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Hi guys,
I cannot change the properties of a PDF file, like author, title, subject, and keywords as all these fields are grayed out. Some of the PDF files I have are filled with information, and some are not. For both cases I am unable to change them.
I have considered the possibility that these files are protected by their creators, but the files have no passwords, and I have even tried to create my own PDF using Microsoft Office Word Document and then saved it as a PDF, and even then, though I'm the creator of the file it shows the author with a name I have never seen before and I still cannot change that.
I am using Windows 7, and am using Adobe Reader 9.4.
I have attached a screenshot of the grayed out part where I get to it by:
01. Opening a PDF file.
02. On the tabs above, select File.
03. Select Properties.
I even considered the security tab, but all of the files are showing with no security in the security method!
Here is how I got to the security tab:
01. Opening the PDF file.
02. On the tabs above, select File.
03. Select Properties.
04. On the tabs above, select security.
Thank you for help!
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This is not possible with the free Reader. You'll need to get Acrobat to be able to do it.
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This is not possible with the free Reader. You'll need to get Acrobat to be able to do it.
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Thank you for your reply.
I have looked up the packages in Acrobat website and it did not show anywhere where you can edit file properties.
The packages were Acrobat Pro DC (14.99$ per month) and Acrobat Standard DC (12.99$ per month.) These were the only available packages in the website at the moment.
Can you please provide a citation that states only premium user is allowed to take actions in properties?
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Either one of these versions can do it.
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I had the same problem. I edited the Title and Author in the word file and saved afterwards as PDF. The PDF file had the same Title and Author. So maybe try to convert the PDF file to a Word file.
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Acrobat Reader can't convert PDF to Word.
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Thank you @DaveDW it's working fine.
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Go the original word file - View - Properties - then change the title and remove/add an author (on the right side) - then save as PDF.
Yazeid Hammash
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Even when I go into the word document, and remove the name and title in the properties tab, and recreate the new word document, and then change it back to a PDF - the name and title I removed re-appear.
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Go to the original word document, right click -> Properties -> Details tab -> click "Remove Properties and Personal Information" at the bottom -> choose remove title & subject in Remove Properties, save the word and then save as PDF. You are good to go now.
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Thanks a lot. This worked for me. Cheers
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There is not a "File" option in the top menu. I have Adobe Pro
Choose Menu > Document Properties
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Use the hamburger menu.
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If you only have the free version of Adobe (Reader):
Navigate to where the file is located on your computer.
Right click the file
Select Properties
Click the Details tab
At the bottom select Remove Properties and Personal Information
Choose if you want it to create new copy of the file with this removed or do it to the current file (I tested it with a copy first)
Hope this helps someone!
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This doesn't change the properties in the PDF file.
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Hi, I've found a bit of a workaround to get the desired title for the free reader. Go to Edit > Preferences > Documents, then select "Always use filename as document title". You might have to close the document and reopen it, but it should match once you've reloaded it.
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Note this doesn't change the file, though, just the way files are displayed in the application.