I’m designing art parks where visitors can experience 5-10 different artists' works along a 1 km path. On my website, I list all the artworks, helping users find each piece. Each artwork has a link to Adobe Aero. If the user hasn’t installed the app, they’re directed to an Adobe page that says the content can’t be viewed. There’s a link in the top corner suggesting the user open the Adobe App Clip.
This is where most people’s experience ends. To improve this, it would be much better to trigger the App Clip card when clicking a link, while staying on the webpage.
This triggers the App Clip, but there’s no way to pass your ID or link to the specific artwork. However, there’s a function to add parameters, so a solution might look like this: https://appclip.apple.com/id?p=com.adobe.aero.clip&id=123ABC.
An even better solution would be to automatically open the App Clip upon clicking the link, but I believe there are security risks involved with that.