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Workflow parallel approval with multiple users

New Here ,
Jun 11, 2023 Jun 11, 2023

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I work for a large corporation in the accounting department. On monthly basis I will be receiving a vendor invoice that I need to send out to 200+ people in various departments thruout my organization for verification. Every user will go thru the invoice and find the charges that pertain to their department on the invoice and verify if said charges are valid or not. The user will then either approve or reject the invoice. I'm not looking for user signatures on any one particular page or field within the document as I don't believe placing 200+ individual signature fields is reasonable on my end. All I'm looking for is approve or reject. If a department/multiple users reject the charges on the invoice, that should not stop the workflow. I guess it needs to be parallel approval process?!? End goal is to collect all 200+ approval/rejections for internal audit. Thank you

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