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Al usar la opción resaltar en documentos de gran tamaño o con muchas anotaciones, la aplicación se detiene y debo reiniciarla. He intentado solucionarlo desinstalando, borrando el caché del archivo. Nada da resultados.
¿A qué se debe? Ayuda ...
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Hello Jorge,
I hope you are doing well. I am sorry for your experience with Adobe Reader Mobile.
The freeze issue that you mentioned is it with a particular file? If not, would you mind sharing a few details with us:
1. The application version number of Acrobat Reader Mobile;
2. The Android version your device is running on;
3. A screen recording of the entire event so that we can understand better;
4. A sample file for us to try and reproduce the same on our end.
Also, please check if the application is running on the latest version.