Estoy utilizando una imagen recien creada por mi de forma manual en Adobe illustrator y al usarla como estructura se me indica que he infringido las directrices. Es un error o desconozco el motivo.
Using firefly, evidently, the error I comment on has appeared to me. Being in the firefly forum I have ignored naming that the error has occurred in firefly.
In summary: using firefly, I have imported an image as a structure, I have created this image with illustrator and firefly tells me that with this image (which is a simple silhouette of a woman dancing, white on black, without details) it gives me the error of violation of guidelines.
Adobe has not explained in detail how it performs the evaluation of content to determine if it meets guidelines or not. So, we are left to figure it out from trial and error and experience.
For this issue, I think the source is not a consideration. It is likely the content that is causing the error. I suspect your source is causing it to generate an image it is judging does not meet its guidelines, so it generates an error. Without being able to experiment with the image ourselves, I do not think we will be able to tell you more than that.
If it errors out, I think you can still thumbs down the result and click the Feedback button, then checking "Prompt is incorrectly blocked".