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Re-Name a File.

Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2020 Jan 04, 2020

I always for years (since I can remember) rename a .pdf file in the Adobe version I was using, (which I can't remember which & how many versions. However, on my HP Windows 10 Laptop, I'm using Adobe Reader Touch & above that is Acrobat Reader DC. Then in my toolbar, next to the address bar on Google Chrome I have an Extension called just Acrobat Reader I believe (which is 100% totally useless) just like anything I try to use to open a file I have saved in 15 GB (free version) of Google Drive. But that's another story for another forum or Google if they would allow you to contact them.

The question I'm here about and the problem also is: I use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to open all my .pdf files. Even though it's not in my "Start List" in Windows it says Open with... the above, every time I go to open a newly downloaded PDF or any .pdf file. My problem is: I used to be able to RENAME any & all .pdf files that I opened and now I can't find the option to "Re-Name" a file in any Adobe product.

Does anybody know what I'm missing or why we can't rename files anymore?



Edit and convert PDFs , General troubleshooting , How to , Windows
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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Jan 06, 2020 Jan 06, 2020

Acrobat Reader NEVER had that, and I've used every version. Acrobat Reader Touch might have, but that is obsolete. Just rename files in the usual way.

Jan 05, 2020 Jan 05, 2020

I don’t remember ever having a rename option. Please tell us what you did. (you can still rename PDF files the same way you rename any other file) are you meaning you did save with a new name - which isn’t strictly renaming?

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Community Beginner ,
Jan 05, 2020 Jan 05, 2020
Not on my PC but right in Adobe. You would open a .pdf file then when it
opened INSIDE the ADOBE Product, there would be a dropdown list with like
2o different things. All the way down to close or exit file & a few before
the bottom of list it would say: RENAME. You could pick that & change the
original name of the file to anything you wanted to like something you
would remember & understand.

You can "count" on us!
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Jan 06, 2020 Jan 06, 2020

Acrobat Reader NEVER had that, and I've used every version. Acrobat Reader Touch might have, but that is obsolete. Just rename files in the usual way.

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Community Beginner ,
Jan 07, 2020 Jan 07, 2020

What is the "usual way"?



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Community Beginner ,
Jan 07, 2020 Jan 07, 2020

But I don't understand. When you say "just rename files in the usual way". What is the usual way? Are you talking about renaming a .pdf file while open in the Adobe program?



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Community Beginner ,
Jan 11, 2020 Jan 11, 2020

Dear Test_Screen_Name,

Again you stated, "Just rename files in the usual way."

Well MVP, what is the "usual way."

Can you please answer that question for me? I've been waiting for Days for a promising answer!

See, like I said, I used to open the .pdf file in one or any the Adobe PDF file converters e.g. I didn't have a PC (Windows version) for years due to a terminal illness (which is still terminal unless I get lucky and receive a Transplant) so when my Desktop from my home up and died before I could purchase another one my sister gave me an Android Tablet so for 3 years I used it & whatever Adobe product it was for viewing .PDFs via Android format & after I downloaded a .pdf file, to help me remember what it was [from a Drop Down or Pull Down] menu there was a list of about 10 to 15 things you could do & one of them was RENAME FILE, quote-unquote. So you see if that's not the Usual Way then please share! Respectfully, Barry


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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2020 Jan 11, 2020

Acrobat Reader for Android can rename documents. In the list of documents tap on the three points right of the document name.

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

Yes, I know that for sure. However, I just got something from a stockbroker (today) & I 1st opened it up straight from the link in Gmail & then tried in Adobe Desktop. I NEED to rename this on my PC because I will have to refer to it several times before I am done with a six-month run with day trading. I will not remember it with its current weirdo name! I know I can click on Save As to type in my choice but believe that creates a second. PDF. Do I have any options?

Respectfully, Barry

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Community Expert ,
Jan 11, 2020 Jan 11, 2020

"my sister gave me an Android Tablet so for 3 years I used it"



The confusion is that you've only just now told us you were using an Android tablet previously. You posted in the "Acrobat Reader" forum. There is a separate forum for "Acrobat Reader Mobile" because it is a different product and the answers will be different. With Acrobat Reader using Windows, you will rename files in the Windows File Explorer, not in the Reader. If you are still using the tablet, we can move your post to that forum.

~ Jane

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Community Beginner ,
Mar 23, 2025 Mar 23, 2025

Come on does it really matter? I'm far from a computer expert. I goofed. Who are you the freaking Adobe Police?

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Jan 11, 2020 Jan 11, 2020

You mean you don't know how to rename files in Windows? I assumed every Windows user would know that, perhaps wrongly. The usual way is to go to File Explorer and right click on the file. A menu appears with Rename, Delete and a bunch of other stuff.

You may have had other options in Android, but this isn't necessary in Windows - in fact it isn't even possible in Windows, because you can't rename a PDF you are viewing.

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New Here ,
Nov 02, 2020 Nov 02, 2020

So, I am having the Same problem, but I have a Mac...an old Mac, be it said, but that shouldn't get in the way, if it is doable at all. I too need to rename a pdf. When I download one and it's 'name' in my Library is a series of about 25 numbers and letters that don't give a clue about what the pdf is about. Infuriating. For the Mac ususally one can find a Rename option in the dropdown from Edit, I believe. But Adobe has none such! I've spent hours, literally, on attempts to find directions - It seems so very basic an option, I'm flabbergasted I can't find anything. How can I rename a pdf so as to reveal what's in it?...so I can choose what I'm looking for? That's my question.  PLEASE HELP

Think to Free Up! Up is a nice place to be....
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Nov 02, 2020 Nov 02, 2020

No, renaming from the Edit menu is not the normal Mac way, even if a few apps do it.

You rename a PDF, just as you rename all other files on your Mac, using the Finder. https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/my-new-mac/9781593272098/ch08s05.html

This is not only not done from inside the app, but you must close the file in the app first.

If you don't know where to find your files in Finder, this is a huge problem, and will lead you to disaster.

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New Here ,
Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

Hopeless to know that we should use Adobe services to open and read pdf and something else when needed to rename the same pdf, sounds painful.. 

As a suggestion,

If we need File Manager from Windows/Android to rename a pdf File

Then Windows/Android has many other ways to open/read/edit and share pdf too. 

Thank you.. 


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Community Expert ,
Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

In Acrobat Reader on Android or iOS you can change the names of PDF files.

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Community Expert ,
Nov 07, 2020 Nov 07, 2020

Then Windows/Android has many other ways to open/read/edit and share pdf too. 


Hi @ManicheP 


Yes, there are many ways to open/read/edit, and share PDFs, depending on the application and platform you are using.


Adobe does not own PDF. They created it, then gave it to an ISO on July 1, 2008.


There are a number of applications that can create, open, read, edit, and share PDFs. Some are free; some are paid; some are built into the operating system, such as Preview for the Mac. IMHO, Adobe is the best, but you don't have to use Adobe Acrobat or the free Reader. You can use something else if it works better for you.


This is the Adobe forum (answered mostly by volunteers), and we are happy to telll you how it works in Adobe software. As users, we can't make changes. Specifically, this is the forum for the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (desktop). Is that what you are using? There are other forums for the paid version of Acrobat and the Mobile version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. The mobile version of Reader is not identical to the desktop version.


I hope this helps,



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Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

First, you say you mean you don't know how to rename in Windows. I thought every Windows user.... but you can't rename a file you have open. It can't be done. So why the heck did you bother wasting your & everybody else's time?



[Inappropriate comment to @Test Screen Name removed by moderator.
Comments like this will get you banned from the forums if you ever do it again.]



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New Here ,
Jun 29, 2021 Jun 29, 2021

I just did it on my phone went to my files then on this device clicked the ... beside the file scrolled down to rename and done. 

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Community Beginner ,
Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023

Yeah, I do it all the time on Android. However, this is stock market papers. I need it on my Laptop! I rename Every Single PDF in my Android Version. But as I said earlier, I see you can go to the Desktop Version, Tap Save As & it'll save it to your Downloads I think with any name you want to give it. But it also creates another PDF Doc. Storage Room! Does anybody have Adobe Support Phone Number or an Email Address for them?





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Community Expert ,
Jul 10, 2023 Jul 10, 2023



Acrobat Reader Mobile is not the same as Acrobat Reader (desktop). You can rename PDF files in the mobile app, but in the desktop version of Acrobat Reader, renaming has to be done through the Operating System — in this case Windows.



Here are the directions from Microsoft for renaming files without making a copy:



  • Open File Explorer by going to My Computer, or by pressing Windows Key + E on your keyboard.
  • Find the file you want to rename, select it and select Rename on the ribbon (or press F2 on your keyboard).
  • Type the new name you want the file to have and press Enter.


Renaming files on a PC is done in Windows File Explorer, not in Acrobat Reader (desktop).


If you want to talk to Adobe Customer Care, you can reach them by chat or by Twitter:

Try the link to auto-open the Chat:
Type "agent"

If your browser blocks the Chat window, try the troubleshooting tips here:

You can send a tweet to @AdobeCare.

Do not reply to PMs, which are likely to be scammers.


I'll also tag Adobe employee @S. S for you.



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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 11, 2023 Jul 11, 2023

Hi @dadybear1234,


Hope you are doing well. Thank you for writing in!


Thanks, @jane-e, for referring the thread to me.


Renaming a file in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader is impossible, especially while the file is open.


I want to suggest a workaround here:

You can try enabling the preview of the document on the file explorer, which allows you to have a glimpse of the content you want to rename. You can learn how to enable the preview generation from here: Enable thumbnail preview of PDFs in Windows Explorer (adobe.com)


Once done, you need to enable the preview pane. You can do so b following the below steps:

Open Windows File Explorer, select the View tab in the File Explorer ribbon, and then choose Preview Pane


Since Android/iOS UI works in different capacities, they can rename a file on the go. At the same time, desktop UI like Mac and Windows does not provide the same features unless an application bypasses the basic security settings of an OS.


Hope the workaround helps.



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