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Require Adobe Reader with English UK as default language.

Community Beginner ,
May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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Hi all

I work in an enterprise/education environment.

I need to deploy Adobe Reader to 9500 devices. The default language and spellcheck options need to be in English UK.

I have a distribution licence.

The issue I am having is that all the sources I can find for the Reader DC downloads, and Reader 11, are US versions which default the language settings to English US and spellcheck to English US.

I can't manually change those settings on so many devices.

I have used various setup.ini and mst options in testing on US versions. These do add the English UK language but they do not set the default to UK.

I have checked the forums for similar issues and found a few threads containing links to the UK distribution page for Reader. However, after choosing UK versions on these distribution pages, it is an en_US download, the file name is en_US as well.

I have tried these downloads and they do not set the default language to English UK.

I would greatly appreciate some info on how to get these English US files to default to UK or a link to a UK specific Reader installer.

Thanks in advance for any help




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

Issue resolved, thank you for sending me on the right track

In the toolkit is the section on spelling.

A lot of the reg entries listed do not exist unless you change something.

In order to get UK English as default I installed DC, manually added the UK English language and set this as the default spellcheck language.

This created a number of new entries, most of them mentioned in the Spelling section of the ToolKit info.

I exported out the Spelling and PICommonPrefs sections of Adobe DC hive.

On a fre



May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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There does not appear to be a UK English version of Acrobat Or Reader. So I'd recommend focussing on using the Enterprise Deployment Toolkit to set each specific preference. Though, apart from spell check, what is there? software developers only rarely prepare separate strings for US and UK user interfaces. I know I don't; I find Americans put up with setting "colour" with but little complaint, just as I cheerfully use "optimizers".




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Community Beginner ,
May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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Thanks for the reply.

I was wondering if there was a UK version after all as well.

As the user base is largely teachers and students, its import to have the correct spellcheck in place for all documents. Most importantly for digital exam papers designed for use in Adobe Reader.

These digital exams are written and set in the UK, they use UK English. When run in Adobe Reader, unless settings are manually changed, they spellcheck using Adobe Readers US settings.

Students loose marks for "incorrect" spelling, even if it's not "incorrect" in another country.




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May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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Is the problem that the enterprise toolkit does not give a preference for changing the spellcheck language, or that it does give a preference and it does not help?




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Community Beginner ,
May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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The toolkit does not provide a preference for changing spellcheck.

It does provide preference for installed languages and I can add English UK using LANG_LIST=EN_GB in the command line however it does not seem to provide a preference to made English UK the default language. It simply adds it to the list of languages available.

In the testing I have done, English US is always the default, even when using setup.ini and/or MUI installs with LANG_LIST and EN_GB used.

With MUI in the customization wizard, I can choose English US as the default but English UK is not listed so can't be chosen as the default.




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Community Beginner ,
May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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After taking another look at the toolkit

Preference Reference for Acrobat and Adobe Reader

The section on Spelling may help but so far scans of the registry have not shown any of these registry paths.

I will test making them and see what happens.




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Community Beginner ,
May 12, 2017 May 12, 2017

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Issue resolved, thank you for sending me on the right track

In the toolkit is the section on spelling.

A lot of the reg entries listed do not exist unless you change something.

In order to get UK English as default I installed DC, manually added the UK English language and set this as the default spellcheck language.

This created a number of new entries, most of them mentioned in the Spelling section of the ToolKit info.

I exported out the Spelling and PICommonPrefs sections of Adobe DC hive.

On a fresh machine, installed Adobe Reader DC. This had US English as default.

Closed DC, imported the reg entries and reopened DC.

It had English UK language and UK set as default for spellcheck.

These settings are HKCU, so I will apply them with login scripts or such like.

Its not a "nice" fix but it does work.




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Contributor ,
Oct 06, 2017 Oct 06, 2017

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I am the only teacher in a very small institution.  I also have to spell check scripts and need to have UK English as the standard of "correct".

How do I force Reader to install and use UK spelling, grammar etc?

I do not understand how to implement what is described above.  A programme should not require a user to change registry entries to run accurately.  To give them their due, Microsoft realised that computers and installed software are used outside the USA and responded accordingly.

Is Adobe still in the same place of denial as Facebook and Twitter?




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New Here ,
Mar 10, 2024 Mar 10, 2024

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WHere do you get the package for UK English language from in order to manually add it?





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 05, 2024 Jun 05, 2024

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Hi @caschw,


Hope you are doing well. Thanks for writing in!


There are certain registry values which can be tweaked to get the desired functionality for dictionary and spell check.

More info here: Spelling Configuration (https://adobe.ly/3VDSLRD)


For default language of install, you can check these registry settings: Language Settings (https://adobe.ly/3VDSLRD)


Hope this helps.





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Oct 06, 2017 Oct 06, 2017

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1. The advice you were following was for a person trying to set a default spell check language for each of hundreds or thousands of users, in advice. This is complicated, but for a single user it's very simple: just use the spelling preferences.

2. You have a much bigger problem. Acrobat Reader does not spell text "scripts" only form fields etc. It has no grammar checker at all. Copy and paste to Word if you can, or use good old fashioned methods. (Eyeballs).




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Contributor ,
Oct 06, 2017 Oct 06, 2017

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Thank you.

I had gone to preferences>languages> application language

The only English option was "English".  There were no options of different Englishes.  But the options of "operating System" and spelling did the job to set to UK English.

I am fairly sure that in the past before some upgrades, Reader used UK English without any input from me.  I unconsciously assumed that Adobe had removed the other English options in order to simplify the upgrade process.




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New Here ,
Oct 10, 2023 Oct 10, 2023

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Changing the language to UK English to check spelling in the form fields still only renders US English, so does not pick up things like "color" or "analyze" in these fields. There doesn't appear to be a way to edit the dictionary either.




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Oct 06, 2017 Oct 06, 2017

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I didn't say the application language preferences. That has no effect on spelling (which may sometimes need a different language). I said the spelling preferences.




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Oct 06, 2017 Oct 06, 2017

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Ah, with you now. "had gone".  Sorry.




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