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I must have set acrobat reader as default to open PDF - I do not want that to happen, I want PDF files to open as just that, PDF files. How do I restore my settings? I am on a mac.
Hi Vivecao,
As you need to change the default application for viewing PDFs, please refer the steps mentioned below.
- Right-click on a PDF and select "Open with'.
- Click on "Other" from the drop-down list.
- Then select the applications from the list.
- Make sure that you check the box for "Always open with" at the bottom of that window.
- Click on "Open" tab at the bottom.
- Right-click on a PDF and click on "Get info".
- In the window that appears, click on "Open With" drop down.
- Select the applic
...Hi there
Hope you are doing well, and thanks for reaching out.
What is the version of the Acrobat DC you are using? To check the version go to Help > About Acrobat and make sure you have the recent version 24.01.20615 installed. Go to Help > Check for updates and reboot the computer once.
Also try to repair the installation from the help menu (Win Only) and see if that works.
Also based on the OS, please check the links listed below:
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I can't really figure out what you are saying. A PDF file is just a PDF file, whatever it opens in. Do you mean that you want to go back to the app (Preview) that a Mac would use, out of the box, for a PDF?
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Hi yes that’s exactly what I mean:)
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So you should read these articles which are still relevant about Preview, aka "the PDF killer":
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How aqbout how to remove adobe as the always default for pdf view? I don't mind the view but it has taken over my printer and i do not want to print from Adobe's options... i need to access the Preview options and not have to do this for every document I want to open and view in Preview. IS that possible? thanks
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Hi Vivecao,
As you need to change the default application for viewing PDFs, please refer the steps mentioned below.
- Right-click on a PDF and select "Open with'.
- Click on "Other" from the drop-down list.
- Then select the applications from the list.
- Make sure that you check the box for "Always open with" at the bottom of that window.
- Click on "Open" tab at the bottom.
- Right-click on a PDF and click on "Get info".
- In the window that appears, click on "Open With" drop down.
- Select the application fro the list.
- Click on "Change All'.
- Then click on "Continue" on the pop-up window.
Hope this will help.
Let us know if you still experience the issue.
[Edited Response]
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Hi Meenakshi
I am trying to save some PDF files in Word to send to a client who only uses Word but my Adobe Acrobat is taking over the files and corrupting them for my client.
I have tried your "Open with" solution and it worked for one file however not the rest. I can't workout why that was.
Is there a way to un-select Acrobat from being the default for my PDF's and back to word other than the "Open with" option??
I'd rather not un-install due to time constraints but if I have to I have no choice.
Kind Regards
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Ok, thanks. You can use the instructions in the other post, but in the bit
- In the window that appears, click on "Open With" drop down.
- Select the application fro the list.
You choose Preview.
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"open with" is not an option on my screen... when i want to view and print a document from an email... adobe takes over... I tried to do everything to just "open with" or view with Preview... i want to choose for myself when i want or need to use Adobe ... suggestions other than uninstall?
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In Windows 10 Pro, this setting is available but does not work. It is incredibly frustrating. The only way to keep Acrobat DC reader from taking over my Acrobat Standard is to uninstall the program.
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Why in the world would have both Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Reader installed on a single system? Acrobat is a superset of Reader. There is no added value to Reader for you. Despite what anyone from Adobe might tell you, having both Acrobat and Reader or multiple different versions of Acrobat installed simultaneously on the same system is very problematic, at best!
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Hi. I would also like to use Acrobate reader, rather than acrobate Pro. Acrobat Pro has more feastures and option, and hence is less easy to use and less userfriendly. Because of this I want to use Acrobat Reader as default to open PDF file. I understand that one option might be do delete the Acrobat Pro app in order to be able to use Acrobat Reader. If this is the only option then I will do this. If however it is possible to use Acrobat reader as default to open PDF files while at the same time have access to Acrobat Pro, then I could continue to have Acrobat Pro installed my My Mac (and hence also continue to pay for the Acrobat Pro. If I have to delete Acrobat Pro in order to use Acrobat readere, then I dont have much reason to continue to pay for Acrobat Pro).
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The problem is slightly different: most times I want to use my old Acrobat Pro 9 instead of Reader DC. In my up-to-date Windows 10 Home, even after requesting the Always Use This App To Open .pdf Files I still get the DC version for all files, including the one I just changed. Is there any way to change that?
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Health Authority electronic Application Forms in Europe require use of Acrobat Reader so I have to maintain both.
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"Why in the world would have both Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Reader installed on a single system?"
As a PDF form maker using Acrobat Pro I must systematically test them with Acrobat Reader.
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This fix did not work for me. I keep getting an error that the file I am trying to change to open with Preview was created by someont unknown. I mistakenly set the default to Adobe this morning because a document was not opening and it said to change to Adobe format. Unfortunately, now I can't save files that I need for work that way I need to. Adobe has changed everything. I need to change it back ASAP. Thanks
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You might need to uninstall adobe acrobat reader which is what I had to do.
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I was able to solve the problem by (re)installing the latest update for Pro X. Then Pro X showed up on the "Open With" menu. I noticed after installing it, DC tried to update, but I canceled it.
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Fix doesn't work for me either. I've unisntalled Pro just so I can use Reader as default and as soon as I reinstall Pro it goes back to default. OBVIOUSLY I have Reader selected as default and it even shows that way. I have chosen and rechosen Reader as default a bunch of times and still doesn't work. It blows me away that Adobe employees are unable to assist with this. IT'S A BUG IN YOUR PROGRAMS!
Acting like it isn't an issue won't make it go away 😞
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What version of Acrobat Reader and Adobe Acrobat does you use?
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The newest versions of both. This is a brand new computer. I did not have this problem on my previous computer. The only way to fix it is to unistall Acrobat Pro and then when I need to use it again, must reinstall it. Horrible solution.
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Even when I right click on a pdf and choose "open with Reader" it still opens into Acrobat Pro.
What a joke!
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I have reset my default pdf reader to something else 5 times already (yes, clicked the "always" box as well) and Adobe seems to override it. I cannot find settings in Adobe to stop it asserting itself as the default pdf reader. I suppose nothing for it but to deinstall this aggressive program.
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Hi there
Hope you are doing well, and thanks for reaching out.
What is the version of the Acrobat DC you are using? To check the version go to Help > About Acrobat and make sure you have the recent version 24.01.20615 installed. Go to Help > Check for updates and reboot the computer once.
Also try to repair the installation from the help menu (Win Only) and see if that works.
Also based on the OS, please check the links listed below:
Let us know how it goes.
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Thank-you so much Amal - I was having this issue (on a Mac) and your Mac OS link above finally provided the instructions that did the trick after repeated attempts to reverse the Adobe default by other means (including removing and reinstalling the Reader app).