I keep getting dutch themed photo's while it isn't in the prompt. Stuff like tulips, windmills, the dutch flag or people wearing hats in the dutch flag colors.
I typ "People working together" and I get all dutch themed photos. It is weird and a bit creepy. Even though I live in the Netherlands, doens't mean I want those kind of pictures.
I just did a test with the prompt 'device use by students' and got an Australian flag appearing within the generated image. This was not in all and not regularly when I regenerated. I am in Australia. Donovan - I assume you're in the UK? Firefly may be looking at your IP address location and giving you a personalised version. You can provide feedback by clicking the thumbsdown over the image and giving written comments relating to what's happening.
I am to be frank not sure what on earth is happening but a lot of my prompts have very poorly integrated Canadian flags in them??
I try to replicate it and it doesn't happen, then when I'm actually trying to do my job it gives me this??
I was just trying to make a mockup for a, "haha don't we all just hate that sus sales guy?" advertisement but apparently I can't because LITERALLY EVERY PROMPT EVEN IF I ASK IT NOT TO has a Canadian Flag.
Hi @Haybro, it seems you have two prompts for the Canadian flag, plus a maple leaf? That could be the problem, but I don't know where Firefly is getting the prompt for the flag in the first place in order to exclude it. I'm not sure what you want to achieve, or if you want the flag in your image or not. If you do want the flag, try again and indicate in the prompt how you want the flag to appear. See my quick example below. I used Firefly Image 2 (beta).
I can't edit my post for some reason so I'll also note that I did not want Canada flags, do not want them, and even using the, "exclude from image," feature does not seem to always remove them. I will put in completely normal prompts that do not say anything about Canada and it will randomly decide to add maple leaves and Canadian flags for NO REASON.
@Dean_Utian my thoughts exactly. @Haybro are you also based in Canada? I'm getting similar results from Canada unless I get more descriptive with my prompting. I believe Firefly takes into consideration your context when prompts are generic.
@Dean_Utian, thanks for making this connection and pointing this out. While I am not in the UK, my Google Search settings in Google Chrome are set to the UK region. Therefore, I do not believe that it is the IP address, but rather the Chrome browser region. I would have to test other browsers and change regions to be sure.
I've noticed recently a lot of my prompts get Irish elements added to them. Sometimes it's really obvious like leprehchaun hats, red hair, and lots of green clothes. Sometimes it's Irish flags everywhere. Sometimes it's a green, white, and gold (flag colours) colour palette.
It's not all the time, but it's a high percentage of generations.
I am experiencing something similar. I am located in the USA and get the below with the same first prompt Frank used. I did not notice this before, so I am not sure if this is something recently changed in the model. If geolocation is used as an input to image creation, it would be nice to be able to turn that off.
As @Donovan33410204k5wm pointed out, this is caused by the browser locale providing additional context to Firefly when prompts are "generic". This appears to be the intended behavior, but I would agree that it is not the behavior most users would expect and that it would be nice to be able to turn this off. @Frank Prendergast@droopydog500
depuis quelques jours firefly en ligne ne me génére que des images patriotiques suisse et des américanisations arabes avec des simples phrases comme "personnes qui jouent" ou "personnes qui mangent".
I'm trying to create some european city drawings. But I recieve eastern style of buildings, characters, etc. I specificly write everything but result is always the same.
For some months now, many of the pictures I have generated (regardless of the prompt) end up having mountains in the background and quite often even Finnish flags. Many prompts make Finnish flags pop up everywhere and yesterday I tried to get a UN flag in the picture and nope, flags of Finland again. It does not even help to have Finland as a negative prompt... I do get it that Adobe wants to tailor the output to every market, but I wish there was a toggle somewhere in the UI to let me disable this geolocation based tailoring.
Currently, Firefly does take where it thinks you are located into consideration when generating images. You can change your prompts to be more descriptive of the people, cultures, regions and objects to override that region/culture behaviour.
Thinking about this issue more, I am now thinking that what Adobe should include is a way to specify a specific location (country, region, culture, even lattitude/longitude) and say create the image based on the location specified, and if nothing is specified, Adobe can default to where it thinks you are.