When generating »hot« food – meaning fresh from the oven or stove – the steam that comes of that food looks mostly like cigarette smoke or smoke from burning something. Rarely this looks like the steam or vapour we are used from this sort of images.
The Prompt was German: Heiße dampfende Pizza mit Tomatensauce, Käse und kleinen Artischockenstücken und einem Beilagensalat. – which translates to English as: Hot steaming Pizza with tomato sauce, cheese and small pieces of artichoke with a side salad.
@Rene Andritsch the reason I asked is having done a ton of research trying to get smoke, steam, fog, etc. to show accurately (and not violate terms - smoke used to!) I found that separating out the accents like "steam" helps isolate and enhance the quality of the results. Do some still look like smoke? Yes, but this definitely helps.
Example: "Hot Pizza with tomato sauce, cheese and small pieces of artichoke with a side salad; steam rising from hot food"