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Hate DC, how to get older Adobe Reader version downloads

New Here ,
Dec 21, 2017 Dec 21, 2017

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Hi there. I really do not like the new Acrobat Reader DC. I would like the old version back.

How do I find downloads to install the previous Adobe Reader?

I seriously hate this new format.





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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Mar 14, 2018 Mar 14, 2018

I think you are confusing products. There is:

Adobe Acrobat (Pro and Standard, costs money)

There is Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)

The Adobe Acrobat Reader has added features over the years but has not removed any.

Adobe Acrobat has always costed money.

Other than adding features and changing the GUI, neither of these products has changed or is charging for things they didn't used to charge for.


New Here ,
Jun 15, 2020 Jun 15, 2020

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One of the features I dislike most about DC is that I have to reinstall it everytime that I want to use it as it refuses to open otherwise.


I have window 8.1 and I did not know that there was anything else more broken till I found DC and a number of other programs that work poorly with windows 8, 8.1 and 10.


I don't think it is completely anything to do with adobe, but some kind of issue that it has working with windows. That is because it does show in Task Manager, but never opens. That is unless I reinstall everytime that I want to use it.






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New Here ,
Aug 16, 2020 Aug 16, 2020

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I suspect the problem is that they have some kind of deal with Microsoft.  It forces you to use Edge, which I flatly refuse to do because I don't appreciate being forced or conned into using a product.  I even have start-up screensavers that won't let me sign in to my own computer without opening Edge!  And it's an old computer that never did things like this before, so I know all this stuff arrived with Windows 10.  It really ticks me off.  And it is apparently impossible to delete Edge from my computer.  At this point, I am about five minutes away from buying an Apple laptop instead, after being a lifelong Windows user!  So what have they accomplished, if everyone is so ticked off that they'll entirely change providers rather than deal with Microsoft's shenanigans?




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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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There are a number of posts that are plainly mistaken, and yours is one of them.  There is no automatic collaboration with Adobe and Microsoft.  What you are experiencing is some accidental configuration that has gone on with your installation.  Maybe you mistakenly made a choice whereby adobe opens up in edge.  I have my adobe acrobat reader files opening up in Firefox.  You can choose which files are associated with certain programmes.  You can disable that association or change it.




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New Here ,
Nov 30, 2021 Nov 30, 2021

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I'm not mistaken, and I wasn't offered any "choices" to make.  I downloaded Windows 10 and all these issues came with it.  I cannot choose to have Adobe open in another browser.  I can go through the motiions, but nothing changes.  I thought if I deleted Edge, it would be forced to open in another browser, but Edge can't be deleted.  I've done it repeatedly, but Edge is still there.




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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2020 Jun 18, 2020

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Its June 18th 2020 and it still sucks. I googled adobe reader dc sucks how to get old version back and this thread popped up. HAHA I'm glad Im not the only one. Adobe why would you mess with a good thing. Everyone I talk to hates your online adobe acrobat reader, dc, pro products........ Jeus Christ Im just trying to get work done and have to spend half the day messing with this crap.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2020 Aug 15, 2020

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It's now August 15, 2020 and DC is still unusable in my opinion.  Yet Adobe continues to just push people toward that and refuses to supply a link to older versions.


In my opinion, Adobe Reader is the best product for crispness of images with small type.  But it has huge bars that take up too much of the screen (much larger than standard browser or Office bars), and the user interface has been crippled to where it's very difficult to do simple things like Type a comment on a document - multiple mouse clicks required.  So I'm forced to use Foxit or PDF-XChange or other products with fuzzier text.  The ideal solution would simply be to download an older version of Reader, but...




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New Here ,
Aug 19, 2020 Aug 19, 2020

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I quit my trial subscription to Adobe Acrobat DC in less than 48 hours because it slowed my very capable and modern laptop down to a crawl. I do my work on it and it was so slow it was almost unusable. I tried to disable some of the background Adobe DC processes in Task Manager and they just started again. And again...And again. DC is like the online version of MS Office - inferior to even much older versions of resident software. This whole push for cloud everything really sucks and is ruining the capability to quickly do gainful employment on a computer, either on the go (disconnected from Web) or while connected. I too have been scouring the universe for an old version of Acrobat Pro to install. NON DC.




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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2024 Dec 25, 2024

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You can probably get it but adobe wont support it or open it.  They want to have you pay subscription fees forever....  They did the same thing with Adobe Photoshop around version 7.  Used to be extreamly expensive software then they went to Adobe Acrobot CS on the cloud with a subcription fee, not supporting older versions that were paid for.  Its all about money, yours....





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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2024 Dec 25, 2024

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I meant to say Adobe Photoshop CS,,,,,  They call all the older versions of Adobe paid for products legacy products no longer supported or able to be opened...  Pay subscriptions forever on line cloud.  I thought organized crime was still on the streets.....   




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New Here ,
Nov 12, 2020 Nov 12, 2020

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I have come to despise Adobe. It has adjusted itself to be contemptuous to its customers.  They make programs unusable and take up so much memory in the computer. Bloatware it is now. Friggin 'hate it.  What to do? Well, GIMP is free and replaces photoshop and can edit PDF's.  InkScape works better than Illistrator and is free.  Here is a download for a free PDF reader. Haven't tried it myself but reviews sem to be good. https://pdf-xchange.eu/pdf-xchange-editor/index.htm     Lastly, you may be able to find an older verson on a tor site if you are really interested in keeping the old adobe software.




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New Here ,
Dec 17, 2020 Dec 17, 2020

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Ok, I tried out pdf-xchange-editor...


It seems to work fine for the common stuff I need, I'll need to delve deeper to really review it, but thanks for the link!

I have the free version, I don't know what the differences are yet for the pay version. ($43.00) It is also available with an "OCR" plugin giving it Office-like characteristics.


I'll keep GIMP in mind, though...


Thanks, Buddy!




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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I must say that I also abandoned Adobe for the free version of pdf-xchange.  It took awhile to get used to things being in different places and such, but once I got used to it, it seems to be a great product - one which I'll continue to use.




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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I fully agree with everything that's been said. I can't stand the new interface. I haven't even gotten into yet and I'm just totally turned off. I've used Adobe products for years and I'm really thoroughly dissatisfied and pissed.  I will be recommending another product to my social media followers bc this sucks. Talk about GREED!!!!!!!!! Adobe should be ashamed of themselves. That's all. 




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Community Beginner ,
Feb 23, 2021 Feb 23, 2021

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I hate the new Adobe interface and I will be sharing my dissatisfaction on various platforms with my substantial number of followers. I'm so extremely disappointed. If Adobe doesn't let me vent here I will simply vent elsewhere. It's all about Greed with a capital G!






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Community Beginner ,
Jun 25, 2021 Jun 25, 2021

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Also hate DC and adobe cloud - inefficent for real use, but big money machine for adobe.


Try getting the 2017 pre-DC Version





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Jun 25, 2021 Jun 25, 2021

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Hmm, DC was introduced in 2015. The 2017 version was DC.




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New Here ,
Feb 10, 2023 Feb 10, 2023

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The "solution" does not work, as Acrobat DC blocks installation of the older Acrobat reader. I haven't got time for the cretins who "organised" this disgusting scam, so I have downloaded Sumatra so I can READ a second pdf while editing the first Acrobat DC file.  Acrobat? GFY!




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New Here ,
Aug 08, 2023 Aug 08, 2023

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It is time to accept that Adobe, like so many others that have grown too big for their britches, intend to ONLY work with those that wish to be sheep and therefore be a part of cloud computing. Walk away from them. For those of you capable of being a part of the open-source world, help out when and where you can. For those who are not able to help, use alternate sources of software that reside locally on your own hardware and know that there are and will continue to be talented folks contributing to the open-source world. screw these guys.




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New Here ,
Sep 21, 2023 Sep 21, 2023

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IN FILE - there is tab -scroll down to revert back to the legacy Adobe-- I found the new version to complex for the simple needs i use the program and the legacy is much simpler to find with the icons on the right tab margin.   Try that- but there is a revert when you scroll on the File tab- Adobe will restart into the older version. Hope that helps.




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New Here ,
Dec 07, 2023 Dec 07, 2023

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IF what you are looking for is "Take a snapshot" or other features that used to be under "More" on the "Edit" menu, they're now hidden under "More" in the File -> Undo, Redo & More menu.  That's bad enough, but to make it worse, they haven't updated the help file.  The version you get if you click "Disable new Acrobat Reader" is the one which corresponds to the help file.




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