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Custom date format shown within the signature field

New Here ,
Mar 25, 2021 Mar 25, 2021

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I'm new to this and my workflow is going to be from a Microsoft Word document to 'Adobe Acrobat Pro DC' (that you get with the Adobe CC subscription) to organise signing.


I'm happy that each person just needs to sign. Adobe then displays their signature as one block, and then automatically adds the signed date as its own block underneath. For this date, I can see how to change the date format.


The signature field also prints the name and the signed date in brackets. This happens automatically by default. My question is how can I change the format of that date and time which is within the signed box?


Screenshots shows I can customise the date format for the Date box.


But I'm not seeing a way to customise this within the Signature box.


And a screenshot showing the final output based on current customised settings.

Adobe Sign forms






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