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Hi everybody,
I've been facing some issues using the font Scale Variable on Adobe Express. I've added it to my library on Creative Cloud. It becomes available on all Adobe apps and software included in my premium membership. However, when I start a new project on Adobe Express, Scale Variable is there, but I can't use it. Any tips about it would be welcomed. Thnx
Oi, gente
Estou tendo alguns problemas para usar a fonte Scale Variable no Adobe Express. Eu adicionei a fonte à minha biblioteca no Creative CLoud. A partir dali, ela se torna disponível nos demais apps e programas Adobe incluidos na minha assinatura. COntudo, quando começo um projeto no ADobe Express, eu vejo a fonte lá, mas não consigo utilizá-la. Nada que escrevo sai com a fonte correta. Alguma dica? obrigado
Hello @gustavo_4988 it is because Scale Variable is a variable font. Adobe Express doesn't have the capability of other Adobe apps to handle the necessary controls for variable fonts. The workaround would be to create what you need with Scale Variable in another program e.g. Illustrator or Photoshop and then import that into Adobe Express as a linked file.
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Hello @gustavo_4988 it is because Scale Variable is a variable font. Adobe Express doesn't have the capability of other Adobe apps to handle the necessary controls for variable fonts. The workaround would be to create what you need with Scale Variable in another program e.g. Illustrator or Photoshop and then import that into Adobe Express as a linked file.
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ok, @thejanebradbury , thank you so much for the tip!
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You're very welcome!