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I have noticed the last couple of times I have used the search function that, although the word I am searching for is being found, it is not necessarily being highlighted, so that I can see where it is on the page. Sometimes I get a vertical line (like this | ) next to the word, as if the cursor is there, but that is really hard to see on a page full of text. Once today I got one out of three occurrences of the same word on a page highlighted in blue (great!) but the other two were not highlighted at all when searching forward. Having got the third one highlighted, I then used search backwards and one of the other two (but not both) got highlighted in blue.
Surely this has something to do with Adobe Reader, rather than my laptop settings. I did install the latest update this morning (I think there was also one either yesterday or the day before) and am now on version 9.4.5
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Thank you so much, Michael... that actually fixed my issue and I'm on a PC. I can't tell you how frustrating this has been!
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Definitely not working since 9.4.5. Whatever happened to beta-testing properly? It should be simple enough to fix the code on this - the bug was introduced by the last update, so check the code for that and fix it NOW!
It's bad enough that Acrobat is the only plug-in that regularly crashes my browser when a file download does not quite complete. Firefox 5, IE9, both same problem, as with older versions.
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I'll add my complaint to the list. When using search on Adobe 9.4.5., sometimes the word is highlighted and sometimes its not. Thinking that I had accidentally turned something off, I searched for awhile with no luck. I agree with everyone that we really need a fix now and not later.
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Possible workaround:
When the highlighting doesn't occur, and insertion point "|" is placed at the search text, it is possible (on Windows at least) to press SHIFT + LEFT ARROW, and then the text will be highlighted (for as long as you hold the keys down).
OK, so this isn't ideal, and we still want it fixed, but it makes it much easier to spot where the search result is on a crowded page of text.
I hope this helps people somewhat until Adobe are able to release a patch.
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hmm - I don't understand the workaround, but no matter - I'm on Mac & doesn't seem to apply to Mac I guess
the insertion point stuff doesn't make sense even if I were on Windows - can you clarify?
Shift plus left arrow just makes you go backward in every program I know of
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I'm quite surprised the problem is still not solved. I filled in the bug report form on Adobe's website two days ago and still no response.
I thought Adobe was much more serious.
About 600 people are impacted by this problem at my job and I cannot migrate to version 10 because it doesn't support the "enable highlight from external server" option wich is needed by DTSearch.
I had to prepare an unistallation package for version 9.4.5 and a new installation package for version 9.4.4.
Il Adobe doesn't release the patch today, I'll have to launch my packages on all computers 😞
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I talked to them (by phone) within hours of the problem's creation.
I still encourage EVERYONE to INUNDATE them with calls:
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Can't remember if I told you but I have Adobe 10 available to me and I installed it and it works. Of course, that means you have to relearn where everything is and there are other's always something. Thanks.
Bill Kulsrud
William N. Kulsrud PhD, CPA
E-mail: [deleted by host]
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As a PRO user, there is no way Adobe is getting more money from me for an upgrade I shouldn't need. They have to prove that the company is moving in a customer-friendly direction. TWO weeks of this hell proves they don't give a d*mn! No upgrade for this user.
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Problem with me is solved:
I use Acrobat Reader 9.4
1. Uninstalled the program
2. Deleted folders where was installed, but didn't succeeded with normal delete, cause windows said I didn't have permision or smth like that. So I used program for optimizing computer software like TuneUp, to delete the folders.
3. After reinstalling AR 9,4 search highlight worked fine.
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Fortunately version 9.4.0 is available here:
and Search is OK in that. I recommend you uninstall your current version before installing 9.4.0
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Thanks. I had adobe 10 available to me and upgraded. It works but now I have another set of problems, learning 10!
Sent from my iPhone
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Not yet a solution, but...
I use the brazilian portuguese version, and there's a search option called "Abrir Pesquisa Total do Reader" - Shift+Ctrl+F ("Open Readers Full Search", or something alike).
In there, the search highlights the results, but it may be needed to click twice on the result in the search window.
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I am glad to see the problem is prevalent enough that a fix is probably in the works, and that it's not just me. Meanwhile, I have found a consistent way (so far) of seeing the highlighting, though more cumbersome than the way it is supposed to work. Instead of using "Find," I open the "Search" window by clicking on the binoculars on my toobar, or by going to Edit>Search. Whether advanced options are used or not this search will show a one line portion of all the passages that contain the phrase or word in this window. Upon double clicking on these lines one at a time, you are taken to the page and the word or phrase will be highlighted like you would expect.
I wll probably keep doing this until the next update of either Acrobat or Reader. The Find feature is enormously helpful to me in my business use.
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I don't have time for this problem, so I am using a different PDF reader.
I liked the old Adobe search function better, but maybe somebody can
recommend an excellent PDF reader, and we all can stop using Adobe,
and they will get the message that way.
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I have looked at several other pdf readers, including Adobe 10, and found that each has its own unacceptable 'problems'.
My conclusion is that Adobe is actually the best, and so waiting for their 'fix' to save their own TAIL, I am using Adobe 9.4, and zealously turning off their automated 'update' service, matching the zeal of its desire to EXECUTE!
By the way now using Adobe 9.4 again has brought wonderful peace of mind, not to mention productivity.
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Not the greatest workaround in the world but I need this function constantly so, been copying/pasting into Word and searching there.
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I believe this workaround may satisfy everyone. If I open the Full Reader Search, and perform the same search within the current document, Reader produces a list of all instances (results) of the searched text. If you select one of those instances, the document advances to the relevant portion of the text. However, the search text may still not be highlighted. Select the same instance of the results list again, and the text now becomes highlighted. This seems to work regardless of the setting for "Enable search highlights from external highlight server" in the Preferences.
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Here's a workaround that works for me with Acrobat 9.4.5 while we're all waiting for Adobe to fix this.
1. Don't use the find option. Instead use search (Edit | Search or Shift+Control+F).
2. Enter your search term and click "search".
3. You'll get a list of the instances of your term within the document.
4. If you single click on any of the results listed, you'll have the same problem everyone is complaining about -- the search term won't be highlighted in the text. But if you DOUBLE CLICK on the result, the search term will be highlighted in the document. So basically, you can just work through the list of results, double-clicking on each one to see your search term in the document.
This is clunky, but at least it seems to work until Adobe gets their act together.
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I had the exact same problem. Simple soultion:
1) Uninstall Reader 9.4.5
2) Install Reader 9.4
3) After installation, go to "Edit > Preferences > Updater" and click the radio button that says "Do not download or install updates automatically.
Hope this helps!
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we don't want to go back from the prevoius version because of security alert issued by Adobe. And that is the reason why we update our Adobe from 9.4.4 to 9.4.5. So please fix it.
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I updated to Adobe Acrobat 9.4.5 recently, and whereas the highlighting of text found in a text search used to work routinely, now searched text is highlighted only about 5% of the time when I step through a document, and I can't figure out why it does work a small percentage of the time. This is one of the major, common uses of Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe has left this issue festering for weeks now. It is making my work harder right now, and when I'm paying Adobe for this basic function, it is truly the sign of poor quality control at Adobe. Adobe, fix this problem soon, and stop listing this item as "possibly solved" until it is solved!
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I just got an email from Acrobat saying "we are not ignoring you" which then went on to basically say that they are ignoring us, because it's still not fixed!
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My activity had the Adobe Pro 9.4.5 update pushed to users late last week. Several knowledgeable users agree with the following error characterization: Adobe search will not highlight the first occurrence of a term on a page. If there is a second occurrence on a page it will highlight after clicking the Find Next arrow/button. Then, if you reverse the search direction, it will highlight the first occurrence on that page. If there is only one occurrence on a page, it will not highlight or FIND the search term.
If you think you are missing more occurrences per page of the search term, copy and paste the suspect area to a text editor and you will probably see the image you recognized as your search term does not actually contain the exact character string you searched for.
The appearance of a very light gray vertical line next to the search term seems to be entirely dependent on desktop/window color or theme selection or setup. The default Office/Windows configuration seems most likely to show this bar/pointer. I have never been able to see it with my low-intensity higher-contrast color scheme.
An interim work-around for Adobe Pro is to drop down the search dialog and select "Full Acrobat Search... Shift+Ctrl+F." Then, in the results window, select a hit-line twice and the search term should highlight in the document window.
OtherNMCI users/customers: this activity's local NMCI COR said it is best for all users having this problem to report it to the NMCI Service Desk as their priorities are set directly by the number of affected users.
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There are two replies here that are partiallay helpful until a real fix is available: Use the Search function from the Edit menu (Ctrl-Shift-F) or use the navigation keys next to the search box. Each of these work ... sort of.
Until then, we all wait.