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After the update to the 2022 version, when sending an AE composition to render in Media Encoder, nothing happens. Media Encoder opens but no composition shows on the screen. This stuff happened to me before but somehow it resolved itself. Today I've tried to unninstall AE and Media Encoder multiple times (among other "fixes" that I found on some threads) but the issue still remains. It is unreal how Adobe focus so much on new amazing features on their software but the most basic ones are clearly still failling. Extremely annoying.
1 Correct answer
I had the same problem, and I finally got it resolved following these steps.
Reset preferences for Adobe Media Encoder. Make sure that Adobe Media Encoder and After Effects are closed in your machine (while following the steps).
- Quit Adobe Media Encoder and After Effects.
- Open the Finder, hold Option, and click Go on the menu bar.
- Click Library and navigate to Preferences > Adobe.
- Rename the Adobe Media Encoder folder to Old_Adobe Media Encoder.
- Close the window and navigate to Documents > Adob
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Hey, fixed this by rolling back both apps to the version before adobe broke them again.
I did this by going into creative cloud > all apps > After Effects / Media Encoder "..." > other versions > first older version > install
Then I uninstalled both 22.0 versions. C'mon adobe, don't update apps if they don't work.
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I've now turned off 'Auto-Update' and will be checking the comments in the community before I hit that update button again!
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Adobe has become a nightmare, between different shortcuts (don't get me started on the shift resize in photoshop) and competing functionalities from one software to another. I've waisted too many hours trying to trouble shoot rather than create.
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This has been happening for years, I just got my new M1 Mac-Mini and it's doing this on YET another version. I want fast rendering. This is the most basic thing, why have I had to contact support SO MANY TIMES for this same issue. I don't get it. It's a brand new Mac, you guys have to deal with this. Not a new problem at all!!! I got a M1 chip so it can be fast not to roll back.
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I am having the same problem after the update yesterday.
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Everyone in the office is having the same issue - nothing enters the rendering queue. 😕
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Same problem here after the update.
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Hi all,
We're sorry for the issue. Would you mind taking a look at this article related to the same issue?
Let us know if it helps.
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Before creating this topic I've already looked at the article you mentioned above and tried every step, multiple times. Nothing solved the issue. The only fix I've found is rolling back both AE and Media Encoder as some people already suggested in this thread.
Unfortunately with the newest version is still impossible to send compositions from AE to render in Media Encoder.
It's an issue that's going around for a couple years at least.
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I'm a After Effects plugin developper, and one of my clients is having the same issue. He's working on Mac and have a clean install of AE and ME. ME is stuck since he's been installing one of my plugins, which is running just fine in AE. He can export without a problem from AE, but not from ME. ME opens, but doesn't render. Instead it runs the 'Dynamic link connection' window for ever. I guess ME cannot scan my plugin properly, but I can't be sure...
It worked fine with previous versions, and it works with all my other clients (a lot), either on Mac or Windows, and of course on my machines.
Do you see any reason it can happen on a specific machine? And of course, do you have any fix for this issue?
Thanks in advance,
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Solution below...
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This solution does not work.
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Does not work
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This does not help
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Hi all,
We're sorry for the issue. Would you mind taking a look at this article related to the same issue?
Let us know if it helps.
By Shivangi_Gupta
Hey redirecting us to a previous fix all thread doesnt work when you >>> Adobe Break the app we PAY for, Imagine being so shameless that a company which many smaller companies & studios rely on for income, cannot admit that they messed up. Because this happens to be software you get away with it but had this been airplane fuel, and caused a crash YOU would be fined for delivering inadequate fuel. Utterly disgusting, I am asshamed to be a customer of yours.
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Does not work!!!!!!
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Adobe, get it together.... Bout to switch to final cut pro because you guys can never seem to figure it out when it comes to exporting. Always running into problems. You guys are theeeee worst. You would think youd have it figured out by now. Don't launch the update if it doesn't even work....pretty simple. Out here paying for software that works half the time. wonderful.
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I'm running Ae and Me 21.1.1, and both direct exports from Ae and queue over to Me are working as expected. So I'm wondering what combination of ... media, hardware, effects, plugins, what? ... is causing this for some users.
I'm on a PC and working with both ProRes and BRAW media. Graphics/text work primarily. Some 3d of course with text.
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??? Media encoder 2022 is not encoding anything for me too??? so confusing. Glad it's not just me.
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If you're on Mac, see below this fixed the issue and works perfectly fine for me.
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I tried back ME & AE both of 2 to pre Ver. but it cannot work.... Stop forever at ' Dynamin Link to the projects..'
Anybody solved this error..? TT
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If you're on a Mac, see below this fixed the issue and works perfectly fine for me.
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Please give us a way to fix this i can't work! I tried everything. i should not have accepted the update .
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If you're on a Mac, see below this fixed the issue and works perfectly fine for me.