufficient Administrative privileges to access an installation component.
Both Microsoft and Adobe guidance concur on the same resolution, by which you must enable permission to this component through registry.
- See Adobe guidance here:
- And see Microsoft guidance here for a user who got the same error when trying to install MS Office:
NOTE: Enabling or setting a permission should not be confused with editing a registry key string or modifying DWORD values per se. This procedure is very straight forward and safe to perform. In any case, unless you're in a work environment then you should let your IT Manager handle this.
Additional tools and resources that you may need IF else fails:
- How to log on as Administrator:
- Update your MS Windows:
Additionally I've prepared some slides to assist you. See below:
- Open your registry editor as Administrator
- NOTE -->>> When you navigate to this path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\68AB67CA7DA73301B744CAF070E41400
- This part " S-1-5-18\Products\68AB67CA7DA73301B744CAF070E41400 " may be different in your system; shown and highlighted below
- From your screenshot earlier I identified in yellow for the first part of the component key and in red the second component key:
- The next slide is an example of how to do this:
And last, in my personal opinion since I am not Adobe staff, I don't mind recommending that if this key is part of an orphan registry key that could've been lingering due to older installations in your system and improper updates (or even lack of Micrososft redistributable updates in your system), I would manually delete it, reboot the machine and see how the next installation attempt behaves.
I hope this helps.
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It works ! Thank you for your help and your availability, both of you, really I appreciate it. I changed the permissions, following the Adobe Guidance and then I was able to do the installation without issue. Then I opened Adobe Reader, clicked on "Help", "Look for updates" and I have now the latest version 🙂 !
Thank you again.
See you soon !