I've been trying to produce an oil painting style/still life image of a lettuce, tomato, apple and grapes.
Apparently, Firefly has an issue with this because ALL RESULTS get me a damn cabbage, not a lettuce. Nothing remotely close to a lettuce.
I went to the point of giving an exclusion prompt for "cabbage" and the result simply ignored and lettuce.
Another issue is that at least one of the items in the prompt is always ignored. I either get an apple or a tomato, but rarely I get the two.
Also, the issue of the scales/sizes of the items. I either get gigantic grapes or microscopic tomatos.
I've been refining prompts for hours with the most frustrating results.
I'm not requesting things that do not exist. I'm requesting real things that have very well established sizes and scales and a LETTUCE IS NOT A CABAGGE!
Its infurianting. Completely infurianting, that such a basic prompt is met with such disparity and absurd results.
Its important to state that this is for work. I need the image to be used on a brochure cover and the client request is way too specific and of course, there is no budget to pay a professional oil painter that will take a month to paint. This is what AI should be used for, and all I get is crap results.