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Copy text and paste in pdf resulting in junk characters

New Here ,
Feb 25, 2018 Feb 25, 2018


I have a PDF document and when i try to copy some text from pdf and paste into word doc or note pad it is giving junk characters instead of the copied text. Need help how to get this fixed and copy the text. Saw few posts in the forum as unicode chars issue etc but most of them are archived to see the solutions. Please help me in this regard.

Thanks in Advance.

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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 26, 2018 Feb 26, 2018

Hi Venkatv,

What type of pdf document you are working on? Is that a scanned file or contain real text?

Additional-  Copying text would not contain the font info, so in this case when you are copying the context of a document and pasting it on word file it isn't containing the font information. Which is resulting the incorrect text format.

You must check with the different file, or send a sample pdf to us which is causing problem for you. So that we could test the same at our end to see what exactly causing problem.

You may also see- Copy content from PDFs, Adobe Reader

"You can share the file with us via email. And you can send it to the email that is shared via private message. Please do mention your forum thread in the subject"

Hope this helps.



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