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"Update failed” manually trying to check for updates in 64-bit Adobe Acrobat Reader Document Cloud

Community Beginner ,
Jul 25, 2023 Jul 25, 2023

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I have been installing Adobe Acrobat Reader Document Cloud (AARDC) in my administrator account of a 64-bit Windows 10 Home Edition operating system on a Dell Corporation notebook computer. In this operating system I also have one regular-, or standard-user account, which along with my administrator account make a total of two user accounts in my Windows-10 operating system. A problem of being unable to install the subkey of DisableExceptionChainValidation of the registry keys Acrobat.exe, AcrobatInfo.exe, and AcroCEF.exe in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options was gratefully twice solved by within Windows “Apps” clicking on “Adobe Acrobat (64-bit)” and selecting “Modify” and later filling the empty radio “button” beside “Repair…” after much earlier during an installation of AARDC clicking on “Ignore” when being notified of Error 1406s due to possibly permission problems writing that subkey into the Windows registry. (This sort of problem and clickings on “Ignore” software “buttons” were reported by poster Martin28970237xnkw on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/unable-to-install-acrobat-reader-dc-newer-... on the Internet. And, again from Martin28970237xnkw, an earlier problem of receiving the message “Newer version already installed” could be managed by executing AdobeAcroCleaner obtained by clicking on 64-bit installer, all tracks on https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatek/tools/Labs/cleaner/.html#downloads, restarting Windows 10, attempting to install the AARDC again, and subsequently double-clicking on setup.exe in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Setup\{AC76BA86-1033-1033=7760-BC15014EA700}.) On June 29, 2023 I gratefully had one success in manually updating version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC via “Menu, Help, Check for updates” to version 2023.003.20015; but afterward in such manual checking for updates to version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC on July 7 and 24, 2023 I had the result of “Update failed”; though on July 7, 2023 my notes do not indicate that I restarted Windows 10 after executing the Adobe “cleaner”. In fact after that one, June 29, 2023 success in updating the 64-bit, version 2023.001.20064 of AARDC, between the seventh and 24th days of July in the year 2023 I could not manually update any of the following versions of 64-bit AARDC via “Menu, Help, Check for updates”: 2023.001.20064, 2023.003.20015, or 2023.003.20244. In the 64-bit version 2023.003.20244 of AARDC, which was still installed in my Windows-10 operating system on July 24, 2023, the displayed texts sequentially appearing in a dialog box entitled “Adobe Acrobat Updater” following “Menu, Help, Check for updates” while my computer was online were “Checking for updates”, “Connecting to server…”, and “Update failed”.


I read on the Internet that AARDC, like a number of other computer programs in a modern Windows operating system, uses the computer program “Windows Installer” in checking for updates to it. My Windows Installer passed several tests of it after I on July 7, 2023 had some corruptions in my Windows-10 installation fixed by executing the system file checker with the command “sfc /scannow” entered in Windows PowerShell(Admin). But I gratefully had the result of no integrity violations found after similarly entering “sfc /scannow” on July 18, 2023.


After noting the time of one such “Update failed” notification while my computer was online, I found no blocks by my “firewall” computer program of incoming or outgoing “traffic” to or from Windows-10 operating system during a period of time which included the time of that “Update failed” notification. And within my 64-bit, version 2023.003.20244 of the AARDC I could “Start” and “Stop” the apparently 32-bit computer program Adobe Acrobat Update Service, which has been run by the executable file C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\armsvc.exe.


Following poster LeoAdobeX’s advice on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/adobe-acrobat-dc-versioin-15-006-30096-fails-upda... and subsequent further explanations to enable verbose “logging” (humor: but not with tree logs) associated with checks for updates to AARDC I input the new registry subkey iLogLevel into the registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Adobe\Adobe ARM\1.0\ARM (Adobe Reader Manager) and set its REG_DWORD value as hexadecimal “1”. Now I include a fictitious name of ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME for my Windows-10 administrator account name. Following more of poster LeoAdobeX’s instruction, in a directory of the form C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData (a normally hidden directory)\Local\Temp I could open the file AdobeARM.log in the Windows computer program Notepad to see the resulting verbose logging associated with checking for updates to AARDC. Below are the contents of that file, produced on July 25, 2023, after changing my administrator account name to ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME.


[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0843] Adobe ARM 1.824.460.1047 logging started.

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0859] Command Line: /PRODUCT:Acrobat /VERSION:23.0 /MODE:1

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0859] Notify...

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0859] Could not find ARM server to notify

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0859] GetLastError(): 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0859] InitUIStrings...

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ************************************

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] InitSessionWithProduct...

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-1033-7760-BC15014EA700}

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat (64-bit)

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductVersion: 23.003.20244

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] Product UI Language: ENU

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductLanguage installed: 1033

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductRegistry: SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] ProductInstallDir: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] Manifest URL: https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] InitUIStrings...

[2023-07-25 22:24:31:0937] re-initializing strings with langauge: ENU

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] InitListener...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] Init...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] Notify...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] Could not find ARM server to notify

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] GetLastError(): 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] StartServer...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] IsVistaOrLater returns 1

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] ARM Server started

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] Action added: Listener

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0000] RunManual...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] Action added: Dialog

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] CanRun...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] IsPatchingDisabled...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] Admin User, will update

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] StartProduct...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] IsEULA_Accepted...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] EULA accepted from 2

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] GetPreferences...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] Using registered preference AUTO_ALL

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0328] InitDownloadManager...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0343] GetOverwriteURL...

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0343] No overwrite file

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0375] Product can start

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0375] Action added: Download Manifest

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0375] Downloading Manifest:

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0375] URL: https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0375] file: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:32:0593] DownloadFileAndWait()

[2023-07-25 22:24:37:0859] Creating BITS job LocalFileName:C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:37:0859] Creating BITS job RemoteName:https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:37:0859] downLoadFileSet(): File Count: 1

[2023-07-25 22:24:38:0546] StoreCRD...

[2023-07-25 22:24:38:0546] No CRD to store

[2023-07-25 22:24:38:0578] BITs download success: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0437] valid after BITs download: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0437] TransferProductManifest...

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0452] Copy Manifest C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0452] Action deleted: Download Manifest

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0452] ReportSessionData...

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0593] ShowArmDialog...

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0906] SetBalooonInstallFinished...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0210] User exited

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0273] Action deleted: Dialog

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] LogReportDataIntoAnalytics... requested by exit instance

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] LetProductUseArmReportData...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] module path not found

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Not opted in

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] HighBeam not initialized

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] done with Report file

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] SafeDeleteReportFile...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Cleanup...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] CleanupEx...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Notify...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] WriteFile succeeded in Notify

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Listener - ARM_MESSAGE_FROM_ARM_CLEANUP

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Notify...

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] WriteFile succeeded in Notify

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Requested to stop listener

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Confirming request to stop listener

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0304] Action deleted: Listener

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0523] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2023-07-25 22:25:45:0523] Adobe ARM 1.824.460.1047 logging finished.


I do not know everything about the above details. However, I did not find “ERROR” followed by a number in the above contents.


Question 1 for experts: Do you see anything in the above verbose logging which indicates why I received the message “Update failed” when checking for updates to the AARDC on July 20, 2023?


The abbreviation BITS in the above verbose logging probably stands for Background Intelligent Transfer Service. The association of the word “download” with BITS in the above verbose logging implies to me a successful connection to the Internet. Furthermore when I tried to manually check for updates to AARDC while my computer was offline, I received the different and more-detailed notice than while online of “Update failed”. “Cannot establish a connection. Please try again later.” Therefore while online it appears that a connection was very likely established to the Internet while checking for updates to AARDC. So I wonder if a problem in the computer-server software used when manually checking for updates to 64-bit AARDC could have developed on or after July 7, 2023, for example, some sort of mismatch between AARDC computer code and server-computer code.


Question 2: In this regard can anyone with a 64-bit version of the AARDC installed in a 64-bit Windows-10 operating system report any success in manually checking for updates for AARDC with any result besides “Update failed” in either the 2023.001.20064 or 2023.003.20015 versions of 64-bit AARDC or, on or after July 11, 2023 when version 2023.003.20244 of 64-bit AARDC was released, that latter version of AARDC?


Another thought is that on July 11, 2023 I had the 2023-07 cumulative update KB (Knowledge Base) 5028166 installed to my 64-bit Windows 10 Home Edition, Version 22H2 operating system and the 2023-07 cumulative update installed to versions 3.5, 4.8, and 4.8.1 of the .NET framework in that same operating system. However, my notes show that I received the “Update failed” message which I have been discussing here on both the sixth and seventh days of July in the year 2023, which were days before I had those two Windows-10 updates installed in my Windows-10 installation. Therefore in applying Occam’s “razor” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_razor) to this situation one would consider just one explanation other than these Windows updates for the occurrences of “Update failed” more likely than one explanation due to these Windows updates plus a second explanation for my occurrences of “Update failed”. In other words with some ignorance of the cause or causes for a phenomenon, having two independent causes seems less likely than just one cause for an observed phenomenon. Furthermore the version of the Windows Installer 5.0.19041.2193 that I have been using lately, from right-touchpad-clicking on C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe was last modified on May 5, 2023, which was long before the period of time of June 29-July 24, 2023 that I have been discussing here. So unless there is more of Windows 10 involved in checking for updates to AARDC than Windows Installer, it appears that interference of the process of updating AARDC by updates to Windows 10 installed on July 11, 2023 can be ruled out.


I am interested in especially poster LeoAdobeX’s analysis of my situation and the above lines of the file AdobeARM.log, if he still makes comments in this online “forum”. Poster LeoAdobeX on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/persistent-adobearm-failure-to-update/m-p/... thought that in a case in which update checking failed in AARDC and when an obvious error number could not be found in AdobeARM.log output with verbose logging in it that there might have been a permission problem in “communications” between different parts of AARDC. In this respect I note that parts of my AARDC computer software are installed in at least three separate directory “branches.” For example, the file Updater.api is located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins; the file Acrobat.exe, which appears to be for the main window of AARDC, is located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat; but the file armsvc.exe is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0; and AdobeARM.log is located in a directory of the form C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp.


Question 3: Does Windows 10 “consider”, for example, armsvc.exe and Acrobat.exe to be separate applications, even though they are each parts of the application AARDC?


The answer to this question could be important because although C:\Program Files and C:\Program Files (x86) are both owned by “Trusted Installer” in my July 25, 2023 installation of AARDC, some permissions for some subfolders containing AARDC computer software had the restricted permissions of only “Read & execute” for “ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES”.


From July 25, 2023 here was a list of my owners and permissions for some relevant directories of the following forms in my present 64-bit Windows-10 operating system with 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244 installed in it. Note that there was no C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe directory in my AARDC installation on July 25, 2023.

                                                                                                              D I R E C T O R I E S



C:\Program  Files\Common Files\Adobe

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe









Trusted Installer permissions

Full control over this folder and subfolders

Full control over this folder and subfolders

Full control over this folder and subfolders



SYSTEM permissions

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Administrators’ permissions

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files

Users’ permissions

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files


Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

CREATOR OWNER permissions

Full control over only subfolders and files

Full control over only subfolders and files

Full control over only subfolders and files




Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files




Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files

Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files







Full control over this folder, subfolders, and files


Everyone’s permissions





Read & execute over this folder, subfolders, and files


The word “Adobe” does not appear in my System or User “PATH” environment variables in my Windows-10 installation.


Question 4: Do you see any problems with my above ownerships and permissions, especially assignments which might cause the display of “Update failed” after manually checking for updates to AARDC while online? During a manual check for updates to AARDC I did not see any “Error 1406” associated with a concern relating to permissions.


I performed an experiment overlapping an experiment suggested by poster Ankit_Jain on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/persistent-adobearm-failure-to-update/m-p/.... In my experiment I deleted C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe and afterward repaired my AARDC installation via clicking on “Adobe Acrobat (64-bit)” in “Apps” and then clicking on “Modify” and the radio “button” beside “Repair..” to have a black disc placed within that otherwise empty radio “button”. That “Repair..” operation restored at least C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\ARM. But in AARDC clicking on “Menu, Help, Check for updates” still resulted in “Update failed”, probably while my computer was connected to the Internet.


Now I turn to the automatic process of checking for updates to AARDC. Perhaps there might be a similar or even the same problem in automatically checking for updates to AARDC as in the manual checking for such updates. I think that usually, if not always, I have been agreeing to such automatic checking for updates to AARDC.


There might already be some perhaps weak evidence that such automatic checking for updates to AARDC may not have been working for me because I had my computer, with a version of AARDC installed on its hard-disk drive, online some of the time between July 11, 2023, when version 2023.003.20244 of AARDC was released, and July 18, 2023 when I probably first installed version 2023.003.20244 of AARDC; yet I was not automatically notified of that new version of AARDC. But a weakness in this reasoning is that if I would not have had my computer, with AARDC installed on its hard-disk drive, online when a check was automatically attempted to be made for that new version of AARDC, I could have missed seeing such a notification.


Question 5: How may I test the automatic checking for updates to AARDC or monitor such checking to determine whether it was effective or not, preferably in a way in which I may see notifications of possible problems in such checking?


Question 6: The notice “Update failed” appeared on a dialog box labeled with Adobe Acrobat Updater. So I assume that the message “Update failed” came from AARDC instead of Windows Installer. Is that assumption of mine correct?


Question 7: On the server-computer side of the computer software I hope there would be some message to explain why a check for updates to AARDC from a client computer failed. Would someone please check to see what kinds of explanatory messages would be displayed by the appropriate server-computer software in the cases of such failures after a successful Internet connection by a client computer to the server computer has been made?


Question 8: I think that in an SDK (Software Development Kit) on https://opensource.adobe.com/dc-acrobat-sdk-docs/acrobatsdk/ there may be some open-source computer code available to work with AARDC. But it appears to me that for the free version of AARDC source code may not be publicly available. Is this thinking of mine correct?


The causes for the message “Update failed” regarding checking for updates to AARDC ought to be apparent to a computer programmer knowledgeable in the computer language in which such computer code was written. The list of those possible causes ought to be reduced by the condition that a connection to the Internet to check for updates was established. On the client side at least two parts of the AARDC code which could be important in checking for updates to AARDC could conceivably be Updater.api, located in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\plug_ins, and armsvc.exe, located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0. So in the source code for those two files might be places to look for the conditions to meet for the message “Update failed” to be displayed. In the source, server-computer software someone might look for the conditions to meet to order the output of some message of a failure to check for updates to AARDC.


Question 9: In what computer language is the AARDC source code written?


Question 10a: Is there any appropriate, free, “debugging” computer program available for users of AARDC which could help computer programmers of AARDC “pinpoint” the causes of possible software problems in AARDC source code?

Question 10b: And if so, how may I obtain it?


My most recent “step” in updating 64-bit AARDC was while a repaired installation of 64-bit AARDC 2023.001.20064 was installed to double-click on and afterward “Open” the file AcroRdrDCx64Upd2300320244.msp downloaded from https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/ReleaseNotesDC/continuous/dccontinuousjuly2023.ht... and labeled as “Reader” with a posted size of 311 MegaBytes (MB) which was supposed to be installed over “DC base (64-bit)” (which probably meant over a 64-bit, Document Cloud, version of Adobe “something”). But after entering the so-installed version 2023.003.20244 of 64-bit AARDC and clicking on “Menu, Help, Check for updates,” the result was still “Update failed”, probably while my computer was connected to the Internet.

Download and install , Windows






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 26, 2023 Jul 26, 2023

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According to poster Test Screen Name on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-sdk-discussions/what-coding-language-does-adobe-acrobat-use/m... on the Internet at least a partial answer to my Question 9 is that in March of the year 2020 Acrobat (so maybe at least Adobe Acrobat) and Acrobat Reader (so likely Adobe Acrobat Reader Document Cloud) contained JavaScript “interpreters” written in the C computer-programming language. Again according to poster Test Screen Name, those JavaScript “interpreters” were needed to enable a human reader to read the contents of Portable Document Format (.pdf) files somehow making use of JavaScript computer code. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adobe_Acrobat the Document Cloud branding began to be used along with one or more Adobe products in April of the year 2015.






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Community Beginner ,
Jul 28, 2023 Jul 28, 2023

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I was interested to know how the “logging” would appear for a successful check for updates to AARDC. Although the year 2012 might be considered rather old for this purpose, I found a “log” during a period of checking for updates to Adobe Reader X, version 10.1.3 in the June 4, 2012 posting by poster TSM421 on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/persistent-adobearm-failure-to-update/td-p/3964638 on the Internet. Below I display a portion of that “log” side by side with a portion of my AdobeARM.log file also during a period of checking for updates to in this case 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244. A longer portion of that “log” of mine is in the first posting in this “thread” of postings. The “log” for poster TSM421 includes both the words “Update” and “Upgrade”, so therefore words which I suppose have distinct meanings.--That is “Upgrade” might have meant to upgrade Adobe Reader X to a Professional (Pro) version of it and that “Update” might have meant to make corrections or additions to Adobe Reader X, perhaps including a change of its version number. There are not always the same numbers and types of lines in the portions of the two “logs” I post below; but the older, right-hand “log” posting gives me ideas of what processes are missing in my own, left-hand “log” while checking for updates to AARDC. And those missing lines may be clues to what could be wrong in my own checking for updates to AARDC! Again in the left-hand column of the table below I changed the name of my Windows-10 administrator account to ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME.


64-bit AARDC, 2023.003.20244,

in 64-bit Windows 10, my resulting lines in file AdobeARM.log, July 25, 2023

64-bit Adobe Reader X, 10.1.3

in 64-bit Windows 7, poster TSM421’s resulting lines in his “log”, June 4, 2012

BITs download success: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

Manifest download success

valid after BITs download: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi




Copy Manifest C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi


Action deleted: Download Manifest

Action deleted: Download Manifest










Upgrade disabled in manual mode


No updates in Manifestforcurrent product configuration


No files in Session


Setting NO_UPDATES mode




Notice that in each case a “Manifest” appears to have been successfully downloaded from the Internet. For a ship or a tractor-trailer truck I think a manifest is a written description of the cargo carried by that ship or tractor-trailer truck, meaning the things being transported in that carrier or transporter. It would make sense that in order to protect a nation’s people that a custom’s official at the border of a foreign nation would want to know what things are proposed to be transported into his country. And he could read what those things are from such a manifest. And to be especially safe that customs official might even want to examine some of that ship or truck’s cargo to verify that what is written on the manifest is actually what is proposed to be transported into his country. Therefore by analogy in this situation I suppose that within a file with Manifest or manifest in its name there would at least be the name of an update, if an appropriate one is available, or else a note that no update is currently available for Adobe’s computer program with “Reader” in its name. And from the looks of poster TSM421’s “log” message of “No updates in Manifestforcurrent product configuration”, it appears that, unlike the manifest for a ship or tractor-trailer truck, the manifest for “Reader” may include the update itself, if an appropriate one is available for the requester’s installation of “Reader”!


So now I speculate that a year-2023 manifest file with a .msi extension for a year-2023 version of an Adobe product with “Reader” in its name would also contain an update for “Reader”, or else a notice that no appropriate update is available for that installation of “Reader”. In fact on the Internet I read that MSI, which appears in a .msi file extension, stands for Microsoft Windows Installer. So one could hope that Windows Installer could open such a file. I found the normally hidden directory of the form C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244 in my Windows-10 installation. But on July 28, 2023 there was not a file named AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi within it. So that file must have been deleted by AARDC; and therefore the line in AdobeARM.log reading “Action deleted: Download Manifest” likely meant that the file AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi, which had been downloaded from the Internet, was deleted in the overall process of my July 25, 2023 checking for updates to AARDC.


Conclusion 1: The manifest which probably contained the notification that no appropriate update was available for my installation of 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244 on July 25, 2023, when version 2023.003.20244 was the latest available version of 64-bit AARDC, reached my computer!


But that notification was not displayed for me after checking for updates to that version AARDC. In contrast for poster TSM421 his “log” file displayed the important lines of “No updates in Manifestforcurrent product configuration”, “No files in Session”, and “setting NO_UPDATES mode”, with no similar lines posted in my AdobeARM.log file. In poster TSM421’s case the line reading “No updates in Manifestforcurrent product configuration” likely meant that his installed, Adobe Reader X, version 10.1.3 computer program could both open his downloaded manifest and “intelligently read and interpret” a part of its contents explaining that no appropriate update was available for his installation of Adobe Reader X. Then afterward I suppose that setting a NO_UPDATES mode might have meant that a portion of the Adobe Reader X computer was given a command to accordingly “write” a message equivalent to “No updates available” in a dialog box for displaying the progress in checking for updates to Adobe Reader X. To accomplish that latter action in a dialog box I suppose that there may have been some Visual C++, Visual Basic, or maybe JavaScript or Java computer code within poster TSM421’s installed version of Adobe Reader X.


So why was that kind of a notification not also displayed for me? I think that a not-very detailed answer to this question likely has to do with why some messages are missing in my AdobeARM.log file, namely messages similar to “No updates in Manifestforcurrent product configuration”, “No files in Session”, and “setting NO_UPDATES mode” in poster TSM421’s “log” file.


Reasonable conclusion 2: My installation of 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244 or else Windows Installer in my Windows-10 installation probably did not open the check-for-updates, .msi manifest file. Or else my installation of AADRC did not read and interpret some opened contents of that check-for-updates, .msi manifest file.


Now I review a point in my first paragraph in this “thread” of postings that I could update 64-bit AARDC 2023.001.20064 on June 29, 2023, but not after separate installations of the same version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC on July 7, 2023 and July 24, 2023. The datum for July 7, 2023 is, however, weak in that my notes do not show that I restarted Windows 10 after an Adobe “clean” operation prior to trying to install version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC. But my notes do show that I restarted Windows 10 after such an Adobe “clean” operation on July 24, 2023 prior to installing version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC. And on that same day I executed a “Repair” operation on that version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC. But afterward on July 24, 2023 within 64-bit AARDC 2023.001.20064 clicking on “Menu, Help, Check for updates” resulted in “Update failed”.


So in the same version 2023.001.20064 of 64-bit AARDC on June 29, 2023 manual checking for updates to it was gratefully successful, but not on July 24, 2023. This kind of a result plus the fact that connection to the server computer has been successful, as evidenced by AdobeARM.log files from both 20th and 25th days of July in the year 2023, have led me to speculate the possibility that the server-computer software might have somehow been changed between June 29, 2023 and July 7, 2023 and for me to ask my Question 2 in my first posting in this “thread” of postings of whether anyone has had any (recent) success in manually checking for updates to AARDC, in the case of version 2023.003.20244 of 64-bit AARDC since July 11, 2023.


During parts of July 27-28, 2023 while manually checking for possible updates in 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244, the Windows Installer service msiserver, which is operated through the file msiexe.exe, in my Windows-10 installation often appeared not to start “Running”; and of course I again received the message “Update failed”. And my first manually starting Windows Installer did not change that result of “Update failed” after checking for such updates. However, this checking was difficult for me to perform because within a short period of time I had to switch between viewing an open AARDC window and viewing a Windows Task Manager, Services tab to see whether Windows Installer was “Stopped” or “Running”. However, I discovered a clue to when “Update failed” probably appeared in an Adobe dialog box after such checking for updates.--That is an Adobe icon on my taskbar probably flashed when “Update failed” appeared in that dialog box. So if I see the word “Stopped” in the line containing “Windows Installer” on the Task Manager’s Services tab about when that flashing of the Adobe icon on the Task Bar occurs, then Windows Installer was probably not “Running” shortly before that flashing. But afterward I found a still better way for such checking on whether Windows Installer started “Running” or not. That was by shrinking the window for Task Manager’s Services tab and moving that window way over to the right edge of my computer screen, sometimes shutting down and restarting the AARDC window, but in any case clicking on “Menu, Help, Check for updates” in AARDC. In that way I could focus my eyes on “Stop…” in the highlighted line containing msiserver and in my peripheral vision see a flash in the dialog box concerning update checking at almost the same time. So finally I think it was pretty clear that Windows Installer was not “Running” just prior to “Update failed” appeared in such manual update checking. And I think that was a problem because I think that Windows Installer should have been “Running” on the downloaded, .msi, manifest file. But I am not sure either why that problem occurred or how that problem could be eliminated.





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Jul 28, 2023 Jul 28, 2023

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The issue is in Copy File operation, which in your log file referenced by the line below-

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0452] Copy Manifest C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

Unfortunately the log line is cut short; it should say something like

[2023-07-25 22:24:39:0452] Copy Manifest C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi failed [error code]

In the normal case TransferProductManifest  would show something like

[2023-07-28 23:05:29:0590] TransferProductManifest...
[2023-07-28 23:05:29:0592] Transfered: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

I would bet on incorrect permissions on C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244 folder, but it could be something else.

The best course of action for you is to uninstall Reader 64 bit and install again from Adobe.com.

You can also try to delete C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM folder before reinstalling Reader 64 bit.

If you still face the same issue, please provide me with verbose log again in the private message.





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Jul 29, 2023 Jul 29, 2023

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Hello, poster LeoAdobeX. Thank you for kindly taking the time to post some things and ideas in this “thread” of postings for Adobe Acrobat Reader Document (AARDC). Sorry, I misspelled taskbar in one or more of my above postings. I gather that just the appearance of the “Copy Manifest…” line in AdobeARM.log with verbose logging in it may have been your clue of a problem .in that copying operation.


At least partly in response to your writing I removed C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM and then performed a “Repair” of my 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244 installation; yet I still had “Update failed” after manually checking for an update to that AARDC. And I uninstalled AARDC, executed the Adobe “cleaner”, restarted Windows 10, deleted the directory C:\ProgramData\Adobe; installed 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244 beginning with https://get.adobe.com/reader/ on the Internet in a multistep procedure, parts of which I mentioned in my first posting in this thread of postings; and “Repair”ed that installation. Afterward in manually checking for updates in AARDC I not only received “Update failed”, but also “Error 111500”.--The installation of AARDC did not make a new C:\ProgramData\Adobe directory. So I manually made C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244 to eliminate error “Error 111500”, but not the message “Update failed” in checking for updates to AARDC.--The “Copy Manifest…” line still appeared in AdobeARM.log with of course the subkey iLogLevel set to REG_DWORD hexadecimal “1” still in my Windows registry. One could hope that instead the installation of AARDC would generate a new subdirectory Adobe in C:\ProgramData; but that was not the case this time.


Let us assume in this paragraph that your “hunch” that I might have a directory-permission problem is correct. But my situation may be complex with one administrator account and one regular-user account in 64-bit Windows 10. I am probably way, way behind the understanding of AARDC and Windows Installer of the computer programmer who produced the computer code for AARDC. And I do not think I can even see his source code. Ideally it would be desirable for us to understand what permissions and ownerships of and for directories are needed for both AARDC’s parts and Windows Installer to allow writing files into the needed directory while checking for and, if necessary, writing in that directory. But I think I should admit ignorance on a number of the details of how that process works. For example one imaginable complexity is I as the administrator might initiate an order for a check for updates to AARDC, which in turn might “issue” a command for Windows Installer to write files into a directory. And then we have the manifest downloaded from the Internet which probably has to be opened and “read” by I would guess AARDC. So to personify things “who” needs what permission to do what in which directory with all of these so-called “players” involved seems like a complex situation to me. I cannot say that I know the answers to very many of those unknowns in a check for updates to AARDC and for installation of them. And I would like to understand some details of this overall process I have briefly discussed in this paragraph! If you wrote the computer code for AARDC and have detailed knowledge of how Windows Installer works, you might know those things. But if not, with the computer code publicly available now for AARDC we may be in a trial-and-error approach or else need to make use of your knowledge of what procedures worked well against some AARDC problems in the past.


However, besides a possible permission problem, the fact that iLogLevel remained in the Windows registry despite the uninstallation of AARDC, execution of the Adobe “cleaner,” and reinstallation of AARDC I suppose means that iLogLevel’s “parent” key of ARM may not have been altered by any of those processes. This means that right now we should probably not rule out a cause in the Windows registry for “Update failed” in AARDC.


And concerning the function of the Windows Installer in a check for an update to AARDC, here are the results of a couple of experiments I performed concerning Windows Installer in my 64-bit Windows-10 installation on July 29, 2023.


1) While my computer was connected to the Internet I opened the computer program LibreOffice-7.4 Writer and clicked on “Help, Check for updates” and subsequently saw “LibreOffice 7.4 is up to date.” in a dialog box; so that was probably a check for a possible update for not just LibreOffice-7.4 Writer, but for LibreOffice 7.4 as a whole. Therefore there appeared to be no problem checking for an update to LibreOffice 7.4 in my Windows-10 installation. During the brief period of time after I clicked on that “Check for updates.”, the Windows Installer service msiserver did not start “Running”, but remained as “Stopped” on the Services tab of Windows Task Manager. I still have the installation file which I previously downloaded from the Internet for LibreOffice 7.4.7. It is LibreOffice_7.4.7_Win_x64.msi. Since “msi” in the file extension .msi I think stands for Microsoft Windows Installer and this file has the .msi extension, it appears to be designed for Microsoft Windows Installer to install it after double-clicking on it within a modern Windows operating system.


2) I have another .msi file which I downloaded from the Internet and which could be used to install a non-Microsoft Corporation computer program via a process which could begin by double-clicking it. While my computer was online I did double-click on that .msi file. And the result was that the Windows Installer service msiserver, which runs via the executable file msiexec.exe, switched from “Stopped” to “Running” and stayed in that “Running” state for a period of time after I canceled the installation of that computer program. Eventually its state was automatically switched from “Running” back to “Stopped”.


So it now seems possible that Windows Installer in my Windows-10 installation might be working okay. But it seems that Windows Installer may not have “done” anything while a check for an update to LibreOffice was performed and no such update was found, since Windows Installer did not appear to start in that situation. And that might be a model for what might happen when a check for updates would successfully be made in AARDC as well and no update would be found for AARDC. I would like to know and understand what occurs when in a non-Microsoft Corporation computer program a check is made for an update to it.





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Jul 29, 2023 Jul 29, 2023

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I can take a look at a new verbose log if it is available (please try to provide it in the private message), but it looks like the issue on your system cannot be resolved over posts in this forum.

A few other points-

Error 111500 indicates failure well before Copy File operation, that is why you might not seeing C:\ProgramData\Adobe\.. folder being created

Windows Installer Service (MSI) has nothing to do with the issue

If you have any antivirus running or backup software, can you disable it temporarily while manually checking for updates?






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Aug 01, 2023 Aug 01, 2023

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Hello again, poster LeoAdobeX. I tried a couple of drastic things to try enable the successful checking for updates via “Menu, Help, Check for updates” in 64-bit Adobe Acrobat Reader Document Cloud (AARDC), version 2023.003.20244.


1) I uninstalled 64-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244, using the computer program Revo Uninstaller 2.4.5 (Check https://www.revouninstaller.com/revo-uninstaller-free-download/ on the Internet for an installation file for the free version of Revo Uninstaller.) and afterward got into my Windows-10 registry and manually deleted some leftover entries from a previous installation of 32-bit AARDC 2023.003.20244 obtained on July 21, 2023 from https://get.adobe.com/reader/enterprise/ (I do not think I realized that I had obtained a completely 32-bit installation of AARDC by executing the downloaded file from that Web site until after I executed that downloaded file.). But those procedures still did not result in a complete uninstallation of all of the parts of AARDC because for one reason, with ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME being a fictitious name for my administrator account name in Windows 10, C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp had some .log files which were apparently unchanged from before the installation I discuss in the next sentence. Then I reinstalled 64-bit AARDC beginning with a download from https://get.adobe.com/reader/ of an installation file for it, executed that downloaded file while online, subsequently followed some “steps” performed by poster Martin28970237xnkw on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/unable-to-install-acrobat-reader-dc-newer-..., and in Windows “Apps” clicked on “Adobe Acrobat (64-bit)” and selected “Modify” and “Repair” as some parts of that procedure. And subsequently after clicking on “Menu, Help, Check for updates” in that installation of AARDC, still I received the message “Update failed”.


2) Pursuing your “hunch”, poster LeoAdobeX, of a permission problem with or within C:\ProgramData\Adobe in the installation of AARDC resulting from item “1” here, I added a new user group “Everyone” for that normally hidden directory and gave that user group “Full control” for what amounted to that directory and its subdirectories and files. That was gratefully possible without errors because a) I was in my administrator account at that time and b) the “owner” of C:\ProgramData\Adobe was “Administrators” with “Full control” of that folder, its subfolders, and files. And afterward gratefully within that version of AARDC after clicking on “Menu, Help, Check for updates” I saw “No updates available” instead of “Update failed”! So thank you very much, poster LeoAdobeX, for kindly posting your “hunch” for me.--Gratefully it was correct!


For one of those gratefully successful checks for updates below are the corresponding contents of my normally hidden directory and file of the form C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeARM.log after I changed the name of my administrator account to the fictitious name ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME.


[2023-08-01 19:12:45:0961] Adobe ARM 1.824.460.1047 logging started.

[2023-08-01 19:12:45:0961] Command Line: /PRODUCT:Acrobat /VERSION:23.0 /MODE:1

[2023-08-01 19:12:45:0961] Notify...

[2023-08-01 19:12:45:0961] Could not find ARM server to notify

[2023-08-01 19:12:45:0961] GetLastError(): 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

[2023-08-01 19:12:45:0961] InitUIStrings...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ************************************

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] InitSessionWithProduct...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-1033-7760-BC15014EA700}

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat (64-bit)

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductVersion: 23.003.20244

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] Product UI Language: ENU

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductLanguage installed: 1033

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductRegistry: SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] ProductInstallDir: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] Manifest URL: https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] InitUIStrings...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0046] re-initializing strings with langauge: ENU

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] InitListener...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] Init...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] Notify...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] Could not find ARM server to notify

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] GetLastError(): 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] StartServer...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] IsVistaOrLater returns 1

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] ARM Server started

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] Action added: Listener

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0130] RunManual...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] Action added: Dialog

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] CanRun...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] IsPatchingDisabled...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] Admin User, will update

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] StartProduct...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] IsEULA_Accepted...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] EULA accepted from 2

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] GetPreferences...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] Using registered preference AUTO_ALL

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] InitDownloadManager...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] GetOverwriteURL...

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] No overwrite file

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] Product can start

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] Action added: Download Manifest

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] Downloading Manifest:

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] URL: https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0278] file: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:46:0300] DownloadFileAndWait()

[2023-08-01 19:12:50:0660] Creating BITS job LocalFileName:C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:50:0660] Creating BITS job RemoteName:https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:50:0660] downLoadFileSet(): File Count: 1

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0278] StoreCRD...

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0278] No CRD to store

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0278] BITs download success: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0995] valid after BITs download: C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0995] TransferProductManifest...

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0995] Transfered: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0995] Action deleted: Download Manifest

[2023-08-01 19:12:51:0995] ReportSessionData...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0011] InitSession...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0011] InitUpdateData...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0218] Init from: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\ARM\Acrobat_23.003.20244\AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0218] InitExtraManifestProperties...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0218] AllowedLogsessionDllVersionsHBEOLSDK:;;

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] InitUpdateFromProductUpdatesTable...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] MDOV1615

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] InitUpdateFromProductUpdatesExTable...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] RegisterResult...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] No files in Session, setting NO_UPDATES mode

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] CancelJobs

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] GetJobs

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] no registered jobs

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0234] ShowArmDialog...

[2023-08-01 19:12:52:0550] SetBalooonInstallFinished...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0296] User exited

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] Action deleted: Dialog

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] LogReportDataIntoAnalytics... requested by exit instance

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] LetProductUseArmReportData...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] module path not found

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] Not opted in

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] HighBeam not initialized

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] done with Report file

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] SafeDeleteReportFile...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] Cleanup...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] CleanupEx...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] Notify...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] WriteFile succeeded in Notify

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0334] Listener - ARM_MESSAGE_FROM_ARM_CLEANUP

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] Notify...

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] WriteFile succeeded in Notify

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] Requested to stop listener

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] Confirming request to stop listener

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] Action deleted: Listener

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2023-08-01 19:12:57:0350] Adobe ARM 1.824.460.1047 logging finished.


In the above output there is a minor misspelling which you can request to be corrected in the corresponding computer code. That is “Transfered” should be changed to “Transferred”.


On entering AARDC after installing it I agreed to a license for it. And instead of a probably continuous video to be shown to me to probably demonstrate the features of AARDC or else how to use it, for a while I had a mostly white rectangle with a ring within it with the first quadrant of that ring being blue colored. Things became “stuck” in that state. In the Windows Task Manager I right-clicked on Adobe.. and selected “End Task” to get out of AARDC on two or one of such occasions on August 1, 2023. But after a later start of AARDC that what was to appear in that rectangle gratefully proceeded to be displayed normally. Again thank you very much, poster LeoAdobeX, for kindly taking some time to post your ideas for me!





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Aug 03, 2023 Aug 03, 2023

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Sorry, in my next-to-last sentence in my posting before this one here I made a mistake.--That is the sentence reading "But after a later start of AARDC that what was to appear in that rectangle gratefully proceeded to be displayed normally" should be replaced by "But after a later start of AARDC what was to appear in that rectangle gratefully proceeded to be displayed normally."


I had more text to paste here.  But unfortunately I could not successfully copy and "paste" it here so far today.





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Aug 03, 2023 Aug 03, 2023

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Hello again, poster LeoAdobeX. My copying and "pasting" problem here was gratefully solved by my restarting my 64-bit Windows-10 installation, reopening my LibreOffice Writer document, starting my Mozilla Firefox Web browser, getting into my account here, and reaching this Web page.


Gratefully I can still manually check for a possible update to 64-bit Adobe Acrobat Reader Document Cloud (AARDC) 2023.003.20244 after I start it and my computer is connected to the Internet. But after probably each start of this AARDC I have been seeing “Error Code: 259”. One example of this situation is shown below in the output file AdobeARM.log with verbose logging (via the registry subkey iLogLevel set to the DWORD value of hexadecimal “1”) in it in a normally hidden directory of the form C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp. I suppose that this “Error Code: 259” may be a Windows Installer error code number.


Question 11: Is that right?


And assuming so, based on https://www.error.info/windows/software-259.html on the Internet, this error might arise from another permission problem due to statements there relating to the different computer software entitled Structured Query Language (SQL) on that Web page reading as, “Microsoft developers recommend finding the root installation folder for the application that is causing the problems and changing some of the security rights on that folder as a first line defense against error code 259. Locate the installation folder and grant explicit full control access to the account that runs SQL for the application in order to resolve this error. After the change has been made to the SQL account, be it a local or network account, restart the computer and try to use the application again.”


In my case the product with the Globally Unique IDentifier (GUID) {291AA914-A987-4CE9-BD63-0C0A92D35E3} appears to be identified as AcrobatServices. I think it may correspond to the Adobe Acrobat Update Service in my Windows-10 installation, which I think may be executed by armsvc.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0, with both that file and that directory owned by “SYSTEM”; in fact in the “Properties, Description” for that file I found “Acrobat Update Service”. Similarly C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat and its file Acrobat.exe are owned by “SYSTEM”. However, I as a member of the Administrators user group have “Full control” over the directories C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0 and C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat and their subfolders, and files. So I guess that this may a matter of some part of AARDC not having permission to write into a directory of AARDC, the type of matter you, poster LeoAdobeX, or else some other poster suggested concerning yet another person’s posting.


I added the user group “Everyone” to the directory of the form C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Adobe with “Full control”, but afterward still had “Error Code: 259”. And I tried following instructions similar to what poster redbox3 posted within https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install-discussions/problems-with-permissions-all-2019-cc-de... with an exception that there was no heading of Privilege Level in my case.--That is by right-clicking each .exe file in C:\Program Files\Adobe, selecting “Properties”, then “Compatibility” tab, and then enabling a check mark to be placed in the check box beside “Run this program as an administrator”, clicking on “Apply” and then on “OK”, restarting Windows 10, that not only did not eliminate “Error Code: 259” for me; but also the main window for AARDC did not appear after I double-clicked on a desktop shortcut to start AARDC. So to undo what I had already done I unchecked all of the check marks beside “Run this program as an administrator” and clicked on “Apply” and “OK” for each of the .exe files in C:\Program Files\Adobe. After a restart of Windows 10 gratefully I could again start AARDC and see its main window appear.


Question 12: How may I eliminate this “Error Code: 259”?


Question 13: Do the occurrences of this error mean that while my computer is connected to the Internet automatic checks for possible updates to my installation of AARDC are not working? I guess so.


Question 14: Assuming that there is a problem in one part of AARDC lacking the permission to write into some directory of AARDC in the process of an automatic checking for an update to AARDC, which AARDC-related directory in my Windows-10 installation do you think that directory would be? Again your earlier “hunch” on C:\ProgramData\Adobe lacking a permission was correct concerning my earlier failure to manually check for updates to AARDC.


From AdobeARM.log:


[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0498] Adobe ARM 1.824.460.1047 logging started.

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0498] Command Line: /PRODUCT:Acrobat /VERSION:23.0 /MODE:3

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0498] Notify...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0498] Could not find ARM server to notify

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0498] GetLastError(): 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0499] CreateSessionFromReportData... new instance

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0499] No Report file

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0499] SafeDeleteReportFile...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0499] InitUIStrings...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ************************************

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] InitSessionWithProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductCode: {AC76BA86-1033-1033-7760-BC15014EA700}

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductName: Adobe Acrobat (64-bit)

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductVersion: 23.003.20244

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductUACPatching: enabled

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] Product UI Language: ENU

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductLanguage installed: 1033

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductRegistry: SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] ProductInstallDir: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] Manifest URL: https://armmf.adobe.com/arm-manifests/win/AcrobatDCx64Manifest3.msi

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] InitUIStrings...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0618] re-initializing strings with langauge: ENU

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0761] InitListener...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0761] Init...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0761] Notify...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0761] Could not find ARM server to notify

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0761] GetLastError(): 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0762] StartServer...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0762] IsVistaOrLater returns 1

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0764] ARM Server started

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0764] Action added: Listener

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0764] Run_SpeedLaunchers...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0765] Token time: 133354721932398733

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0765] Registered time : 133354721932398733

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0766] Started auto mode for: Acrobat

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0766] CanRun...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0766] IsPatchingDisabled...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0766] Admin User, will update

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0766] StartProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0766] IsEULA_Accepted...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0767] EULA accepted from 2

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0767] GetPreferences...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0767] Using CommandLine preference AUTO_ALL

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0767] IsTimeElapsed...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] Minutes elapsed: 87

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] Last check for updates not expired, code: 120300

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] LogReportDataIntoAnalytics... requested by finished with product

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] No Report file

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] CleanupObsoleteFolders...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] cleanup not allowed by product Manifest

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0771] ************************************

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0772] InitSessionWithProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0772] InitProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0772] Started Product: {291AA914-A987-4CE9-BD63-0C0A92D435E5}

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0772] C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] DisableAnyUI is registered

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] ProductCode: {291AA914-1033-4CE9-BD63-0C0A92D435E5}

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] ProductName: AcrobatServices

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] ProductVersion: 23.003.20244.0

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] Product UI Language: ENU

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] ProductInstallDir:

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] ProductUACPatching: disabled

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] Product initialized: {291AA914-A987-4CE9-BD63-0C0A92D435E5}

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] Started auto mode for: {291AA914-A987-4CE9-BD63-0C0A92D435E5}

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] CanRun...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] IsPatchingDisabled...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] Admin User, will update

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] StartProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] GetPreferences...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0774] Using registered preference AUTO_ALL

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0775] IsTimeElapsed...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] Minutes elapsed: 1370

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] Last check for updates not expired, code: 120300

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] LogReportDataIntoAnalytics... requested by finished with product

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] No Report file

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] CleanupObsoleteFolders...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] cleanup not allowed by product Manifest

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] ************************************

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] InitSessionWithProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0776] InitProduct...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Started Product: {291AA914-A987-4CE9-BD63-0C0A92D435E5}

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Skipping previously checked Product

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Finished search for registered products:

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Error Code: 259

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] LogReportDataIntoAnalytics... requested by exit instance

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] No Report file

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Cleanup...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] CleanupEx...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Notify...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] WriteFile succeeded in Notify

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0777] Listener - ARM_MESSAGE_FROM_ARM_CLEANUP

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0778] Notify...

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0779] WriteFile succeeded in Notify

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0795] Requested to stop listener

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0795] Confirming request to stop listener

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0795] Action deleted: Listener

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0989] ARM returns ERROR_SUCCESS

[2023-08-02 17:02:52:0989] Adobe ARM 1.824.460.1047 logging finished.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 01, 2023 Sep 01, 2023

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A pleasant surprise was that my installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader Document Cloud (AARDC) was automatically updated to the “Continuous Release version | 2023.003.20284 | 64-bit” version of AARDC! I did not see a little, so-called “pop-up” window appear near my Windows-10 taskbar to inform me that that update was available prior to its automatic installation. But that might be normal in part because my installation of AARDC is probably set up to automatically install updates to itself when they are available and my computer is connected to the Internet. For the purposes of opening and seeing some contents of Portable Document Format (.pdf) files and ordering them to be printed onto paper within my installation of AARDC I think those matters have lately gratefully been working well for me! Nevertheless the “Error Code: 259,” which I suspect may be a Windows Installer error-code number, has still appeared in the path of the form and directory C:\Users\ADMIN_ACCOUNT_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeARM.log for my installation of AARDC and is therefore a mystery to me, both concerning its exact cause and a way to eliminate it. (The AppData folder is normally hidden in my Windows-10 application File Explorer or Windows Explorer. But that folder can be made visible in File Explorer or Windows Explorer by within its “View” “menu” clicking on a check box beside “Hidden items” to enable otherwise hidden items to be shown.) So my earlier idea that “Error Code: 259” may have indicated a failure in AARDC automatically “checking” for an update to itself while my computer was connected to the Internet was fortunately wrong.


Sorry, I discovered that I omitted the word “was” in a sentence of mine that I posted earlier in this “thread” of postings. Here was the context of that sentence and how the corrected sentence should read. “In order to have verbose logging with more than usual logging while checking for updates in AARDC, on https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/adobe-acrobat-dc-versioin-15-006-30096-fails-upda... I saw poster LeoAdobeX’s instruction of what to do to enable and see the result of such verbose logging. I eventually realized from one or more subsequent postings of poster LeoAdobeX that I” was “supposed to add a subkey entitled iLogLevel in my Windows registry.”





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Advocate ,
Sep 01, 2023 Sep 01, 2023

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Please ignore error code 259, it simply shows that no more products have been found registered with Updater.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 04, 2023 Sep 04, 2023

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Thank you, poster LeoAdobeX, for kindly taking some time to inform me of what "Error Code: 259" signified!





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