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When installing Adobe Reader XI I get:
Error 1923. Service Adobe Acrobat Update Service (AdobeARMUpdate) couldn't be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.
This happens after UAC elevation dialog. Running the installer as administrator doesn't help. Even when I select to update manually, I still get the same error.
1 Correct answer
This error is coming because service might already be in use. The file can be in use by any anti-virus or data back-up softwares. It is also possible that your previous un-install has been unsuccessful, and it was already using the service. You can try two things :
1. Reboot your system once. It should fix all scenarios.
2. Another thing which you can try is Go to Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->View local Services. Select Adobe Acrobat Service, Right click and stop it. Then try insta
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Would you try to install MSI version from
Would help if you provide your system information and what kind of a User are you on this system.
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Already tried this version, same result. I'm using Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit. Running under a normal user account which is member of Administrators and HomeUsers groups.
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Here is what I would do-
1. Try latest Reader 10.1.4 from
If it installs fine, the problem is with Reader 11
2. You can try to install Reader 11 MSI without installing Service.
Here is the command line for that
msiexec /i [Path to MSI file] DISABLE_ARM_SERVICE_INSTALL="1"
This might prevent full automatic update in some cases, but you should be fine otherwise.
Good luck

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This error is coming because service might already be in use. The file can be in use by any anti-virus or data back-up softwares. It is also possible that your previous un-install has been unsuccessful, and it was already using the service. You can try two things :
1. Reboot your system once. It should fix all scenarios.
2. Another thing which you can try is Go to Control Panel ->Administrative Tools ->View local Services. Select Adobe Acrobat Service, Right click and stop it. Then try installation.
You can try msiexec /i [Path to MSI file] DISABLE_ARM_SERVICE_INSTALL="1" as suggested by LeoAdobeX but I will not recommend this. We would like our users to be updated with latest update and service just helps in that.
Keep us posted about the outcome.
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I ran into this problem on two different machines. On one of them, the Adobe Acrobat Update Service was Disabled. I didn't check the other one, but the installation succeeded after a reboot.
Update: I rebooted the one with the disabled Update service. Installation of Reader XI then succeeded.
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Rebooting worked for me.

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I had the same problem and a reboot helped, but this is really annoying and shouldn't happen.
@PankhriS: I had Reader X installed and when the setup for XI failed, it had already deinstalled X (which is kinda..."great" having no reader at all at that point) and when I looked at the services, ARM was deactivated and marked for deletion. I want to help but without any useful log files this seems quite hard.
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I know this has been solved for awhile, but I had to delete the AdobeARMService service with the following command.
SC Delete AdobeARMService
After that I was able to install as normal.