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Feedback regarding Font Experience?

Community Beginner ,
Jul 23, 2021 Jul 23, 2021

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Is there a way to contact/give feedback to the Adobe Fonts team?

There is a big bug in the Fonts website and many weird behavior situations that are against simple rules of user experience. Since most of these problems exist for months, I can only assume that they just don't know about the frustrating experience.

- Can't find a way to deactivate "Auto-uninstall" of fonts, is there even one? (noted many times e.g. here https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-fonts/adobe-uninstalling-fonts-not-recently-used/td-p/11383145)
- Heavily used fonts get automatically "uninstalled" against the will

- Re-installation of fonts not working in the browser due to a UI overlay bug -> Cloud Icon not clickable (Chrome)
- The easiest way is to deactivate/activate one or all fonts, which is ridiculous in UI terms. It means that Auto-uninstall adds a second layer of having fonts that are usable and not usable, and changing the state goes faster when misusing the controls of the first layer
- Active Fonts not searchable in CC app (also referenced here https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-fonts/how-do-i-search-through-my-activated-fonts-on-the-adobe-c...)

- CC App Fonts view in general confusing and not user friendly -> No ordering function, fonts reorder after clicking, scroll view-area changes after clicking,  just can't find anything

I really wonder how many people want to have fonts automatically removed that they intentionally activated. 

Missing feature , Product issue






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Community Expert ,
Jul 26, 2021 Jul 26, 2021

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Check those sites in your firewall/proxy: https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/kb/network-endpoints.html

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 29, 2021 Jul 29, 2021

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Hey Abambo, thanks for answering. Can you explain what this will do? I have no Adobe specific settings in my firewall, but I also don't understand how this might solve UI/UX topics or a GUI bug on adobe.com. If it is necessary to check my firewall use the Adobe fonts in a convenient way, I'd need to it add to list above.





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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 10, 2021 Aug 10, 2021

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Hi Daniel,


Molly from the Adobe Fonts team here. If possible, we'd like to get more details from you to better understand your feedback.


>Heavily used fonts get automatically "uninstalled" against the will


Can you clarify whether these fonts get used regularly in updated Adobe programs? Or are you using them moreso in third party software?


>Re-installation of fonts not working in the browser due to a UI overlay bug -> Cloud Icon not clickable (Chrome)


We were not able to reproduce this issue. Can you please send a screenshot and let me know which version of Chrome you're in, and the operating system?


> The easiest way is to deactivate/activate one or all fonts, which is ridiculous in UI terms. It means that Auto-uninstall adds a second layer of having fonts that are usable and not usable, and changing the state goes faster when misusing the controls of the first layer


Assuming this is a continuation of the previous item. Do you mean that if you have a font family with multiple uninstalled fonts, instead of clicking the cloud icon it is easier to deactivate the family and then reactivate it from the Previously Active screen?


We appreciate your help here!






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2021 Aug 10, 2021

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Hey Molly, thanks so much for your answer. I've collected the answers bellow 🙂


> Can you clarify whether these fonts get used regularly in updated Adobe programs? Or are you using them moreso in third party software?


Fonts are used in third party software as well. If this is the reason why it gets uninstalled, that you can't track usage in 3rd party tools, than it is even less of a good idea to uninstall it at all, isn't it?

> We were not able to reproduce this issue. Can you please send a screenshot and let me know which version of Chrome you're in, and the operating system?


I've attached a short screen recording. As soon as I hover the cloud Icon, an overlay with information appears directly above. This makes it impossible to click the cloud icon. This issue is there for at least 6 months. If you can't reproduce it, maybe it is related to the text-length of the german translation or something. Chrome Version 92.0.4515.131  on Mac OSX 11.5.


> Assuming this is a continuation of the previous item. Do you mean that if you have a font family with multiple uninstalled fonts, instead of clicking the cloud icon it is easier to deactivate the family and then reactivate it from the Previously Active screen?


Yes, assuming the cloud icon would be possible to click (see above), I would need to click multiple cloud icons, instead of being able to just activate the font again.


Overall my main point is, that I do not want Fonts to be uninstalled automatically, which would resolve all issues above at once.

Hope that helps!






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Explorer ,
Jul 04, 2022 Jul 04, 2022

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Hi Daniel,


I'm having a similar problem. Whenever I open a project that I was working on the previous day the font has changed to a default font. At first I thought it was because the font was discountinued so I chose another for my branding. Now it has happened with ever font I choose and I have to keep deactivating them and reactivating them. I'm losing too much time doing this. This happens in PP and AE.


Here are a few of the fonts this happened with:





Please can you help me.


Kind regards,







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New Here ,
May 06, 2024 May 06, 2024

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I am having this same problem.


There is one font that is part of my company's branding that I use constantly in Adobe programs and third party programs. I stopped using all other fonts because they kept uninstalling. Now this one, main, necessary font is gone too. ???? 






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Community Expert ,
May 06, 2024 May 06, 2024

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In case you haven't already tried it you could take these two steps. First, try removing the type family that is misbehaving (if it's still listed as being installed in the Adobe Fonts list) and then adding it again at the Adobe Fonts web site and installing it for all apps in the Creative Cloud app. If that doesn't work, try logging out of your Creative Cloud account and then logging back into it. Doing so can force a refresh of the list of synced fonts.





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